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Re: What about meat

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> Ev.

> can't tell you my source... I have tons of info on my computer

and in files for years.. but if I had to start I would start with

the Bible then our bodies, our system... then on from there.. Do the

research.. even browse the message archives...

~~~~~Wow. I don't even know where to begin.

First of all, I'm not Christian, and the Bible is nothing more to me

than an interesting collection of fables and history, written and

REwritten by men. I am, however, ordained clergy (Church of

Spiritual Humanism), and I was raised Episcopalian. What ANY of

that has to do with nutritional science is beyond my ken.

I HAVE done research! And I DO listen to my body.

No we do not shame you... You are where you need to be at this time

of your life.... I am not totally vegetarian. My DH doesn't believe

as me.. But we eat healthy... 1/2 of us more than the other 1/2 ..


~~~~~I eat reasonably well (I can't afford to raise/grow all my own

foods, which is frankly the ONLY way ANYONE is going to know for an

absolute, incontrovertible fact what's in or on their food). I seek

to improve things along the way.

I have never ever ever seen a single fact that indicates total

vegetarianism is the way to go.

Which leaves eating meat.

Because my body needs to.

We knew a vegetarian who ran marathons, so he was clearly pretty

healthy. But even he - through all HIS research - allowed as how

you CANNOT GET COMPLETE PROTEIN from any single source of vegetable

matter. You must blend and mix if you want to get complete proteins.

I believe in keeping things simple!


> The best thing I can tell you is research. Not just one site but

a dozen... Test the theory.. I do know many that no longer eat meat

and are very healthy and do not take alot of supplements either.

But I also know some that eat some meat and are also healthy..

Bottom line I guess is down the road with age.

> Suzi

> PS We're not animals

~~~~~Really?!! *I* am! The other two choices, I've been taught,

are vegetable or mineral. Which one are you?

and I would think if chimps were given the choice or had a choice

they would not eat monkeys.

~~~~~Do more research on chimps, love!

Sometime back we had a discussion regarding animals and humans..

