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Another newbie

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Welcome, Diane!

Thanks for introducing yourself. I'm glad you're enjoying being a part

of the group, even if silently. Post whenever you feel comfortable doing

so. You'd be surprised how helpful it is to some just to hear another

voice, a different perspective, or even just the expression of a common

worry by a new member.

I'm sorry about your RA diagnosis, but I'm glad that if you've had

something going on for years you finally found out what it is. How is

the methotrexate going?

Sorry to hear about your friends with scleroderma, too, but I'm glad you

all support each other.

[ ] Another " Newbie "


> Dear and group ~

> Well, I'm another newbie, and have been " lurking " for a couple of


> Just recently dx'ed with RA (though I think the process has been


> for many years)and have started on Methotrexate (scary!). Thank you


> all the info you've been sharing. It's really helpful. I'm glad this


> exists and hope as time goes by that I too will be able to share info


> experiences that will be helpful to the group. For now, I just wanted


> let you all know you're appreciated and it's very obvious that you are


> caring supportive " bunch " . :)) I have friends with Scleroderma and


> been part of their group. Little did I know that I would one day be


> with an auto immune disease myself. I was more adept (I thought) at


> supportive to them. Oh, well. Anyway, thanks.

> Diane in Las Vegas (but a Native Cape Codder.)

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  • 2 years later...
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Welcome Sharon Anne, it's a great group of people, Tawny

--- In , " Sharon Anne " <sharonanne@n...>


> Yet another new member to the group. I am a SAHM of 4 kids, mostly

grown. I

> am 47 and married. We live in Utah. I have RA, FMS, CFS and


> I have had symptoms since I was 17 with remissions and flares until

I was

> 38. That was when I became chronic and dx with FMS.


> Before I became ill, I worked and was very active in our community.

Then at

> 38 the bottom dropped out of my world. I got sick with what seemed

like the

> flu and could not get out of bed for a month. I was sure I was

dying or at

> least wish I could, (it was the only direction I felt I was going).


> The last couple of years I felt like I had 40 broken bones

throughout in my

> hands and feet; it felt like broken shards of glass. I was referred

to a

> Rheumy and dx with RA. He was shocked at the outcome of the tests,

because I

> had no physical deformity as of yet but my levels were as high as

he has

> ever seen. He even brought in a med student on my last visit.

Telling him to

> NEVER assume, and why FMS is not a good " general " dx. If it were

not for the

> tests I would have become irreversibly crippled. I kept telling my

GP that

> for a non-progressive illness like FMS, I am sure progressingly


> sicker and sicker.


> I have been on MTX, Bextra, Folic Acid and Plaquenil since Oct

2003. They

> have stopped the broken bone pain. Unfortunately they do not stop


> chronic headaches, muscle pain and fatigue that I continue to

endure. I

> suppose these symptoms are RA symptoms too!? What do you folks on

this list

> do for these?


> I feel like there is 100 times more GRAVITY pushing down on me than

what is

> normal (especially w/weather changes) and particularly at the base

of my

> neck. On the rare days (hours) I feel well, it's like I can

suddenly breathe

> and my muscles even seem to be able to breathe and feel refreshed.

It is

> such a wonderful feeling. I wish I could somehow figure out what

may have

> made the difference. Human nature says to look for the cause and

effect, but

> it is so frustrating.


> I have tried to be more accepting of the illnesses and release the


> that smothers me daily. Fortunately my kids are wonderfully

supportive. My

> hubby tries and succeeds often, but the burdens on him are immense.


> I am looking forward to visiting with others that feel as I do.

Thanks at

> least for allowing me to vent.


> Warmly,

> Sharon Anne






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Hi Sharon Anne, and welcome to the group! It's a great group, with lots of

support, information, understanding, empathy and humor.

Your story sounds a bit like mine. Also a SAHM with grown kids, live in

Illinois, and Have RA, OA, IA, DDD, AS, fibro and a few others.

Fatigue and muscle problems can be inflammatory arthritis or fibro. I also

get headaches if I've had too much pressure on my spine from sitting on hard

chairs, driving too long, sitting too long, etc.

There are some good muscle relaxants out there like Zanaflex and Skelaxin.

For fatigue, it's a good idea to check to see if you have mild depression -

it frequently comes along with the other things, and can also be a result of

pain meds. There are some anti-depressants which help with fatigue.

