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Panic-Marketing with PandemicsBy Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D. We live in a marketing society. Everybody needs to sell something, make money, make a living – and so we market. Overtly or covertly, we all do marketing. And so it is also in the “health field,” or should I say the “disease field.” Health care/disease care is an enormous industry. Hospitals used to be charitable institutions, run by various religious organizations. No more. They are now all run for profit, and the only way for a hospital, or a doctor, to make a profit, is to have a goodly supply of sick people. So every year there is some vague and universal threat of viral flu

disease, a threat expressed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – actually now called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- and then dutifully parroted by the media in ever escalating hysteria. Note that viral disease is impossible to treat with antibiotics – viruses do not respond to those. And once a viral disease appears, there is often very little that can be done. So the whole focus is on “prevention.” And while the focus is on prevention, the entire world is “at risk” because . . . well, because we exist. And what is the ONLY tool that mainstream medicine has for prevention? It’s not diet, not lifestyle change, not hygiene, not exercise or stress reduction. It is only one tool that is being marketed: vaccinations – shots, that is. That is all there is. And the theory that vaccinations work is unquestioned, while their well-documented adverse effects are completely ignored or minimized. There are many statistics that show that certain diseases,

such as smallpox and measles, have disappeared. The assumption is that the vaccination programs are to be credited. However, there are lots of infectious diseases that have disappeared with NO vaccination programs. Among them are the bubonic plague and scarlet fever. According to Leonard Sagan, author of The Health of Nations, safe shelter, abundant food, clean water, indoor toilets, and general hygiene are what has helped the disappearance of these infectious diseases, not the vaccines. And let’s acknowledge that there is the pesky issue of adverse effects – so the question is, our children don’t get measles any more, but what do they get instead? Autism? Flu, or influenza, has been “it” for quite a while now. First there was the famous, or infamous, 1918-19 flu epidemic, in which, according to a Reuters report of October 27, 2005, from 25 million to 50 million died world wide – half a million in this

country. Wait a minute. What is it, 25 or 50? That is 25 million people may or may not have died at the time from the same cause. And with the slow and poor worldwide communication at the time, how do we know that they all died of a bad cold? Thirty years ago it was the swine flu. There was a huge marketing campaign to scare people about the “upcoming swine flu”, a hastily cobbled together vaccine program was rammed through Congress, and 5 million doses of the vaccine were given. The result was that more than 300 people got Guillain Barre Syndrome paralysis, and another few hundred died from adverse reactions. And the swine flu? No such epidemic ever came about. Note how these viral marketing campaigns go: “The sky is falling, the virus is coming! Everybody is at risk!”

“You need a vaccine, a shot, to ‘protect’ yourself!” “Oops, there is not enough vaccine stock for everyone – get yours before it runs out!” People panic. They fight to get there before others. We’ve had the hanta virus, the Ebola, the Marburg, SARS – count ‘em, every year there’s one. Remember last year, when the ordinary flu was supposed to be so bad, and they appeared to run out of vaccines and everyone went nuts? Puh-leeze. It’s the Avian flu this year, and it has been well established that only 60 people worldwide have died, mostly poultry handlers in poor countries; it is not clear what they died from, as it has also been well established that this disease does NOT cross the species barrier. Yet it is assumed and implied that they

died from avian flu. What is going on here? Essentially, there should be no problem for humans. But what are the major health organizations doing? And what is the media doing? A recent article in The Telegraph, from the UK, about how the ordinary flu vaccine seems to create internal bleeding for people who take blood thinning drugs, also states as an aside, “The World Health Organisation has urged all those eligible, including the over-65s, people with asthma and diabetes, to have the jab to reduce the likelihood of getting the flu virus, which if it came into contact withavian flu may spread it to humans.” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/10/30/nflu30.xml & sSheet=/news/2005/10/30/ixnewstop.html) In other words, there is some vague hypothetical idea that if the bird flu virus were to meet the human flu virus, they could mate and the offspring could make people sick and the resulting pandemic would kill millions. This is fairy-tale spin. There is not a shred of evidence that this is so. And yet, many people still believe that it is true. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies that make these vaccines are laughing all the way to the bank, especially now that the US Government, in a recent bill, proposes to absolve them of

