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Pleural Effusion Tips Response

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Hi again Everyone,

I wrote what I know from a friend and also know that when he finally talked to

his doc about had bad off he was that when he quit taking Sprycel, his body

turned into a large faucet and he lost the water. Then he began paying

attention to the tips he gave me including weight loss if you're overweight

which he was.

I do know that I have read posts by people who continued to take Sprycel even

when they had pleural effusion but took it at a lower dosage and apparently

still had the pleural effusion to some degree. I don't know anything about

that. I can tell you what happened with me only. I was out of breath after

walking up stairs and walking any distance even across a parking lot. I called

my onc and was immediately taken off Sprycel and sent for a chest xray. I got

another xray two weeks later and after my onc looked at that he put me back on

Sprycel so I was only off the drug for 2 1/2 weeks and have been doing fine. At

the same time of the pleural effusion I also had peripheral neuropathy in the

tips of all ten digits on my hands. I couldn't type or write.

I felt scared and very vulnerable but the sater left my body beginning almost

the minute I missed my first dose of Sprycel. It left my lungs then my legs and

ankles and finally from my face. I take 100 mg a day in the a.m. It was an

ongoing process for about 10 days. When I told my onc I felt fine he wouldn't

put me on Sprycel again until he read a second xray and then he gave me the

go-ahead. I really appreciate an onc who is cautious but I know some cmlers who

second-guess their docs. Choosing someone whose judgment you trust is so


These tips are just that and probably wouldn't work for everyone but they

wouldn't hurt either once the fluid is gone. My friend was a bad patient in

that he let the effusion go too far before he finally told his onc because he

didn't want to go off Sprycel. Now of course he's very glad that he did.


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