Fatigue can be part of fibro because fibro is related to sleeping disorders,

among other things. Make sure you get a good night's sleep, and ask your Dr.

for something to help if necessary. I take Trazadone, an anti-depressant which

is prescribed more for fibro - it helps keep you from waking up a lot during the


Try keeping a log of what activities you do, what you eat, what meds you

take, etc. and when you get headaches. After a month of keeping a journal,

that's when I realized my headaches were directly related to pressure on my

spine. So I have to get off my feet and lay down a few times a day. I also sit

on an egg crate pillow all the time, even in the car. It helps cushion the

spine and disks.

I'm sure you'll get lots of good information from other members as well.

Hope this helps.


[ ] Another Newbie

Yet another new member to the group. I am a SAHM of 4 kids, mostly grown. I

am 47 and married. We live in Utah. I have RA, FMS, CFS and Hypothyroidism.

I have had symptoms since I was 17 with remissions and flares until I was

38. That was when I became chronic and dx with FMS.

Before I became ill, I worked and was very active in our community. Then at

38 the bottom dropped out of my world. I got sick with what seemed like the

flu and could not get out of bed for a month. I was sure I was dying or at

least wish I could, (it was the only direction I felt I was going).

The last couple of years I felt like I had 40 broken bones throughout in my

hands and feet; it felt like broken shards of glass. I was referred to a

Rheumy and dx with RA. He was shocked at the outcome of the tests, because I

had no physical deformity as of yet but my levels were as high as he has

ever seen. He even brought in a med student on my last visit. Telling him to

NEVER assume, and why FMS is not a good " general " dx. If it were not for the

tests I would have become irreversibly crippled. I kept telling my GP that

for a non-progressive illness like FMS, I am sure progressingly getting

sicker and sicker.

I have been on MTX, Bextra, Folic Acid and Plaquenil since Oct 2003. They

have stopped the broken bone pain. Unfortunately they do not stop the

chronic headaches, muscle pain and fatigue that I continue to endure. I

suppose these symptoms are RA symptoms too!? What do you folks on this list

do for these?

I feel like there is 100 times more GRAVITY pushing down on me than what is

normal (especially w/weather changes) and particularly at the base of my

neck. On the rare days (hours) I feel well, it's like I can suddenly breathe

and my muscles even seem to be able to breathe and feel refreshed. It is

such a wonderful feeling. I wish I could somehow figure out what may have

made the difference. Human nature says to look for the cause and effect, but

it is so frustrating.

I have tried to be more accepting of the illnesses and release the guilt

that smothers me daily. Fortunately my kids are wonderfully supportive. My

hubby tries and succeeds often, but the burdens on him are immense.

I am looking forward to visiting with others that feel as I do. Thanks at

least for allowing me to vent.


Sharon Anne

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Hi Sharon Anne,

Sorry I missed your original post, but welcome to the group! That's

what happens when you have brain fog I guess--blink your eyes and

fall asleep, that's me!

I'm Judi, 58, have FMS, Dercum's Disease (a rare, autoimmune similar

to FMS, but add in a bunch of lipomas, fatty tumors that press on

nerve endings), asthma, PCOS, post polio, and recently hypothyroidism

of some sort yet to be decided on by the doctor. I had a course of

chemotherapy for a month in April/May for the Dercum's as an

experiment, but it failed and caused the tumors to grow bigger and

faster with new growth as well; I didn't have any hair loss at the

time but a few weeks ago my hair started falling out. I thought it

maybe was a delayed reaction, but then I started feeling chilled all

the time. My neck was swollen and I was choking my pills down (I

take so many pills I rattle) so I told my neurologist and he ordered

tests; he said he could feel a swelling in my neck but it could be a

lipoma too but my other swellings including the dry skin and the way

my fingernails look he says indicate the thyroid problem.

ANYWAY, we do have a fun bunch of medical problems, don't we? We are

each unique in the way we suffer, the ways we handle our problems,

and the way our medications react. Now if only the medical

profession would realize that...

This is a great group of people, very supportive and helpful with a

wealth of knowledge. They even don't mind when I brag about my

grandkids (a 4-year old boy and 17-month old triplets.) And they

give me heck when I've had surgery (4 times last year) and then

proceed to go out and work in my garden. But so does my husband, who

knows it's pointless (he has Parkinson's disease but he still plays


Take care,


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  • 2 years later...

Hi, I'm a recent new subscriber to this list. I subscribed to get more

information about RA as my doctor suspects this may be the culprit of much of my


First, all of my blood tests came back normal. So the doctor said RA was not

the problem. Next step was an xray of my hand. I just got a call from the

office saying that the xray report didn't show " anything too major " but that it

recommended a bone scan. So now I await the bone scan.