and their systems and teeth, etc...somewhere in the archives.

~~~~~~Well, I'd go spend hours looking it up, but I honestly am

supposed to be staring at Word, and typing hundreds of them!!

It's very clear to me that we have diametrically opposed viewpoints -

and I don't mind that in the least. Every now and then, if I keep

my mind open, something new falls in!! But at this time, your

arguments seem to me to be very emotional and not actually based on

any science *I've* learned. But while I try to wrest a novel from

my brain, this will be simmering on the back burner, and perhaps

I'll change MY perspective, who knows?!

But not this minute... And don't take this as poor sportsmanship -

but I seriously cannot hang here and continue the discussion - I

have community problems I need to attend to as well as trying to get

somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 words a day towards something

resembling a novel (egads).

If anything I wrote sounded aggressive or hostile, 3 things:

first, I apologize for that;

second, I have very strong opinions, and sometimes even my DH (who

has known me since I was 13!) thinks I'm upset when I'm truly not;

third, understand that it's difficult to get tone clear through the

medium of email. Give me a little bit of credit and go re-read it

from a more objective perspective and see if it sounds a little


Blessings, y'all!


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Your link is not working Judith. SuziJudith Alta <list@...> wrote: Here is an interesting link. Not terribly informative as he is pushing a book, but it is another way of looking at diet.http://www.mercola.com/2003/feb/26/metabolic_typing.htmJudith Alta and Oski Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. __________________________________________________

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There are some posts on food combining in the message archives .. if you need them. Suzi <deuteronomy2929@...> wrote: We've been studying Food Combining in the hopes of bettering our diets. According to most sources we've read, we do have such an enzyme, but it is inhibited when meats are combined with carbs. They are digested differently,

and cancel each other's enzymes and processes out. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been

discovered. __________________________________________________

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Another excellent book is called, “The

China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health,”

by T. Colin , PhD, and M. II, with a forward by

Robbins. Doctor started out trying to prove that the Standard

American Diet (SAD) was the most nutritious and best diet out there, and that

it should be adopted worldwide. Over the course of his career and

research, he came to the startling conclusion that we Americans are actually on

the worst diet around for humans.

Judith, Ev, and others; if you want

proof, he discusses the actual studies that were done, sponsored by major

prestigious universities and other research institutes, and the conclusions

that he came to time and again.

It’s a real eye-opener.

Of course, whatever you eat is a choice

that you make. No one is going to force-feed you anything. If you

choose to eat meat, then eat meat. There’s no reason to justify or

defend your choice to anyone, and that includes anyone on this list. If

you choose the life of a vegetarian, then you’ll find the nutrition your

body needs through vegetarian channels. If you’re vegan, then you’ll

find a way to be a healthy vegan, if that is your choice. I personally

lean toward the raw-food diet; but that’s MY choice. I don’t

expect my friends or family to follow me there unless they truly choose it for themselves.

My friends and family may occasionally tease me about it, but they also don’t

try to convert me back to “their side,” and the wonderful world of

cooked food and meat.

Be easy about this. No one is going

to attack you for your choices in food. You joined this list to learn

things about health that you may not already know. If you do not agree

with what is presented, hit the delete key and go on to the next message, or

present your counter argument; but don’t worry about being attached for

your choices. After all, they are YOUR choices. No one’s

going to live your life for you, only you can do this. You cannot live

life for another either, so don’t stress over it if they don’t

agree with you.

I’m not Christian either, but I

have found a lot of healthful information within the pages of the Bible.

While I also don’t hold the bible as THE end-all and be-all for how we

should believe and behave (and I agree with you, Ev, that we are animals as

well), I have found a lot of useful information in there, regarding health, health

practices, nutrition, and other ways to conduct my life. There are a lot

of animals out there that are herbivores. If you study the digestive

system of herbivores and carnivores, then compare it to the human digestive