liability should their vaccines fail or hurt people. Billions of dollars have been earmarked (where does all that money come from?) for contracts with pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines for a disease that doesn’t exist yet. If vaccines are made from the virus that supposedly causes the illness, how will they make vaccines for a disease that hasn’t happened? What a strange world we live in. Want to avoid the flu? Here are some ways to take care of yourself and keep your immune system in good working order: 1. Be VERY suspicious of any dire threats of epidemics or pandemics; begin by considering them marketing programs. Somebody is spinning those stories. Wait

a little while and see what happens.2. Keep up your good quality diet, eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, and avoid milk products, which generally promote mucus production in susceptible people.3. Keep away from refined carbohydrates as much as possible (sugar and white flour), which make your system more acidic and so promote illness4. Get plenty of sleep, and deal with your stresses constructively, with meditation, deep breathing, and comfortable exercise.5. Should you get the flu, stay in bed, keep warm, drink plenty of fluids such as ginger, peppermint, and other herbal teas, and sleep as much as possible to allow your body to heal. Fresh Garlic cloves is good. Chicken soup or vegetable soup is always a good idea, of course, and even Chinese Hot and Sour soup can be helpful. Try some acupuncture, herbs and homeopathic remedies with the help of trained health professionals. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. __________________________________________________

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Hi Suzi,

I've been following the Avian flu "scare."

They have tried and tried to force that flu bug to cross into humans,

and they just can't do it. How pathetic they are.

The real crime is that people believe that garbage and line up for

that garbage and risk more problems than they would ever have without


I would like to see an accurate count of how many people get the

disease they have been vaccinated against.

No bug shots for me or my family! (or my dog)

Judith Alta and Oski

Suzanne wrote:

Panic-Marketing with Pandemics

By Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D.


Puh-leeze. It’s

the Avian flu this year, and it has been well established that

only 60 people worldwide have died, mostly poultry handlers in poor

countries; it is not clear what they died from, as it has also been

well established that this disease does NOT cross the species barrier.

Yet it is assumed and implied that they died from avian flu. What is

going on here? Essentially, there should be no problem for humans. But

what are the major health organizations doing? And what is the media

doing? A recent article in The Telegraph, from the UK, about how the

ordinary flu vaccine seems to create internal bleeding for people who

take blood thinning drugs, also states as an aside,

“The World

Health Organisation has urged all those eligible, including the

over-65s, people with asthma and diabetes, to have the jab to reduce

the likelihood of getting the flu virus, which if it came into contact


avian flu may spread it to humans.”


xml=/news/2005/10/30/nflu30.xml & sSheet=/news/


In other words,

there is some vague hypothetical idea that if the bird flu virus were

to meet the human flu virus, they could mate and the offspring could

make people sick and the resulting pandemic would kill millions. This

is fairy-tale spin. There is not a shred of evidence that this is so.

And yet, many people still believe that it is true. Meanwhile, the

pharmaceutical companies that make these vaccines are laughing all the

way to the bank, especially now that the US Government, in a recent

bill, proposes to absolve them of liability should their vaccines

fail or hurt people. Billions of dollars have been earmarked (where

does all that money come from?) for contracts with pharmaceutical

companies to make vaccines for a disease that doesn’t exist yet. If

vaccines are made from the virus that supposedly causes the illness,

how will they make vaccines for a disease that hasn’t happened?

What a strange

world we live in.

Want to avoid the

flu? Here are some ways to take care of yourself and keep your immune

system in good working order:

1. Be VERY

suspicious of any dire threats of epidemics or pandemics; begin by

considering them marketing programs. Somebody is spinning those

stories. Wait a little while and see what happens.

2. Keep up your good quality diet, eat lots of fresh vegetables and

fruit, and avoid milk products, which generally promote mucus

production in susceptible people.

3. Keep away from refined carbohydrates as much as possible (sugar and

white flour), which make your system more acidic and so promote illness

4. Get plenty of sleep, and deal with your stresses constructively,

with meditation, deep breathing, and comfortable exercise.

5. Should you get the flu, stay in bed, keep warm, drink plenty of

fluids such as ginger, peppermint, and other herbal teas, and sleep as

much as possible to allow your body to heal. Fresh Garlic cloves is

good. Chicken soup or vegetable soup is always a good idea, of course,

and even Chinese Hot and Sour soup can be helpful. Try some

acupuncture, herbs and homeopathic remedies with the help of trained

health professionals.


List Owner



What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been


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