My question to you all is: have any/all of you had bone scans done?

I know I have OA in my neck from 2 neck surgeries (last one a one-level fusion)

and my neck is in constant pain, now my arm and hand are as well. I don't even

want to mention all the OTC anti-inflammatories I take (waaayyyy too many) but I

take flexeril and vicodin and I forget the other pain med.

Anyway I don't want to ramble on, just curious if I'm barking up the right/wrong

tree here, still wondering if it's RA.

Thanks for any input you might have!

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Hi :

I am very recently diagnosed and a newbie also. My blood work also tests

negative for the RA factor, but my doc indicated that this is true in 30% of

those who actually do have RA. My symptoms are proof enough for her. I am

such a newbie that I hardly feel qualified to give advice, but these folks

are great and very knowledgeable so you should get a lot of help.

Ruth, Woody & Thumper

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I'm new here but wanted to answer this as best as I can. I was told that RA

does not always show up in the blood work. I also had my orthopedic surgeon

tell me that I did not " look " like I had RA. Lo and behold, I did. lol It

took almost a year of debilitating pain and swelling before my blood work

showed anything.

I have never had a bone scan. But I did recently have knee replacement

surgery from having so much damage in the joint.


Re: [ ] another newbie

> Hi, I'm a recent new subscriber to this list. I subscribed to get more

> information about RA as my doctor suspects this may be the culprit of much

> of my pain.


> First, all of my blood tests came back normal. So the doctor said RA was

> not the problem. Next step was an xray of my hand. I just got a call

> from the office saying that the xray report didn't show " anything too

> major " but that it recommended a bone scan. So now I await the bone scan.


> My question to you all is: have any/all of you had bone scans done?


> I know I have OA in my neck from 2 neck surgeries (last one a one-level

> fusion) and my neck is in constant pain, now my arm and hand are as well.

> I don't even want to mention all the OTC anti-inflammatories I take

> (waaayyyy too many) but I take flexeril and vicodin and I forget the other

> pain med.


> Anyway I don't want to ramble on, just curious if I'm barking up the

> right/wrong tree here, still wondering if it's RA.


> Thanks for any input you might have!




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  • 8 months later...


Just joined your list. I am sick and tired of th poison, cut and burn of

conventional docs. Even had a few go rounds with them.

I have one GSD that is still trying to toss the effects of the rabies

vaccine. And one husband who, at 71, is trying to work himself to death.

We celebrate 49 years of battle next week.

Looks like a good list. I'm happy to be here.

Judith Alta and Oski (the dog)

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Hellooo, Judith!

Ev here - nice to " see " another familiar face! Been here just nearly two

days, and it feels like home! You'll like it!


> Hello,


> Just joined your list. I am sick and tired of th poison, cut and burn of

> conventional docs. Even had a few go rounds with them.


> I have one GSD that is still trying to toss the effects of the rabies

> vaccine. And one husband who, at 71, is trying to work himself to death.

> We celebrate 49 years of battle next week.


> Looks like a good list. I'm happy to be here.


> Judith Alta and Oski (the dog)

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Welcome to the list Judith and Oski,


Another newbie

Hello,Just joined your list. I am sick and tired of th poison, cut and burn of conventional docs. Even had a few go rounds with them.I have one GSD that is still trying to toss the effects of the rabies vaccine. And one husband who, at 71, is trying to work himself to death. We celebrate 49 years of battle next week.Looks like a good list. I'm happy to be here.Judith Alta and Oski (the dog)

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Mm. I suppose I can no more write "incognito" than can King! (Although, I could wish I had his talent, and thereby his bank account...! But seriously - " Bachman"? Who WAS he trying to kid?)

Glad you're here, too! I KNOW you have good stuff to contribute!Ev

Hi Ev,Thought that sounded like you. Glad you are here!Judith Alta and Oski

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Well, with one post on NRD I got you and

Judith…I figured if people were interested they would have checked it out. But

I’d love to have both ChrisO and Casey here…

Of course, then none of us would ever be

able to read our messages with anything in our mouths ever again.<G>


From: health

[mailto:health ] On Behalf Of

TELL her!!


Now if we could only get ChrisO

over here…


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Well, with one post on NRD I got you and Judith…I figured if people were interested they would have checked it out. But I’d love to have both ChrisO and Casey here…

Of course, then none of us would ever be able to read our messages with anything in our mouths ever again.<G>


<...sometimes I still get my foot in there...>


"Next time you get to feelin' big for your britches, try telling someone else's dog what to do."