system, you’ll find that we’re built more toward the herbivore side

than carnivore.

One of the most wonderful things about

this list and this world is that there is room enough for us all.



Every thought is sacred, with the power to

manifest in reality.

Reality is in the eye of the perceiver...There

are as many truths as there are perceivers.

I am the only one who creates my reality. I

am free to feel as I choose, and thus, I create my reality.

-----Original Message-----

From: SV

Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007

7:27 AM

Judith wrote: " Please

post links to this. " This

is in questioning my reasoning for eating meat. Not once have I asked you

to prove to me that we need to eat meat. I am like Suzanne in that I have

been doing this for so long and have read so much I cannot give you exact

links, but I would suggest you read a couple of books I am going to suggest.

The first being " Diet for a New

America " by Robbins and the other is " Reclaiming Our Health "

by Robbins. This man has been at it much longer than I have and can

answer your questions.

Next you can go to http://www.rawschool.com/nutrientdeficiency.htm and

read up on the myth about B12 and you can also bend your mind and read that

some of us don't believe in germs either! This all comes from Natural

Hygiene that has been around for a couple hundred years. You can read up

on all this at www.rawschool.com

Nora has condensed a lot of information into readable amounts.

This list has become quite tediuos

for me and if I need to site where all my information comes from I will stop

posting and probably leave the list. I do not have time to prove myself

everyday with every post.

I just know that a living thing does

not have to die for me to eat.



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Thank you for the suggestion on that book. However, I have a question. There's food information in the bible? I don't really know that book very well, but I thought it was a religious book and had nothing to do with food. Would you be willing to give me a few passages to read. You've got me all intrigued now. :)) Thanks again

Beannacht Lynn

RE: What about meat

Another excellent book is called, “The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health,” by T. Colin , PhD, and M. II, with a forward by Robbins. Doctor started out trying to prove that the Standard American Diet (SAD) was the most nutritious and best diet out there, and that it should be adopted worldwide. Over the course of his career and research, he came to the startling conclusion that we Americans are actually on the worst diet around for humans.

Judith, Ev, and others; if you want proof, he discusses the actual studies that were done, sponsored by major prestigious universities and other research institutes, and the conclusions that he came to time and again.

It’s a real eye-opener.

Of course, whatever you eat is a choice that you make. No one is going to force-feed you anything. If you choose to eat meat, then eat meat. There’s no reason to justify or defend your choice to anyone, and that includes anyone on this list. If you choose the life of a vegetarian, then you’ll find the nutrition your body needs through vegetarian channels. If you’re vegan, then you’ll find a way to be a healthy vegan, if that is your choice. I personally lean toward the raw-food diet; but that’s MY choice. I don’t expect my friends or family to follow me there unless they truly choose it for themselves. My friends and family may occasionally tease me about it, but they also don’t try to convert me back to “their side,” and the wonderful world of cooked food and meat.

Be easy about this. No one is going to attack you for your choices in food. You joined this list to learn things about health that you may not already know. If you do not agree with what is presented, hit the delete key and go on to the next message, or present your counter argument; but don’t worry about being attached for your choices. After all, they are YOUR choices. No one’s going to live your life for you, only you can do this. You cannot live life for another either, so don’t stress over it if they don’t agree with you.

I’m not Christian either, but I have found a lot of healthful information within the pages of the Bible. While I also don’t hold the bible as THE end-all and be-all for how we should believe and behave (and I agree with you, Ev, that we are animals as well), I have found a lot of useful information in there, regarding health, health practices, nutrition, and other ways to conduct my life. There are a lot of animals out there that are herbivores. If you study the digestive system of herbivores and carnivores, then compare it to the human digestive system, you’ll find that we’re built more toward the herbivore side than carnivore.

One of the most wonderful things about this list and this world is that there is room enough for us all.



Every thought is sacred, with the power to manifest in reality.

Reality is in the eye of the perceiver...There are as many truths as there are perceivers.

I am the only one who creates my reality. I am free to feel as I choose, and thus, I create my reality.

-----Original Message-----From: SVSent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 7:27 AM

Judith wrote: "Please post links to this." This is in questioning my reasoning for eating meat. Not once have I asked you to prove to me that we need to eat meat. I am like Suzanne in that I have been doing this for so long and have read so much I cannot give you exact links, but I would suggest you read a couple of books I am going to suggest.

The first being "Diet for a New America" by Robbins and the other is "Reclaiming Our Health" by Robbins. This man has been at it much longer than I have and can answer your questions.

Next you can go to http://www.rawschool.com/nutrientdeficiency.htm and read up on the myth about B12 and you can also bend your mind and read that some of us don't believe in germs either! This all comes from Natural Hygiene that has been around for a couple hundred years. You can read up on all this at www.rawschool.com Nora has condensed a lot of information into readable amounts.

This list has become quite tediuos for me and if I need to site where all my information comes from I will stop posting and probably leave the list. I do not have time to prove myself everyday with every post.

I just know that a living thing does not have to die for me to eat.



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As I understand it, human teeth are not formed to tear meat.




> Good question.

> Man was not created to eat meat, firstly.



> What is your data source on this? MY own understanding, from

many books and science programs on PBS, is that the gut shrank and

the brain grew when animal protein was added to the diet. My

dentition tells me I was not evolved to need to strictly eat plant


> Chimps even eat monkeys sometimes.


> You ever notice the size of the gut on a gorilla? A horse? All

plants, all the time, and look what they need to process it.


> Hey, I have no problem with those who have found they feel

better on a vegetarian diet. But that's not for everyone, and

> I'm hoping this list is not one of those who tries to shame and

belittle people who don't see things the same way. I was having fun

here, and I don't want to feel like I can't be a member of this list

because I eat meat and I'm not ashamed of it.


> Ev


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" Germs " are a THEORY, -just as the 'big bang'

-- In health , " SV " <shavig@...> wrote:


> Judith wrote: " Please post links to this. " This is in

questioning my reasoning for eating meat. Not once have I asked you

to prove to me that we need to eat meat. I am like Suzanne in that

I have been doing this for so long and have read so much I cannot

give you exact links, but I would suggest you read a couple of books

I am going to suggest.


> The first being " Diet for a New America " by Robbins and the

other is " Reclaiming Our Health " by Robbins. This man has been

at it much longer than I have and can answer your questions.


> Next you can go to http://www.rawschool.com/nutrientdeficiency.htm

and read up on the myth about B12 and you can also bend your mind

and read that some of us don't believe in germs either! This all

comes from Natural Hygiene that has been around for a couple hundred

years. You can read up on all this at www.rawschool.com Nora has

condensed a lot of information into readable amounts.


> This list has become quite tediuos for me and if I need to site

where all my information comes from I will stop posting and probably

leave the list. I do not have time to prove myself everyday with

every post.


> I just know that a living thing does not have to die for me to eat.


> Shari


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We are very diverse here. But I’ve

never seen anyone flamed or slammed for what they believe.

I eat meat. Not a lot, but I do. When I

want a big juicy steak I eat one. Just as rare as I can get it.

I also try to eat as raw and non-processed

as I can. However, being married to an Italian who likes his food cooked, and

accompanied with good crusty bread, it’s very difficult to stick to that


But we all do the best we can with our


I’m afraid, though, Shari, that if you make sweeping blanket statements of “truth,”

people are going to ask you to back them up. I think it’s only fair.

Why should someone who doesn’t know you accept what *you* say as truth? (rhetorical question)


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of

I'm hoping this list is not one of those who tries to shame

and belittle people who don't see things the same way. I was having fun

here, and I don't want to feel like I can't be a member of this list because I

eat meat and I'm not ashamed of it.

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> Don't sweat it, Ev. We are not all raw foodists, vegitarians,


> martians, etc. Some are passionate about their path, which is


~~~~~I admire passion! I experience it myself!

> But keep in mind that none of us, those I know well anyway, would

> ever try to impose their beliefs on others. This list strongly

> discourages such behaviour.

~~~~~~I'm glad to hear it, especially since I keep feeling that some

of the posts are somewhat patronizing to those of us who travel a

different road. It seems like we're being allowed to keep making

mistakes until we learn better.

I'm not at all sure why my way is necessarily mistaken, is all.


> Be at peace here!


> Peace, love, laughter


Thanks, . I would very much enjoy staying here a while. But I

don't want anyone else to feel *I'M* being antagonistic, and I just

won't stay if I am made to feel I must defend my lifestyle decisions.

To use a well-loved quote, " Not all who wander are lost " ....


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> As I understand it, human teeth are not formed to tear meat.



Okay. I have a different understanding. Certainly our teeth aren't

quite as impressive as canines and felines, but our scissor teeth are

every bit as utile in shearing meat (or whatever else).

We do lack the pronounced fangs which are primarily used for

~gripping~ prey, which is probably good for me! I have enough trouble

biting my own cheeks and lips at excruciatingly inopportune times!



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> " Germs " are a THEORY, -just as the 'big bang'


Okay, now I'm REALLY confused!!

I thought for certain sure microbes have been viewed, documented and

recorded through the visual aid of microscopes.

So, are you using the term " germ " to indicate " unfriendly " (for lack

of a better term) microbes?

Because I think I could hang with that notion.


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I've read parts of T. Colin 's book, but it's been long enough

ago that I don"t remember the details.

My goal in posting my question was to get a feel for the list so I

could properly frame responses. It's much easier when I know where the

list members are coming from. It is not my desire to disrupt the list

or to preach my ways at anyone.

I'm glad I asked the question, as the responses have been very


Judith Alta and Oski

Ladycraft wrote:


excellent book is called, “The

China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and

Long-term Health,”

by T. Colin , PhD, and M. II, with a forward by

Robbins. Doctor started out trying to prove that the Standard

American Diet (SAD) was the most nutritious and best diet out there,

and that

it should be adopted worldwide. Over the course of his career and

research, he came to the startling conclusion that we Americans are

actually on

the worst diet around for humans.


Ev, and others; if you want

proof, he discusses the actual studies that were done, sponsored by


prestigious universities and other research institutes, and the


that he came to time and again.

It’s a

real eye-opener.

Of course,

whatever you eat is a choice

that you make. No one is going to force-feed you anything. If you

choose to eat meat, then eat meat. There’s no reason to justify or

defend your choice to anyone, and that includes anyone on this list.


you choose the life of a vegetarian, then you’ll find the nutrition


body needs through vegetarian channels. If you’re vegan, then you’ll

find a way to be a healthy vegan, if that is your choice. I personally

lean toward the raw-food diet; but that’s MY choice. I don’t

expect my friends or family to follow me there unless they truly choose

it for themselves.

My friends and family may occasionally tease me about it, but they also


try to convert me back to “their side,” and the wonderful world of

cooked food and meat.

Be easy

about this. No one is going

to attack you for your choices in food. You joined this list to learn

things about health that you may not already know. If you do not agree

with what is presented, hit the delete key and go on to the next

message, or

present your counter argument; but don’t worry about being attached for

your choices. After all, they are YOUR choices. No one’s

going to live your life for you, only you can do this. You cannot live

life for another either, so don’t stress over it if they don’t

agree with you.

I’m not

Christian either, but I

have found a lot of healthful information within the pages of the


While I also don’t hold the bible as THE end-all and be-all for how we

should believe and behave (and I agree with you, Ev, that we are

animals as

well), I have found a lot of useful information in there, regarding

health, health

practices, nutrition, and other ways to conduct my life. There are a


of animals out there that are herbivores. If you study the digestive

system of herbivores and carnivores, then compare it to the human


system, you’ll find that we’re built more toward the herbivore side

than carnivore.

One of the

most wonderful things about

this list and this world is that there is room enough for us all.



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My take is that every one is different and

requires a slightly different diet. So if one person eats a healthy diet

including meat and IS healthy, it can also be true that another eats no meat

and IS healthy as well. There is no absolutes in nutrition, just like there is

no absolutes in human body function.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Suzanne

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007

5:21 PM


Subject: Re:

What about meat

Good question.

Man was not created to eat meat, firstly. Secondly, we are the only

species that drinks milk throughout our lifes.. No other species drinks milk

after being weined...

ok, True health can be had without meat. People do it everyday..

If you choose to eat meat, make sure it is organic, It is better if eaten more

to the raw side.

There is no question that red meat is a concentrated source of many

nutrients. Most importantly, it provides protein, iron, and zinc. But since protein is well supplied

from a variety of plant foods, and deficiency is rare among vegetarians, the

fact that meat supplies this nutrient is of little importance. Furthermore,

while vegetarians have adequate protein intake, most Westerners get far too

much. High protein, from meat in particular, may adversely affect bone health.

Although red meat is also touted as a good source of well-absorbed

iron, vegetarians seem to get plenty of this nutrient,(you can make your own

organic iron) since iron deficiency is not a common problem in the

vegetarian population. And high iron intakes have been linked to increased risk

for heart disease and possibly to increased risk for cancer.

People who don't eat meat do need to give a bit of extra attention to zinc

in their diets. Red meat is one of the better food sources of this nutrient,

but vegetarians can get adequate zinc by consuming nuts, seeds, and legumes,.

The fact is, plant foods can provide the same nutrients that are in red meat

and they also provide some unique compounds. Both fiber and phytochemicals,

which have numerous health benefits, are abundant in plant foods but are not

found in meat. However, establishing that red meat isn't necessary for health

and that it lacks a number of health-promoting factors isn't the same as saying

that it may be detrimental to your health.

Judith Alta

<listj-alta-k (DOT) net> wrote:

Hi Suzi,

What about meat? Especially red meat and eggs and the naturally

saturated animal fats that are so important to building a healthy immune

system, hormones and supporting the brain?

This is a serious question, as I believe that true health cannot be had

without all of the important nutrients available to us.


List Owner



What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been



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The going theory today is that our line of

human evolved to eat a wide variety of foods. There were other humanoids who

died out because they could not digest such a variety. One of these only ate

tough roots and veggies. So like I said, eat what is working for you and your

body. Some of us might be more genetically inclined to do well on an

all-veggie diet and some may not. As my gaming friends would say: “It’s

all good..”


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007

6:06 PM


Subject: Re:

What about meat

Good question.

Man was not created to eat meat, firstly.

What is your data source on this? MY own

understanding, from many books and science programs on PBS, is that the gut

shrank and the brain grew when animal protein was added to the diet. My dentition

tells me I was not evolved to need to

strictly eat plant material.

Chimps even eat monkeys sometimes.

You ever notice the size of the gut on a gorilla? A

horse? All plants, all the time, and look what they need to process it.

Hey, I have no problem with those who have found they feel

better on a vegetarian diet. But that's not for everyone, and

I'm hoping this list is not one of those who tries to shame

and belittle people who don't see things the same way. I was having fun

here, and I don't want to feel like I can't be a member of this list because I

eat meat and I'm not ashamed of it.


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Your stomach’s major responsibility

is denaturing protein, including meat protein.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of SV

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007

6:30 PM


Subject: Re:

What about meat

We do not have the proper enzymes to digest meat.


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Do a web search on the Ezekial diet. It's straight from the Bible, and said to be extremely healthy. Also look at the dietary restrictions for the Isrealites. Very healthy as well. Peace, love, laughter (former pastor, still ordained)Pearlmoon <pearlmoon@...> wrote: Thank you for the suggestion on that book. However, I have a question. There's food information in the bible? I don't really know that book

very well, but I thought it was a religious book and had nothing to do with food. Would you be willing to give me a few passages to read. You've got me all intrigued now. :)) Thanks again Beannacht Lynn . __________________________________________________

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Sure, there’s lots of information

in the bible regarding things other than religious opinion. I don’t

have time to go through and quote some of the passages, but I did find some

links that may give more information than I. You’ll also find that

there are people who use the bible to justify a vegetarian diet as well as

advocating eating meat.

My main message here to everyone is to

be at peace with the beliefs you have and the choices you make regarding

them. No one has experienced life exactly the same way you have…in

your body and with your thoughts. No one can make the choices for you

regarding what’s a proper diet for you, AND just because your opinions

and choices differ from others doesn’t make one of you right and the

other wrong. So don’t stress over this. If what is posted

doesn’t fit with your ideas, opinions, and beliefs, then just press the

delete key. No harm—no foul. And if you choose to reply and

express a differing opinion, then that’s okay, too. Just don’t

get upset if there are others on the list who will question your information

and opinion. Don’t take it as a personal attack. No one

learns anything if everyone gets all defensive when questioned regarding their


Anyway, back onto the subject of the

bible passages and health information. Here are the links that I found in

a quick search. I’m sure that there are literally thousands of them

out there with just as many differing opinions. It’s up to you to

accept the information or not. As always, YMMV! J

Biblical Nutrition: The bible supports foods from both the plant and

animal kingdoms.


Biblical Nutrition 101


The Bible: Food, diet, and health


Bible Foods and Health


Bible references for essential oils




Every thought is sacred, with the power to

manifest in reality.

Reality is in the eye of the perceiver...There

are as many truths as there are perceivers.

I am the only one who creates my reality. I

am free to feel as I choose, and thus, I create my reality.


What about meat

Thank you for the suggestion on that

book. However, I have a question. There's food information in the

bible? I don't really know that book very well, but I thought it was a

religious book and had nothing to do with food. Would you be willing to

give me a few passages to read. You've got me all intrigued now.

:)) Thanks again



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Yes, but we were not born with them.

-- In health , Judith Alta <list@...>



> Isn't that what knives and forks are for? ;-)


> Judith Alta and Oski


> tempo33x wrote:

> > As I understand it, human teeth are not formed to tear meat.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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