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ok I give, what is NRB? Suzi <autumn3scorpio@...> wrote: Well, with one post on NRD I got you and Judith…I figured if people were interested they would have checked it out. But I’d love to have both ChrisO and Casey here… __________________________________________________

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Sorry…NRD, not NRB. It’s the

NaturalRawDog email list for feeding a prey model raw diet to dogs.

That’s where I invited Evie and

Judith from.


From: health

[mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Suzanne

ok I give, what is NRB?


<autumn3scorpio@...> wrote:

Well, with one post on NRD I got you and

Judith…I figured if people were interested they would have checked it

out. But I’d love to have both ChrisO and Casey here…

No virus found in this incoming message.

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sorry, got the letters wrong.. Thanks ... couldn't figure it out but wasn't thinking animal.. lol Suzi"Sharyn E. Cerniglia" <sharyncern@...> wrote: Sorry…NRD, not NRB. It’s the NaturalRawDog email list for feeding a prey model raw diet to dogs. That’s where I invited Evie and Judith from. Sharyn __________________________________________________

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You got me too. I am from NZ I have been feeding my dogs species appropriatley for a few years now. It has recently clicked that maybe I should be trying to do a little more for my own health.

(Way easier with the dogs) I am 40 very soon and starting to feel mortal. Before this I was young. lol. I am trying different things these days and have grown a huge amount since 30 so hopefully the next 10 yrs will be as productive. while it has clicked, it is only kind of and I am easing myself into eating properly and so forth. lol.

I do enjoy sitting back and watching the banter and learning. Not much to contibute at this point. Hopefully I will get arountuit.

in NZ

Well, with one post on NRD I got you and Judith…I figured if people were interested they would have checked it out. But I’d love to have both ChrisO and Casey here…

Of course, then none of us would ever be able to read our messages with anything in our mouths ever again.<G>



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Welcome ! You will learn alot here.. Browse the files and message archives.. there is much in both. We are a big family here. Suzilisa.croucher@... wrote: You got me too. I am from NZ I have been feeding my dogs species appropriatley for a few years now. It has recently clicked that maybe I should be trying to do a little more for my own health. (Way easier with the dogs) I am 40 very soon and starting to feel mortal. Before this I was young. lol. I am trying different things these days and have grown a huge amount since 30 so hopefully the next 10 yrs will be as productive. while it has clicked, it is only kind of and

I am easing myself into eating properly and so forth. lol. I do enjoy sitting back and watching the banter and learning. Not much to contibute at this point. Hopefully I will get arountuit. in NZ Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. __________________________________________________

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I feed my dog a barf diet...raw chicken meat..including game.




> Well, with one post on NRD I got you and Judith…I figured if

people were

> interested they would have checked it out. But I'd love to have

both ChrisO

> and Casey here…



> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.12/1098 - Release Date:


> 9:28 AM




> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.12/1098 - Release Date:


> 9:28 AM


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Thanks Suzi

It is all very interesting so far. I have had a wee browse through the files and I do want to try a few cleaning recipes from there. I am using white vinegar a lot these days. I never believed it but after a litter of foster pups and all the "dog friendly" cleaners that I could not let animals near for 24 hrs did not seem natural. lol. White vinegar kept away the smell mostly of 9 pups in the back porch. Have used it ever since.

Welcome ! You will learn alot here.. Browse the files and message archives.. there is much in both.

We are a big family here.

Suzilisa.croucherihug (DOT) co.nz wrote:

You got me too. I am from NZ I have been feeding my dogs species appropriatley for a few years now. It has recently clicked that maybe I should be trying to do a little more for my own health.

(Way easier with the dogs) I am 40 very soon and starting to feel mortal. Before this I was young. lol. I am trying different things these days and have grown a huge amount since 30 so hopefully the next 10 yrs will be as productive. while it has clicked, it is only kind of and I am easing myself into eating properly and so forth. lol.

I do enjoy sitting back and watching the banter and learning. Not much to contibute at this point. Hopefully I will get arountuit.

in NZ


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Ziggy gets a raw chicken neck every morning, first thing. Then for dinner he gets either chicken, duck or buffalo - everything gets ground up. Luckily I can buy it locally and it's organic or as organic as an animal can get!

Carol, I wanted to tell you about a gal in this area who sells raw game. I usually get wild fruit from her, but I'm thinking of picking up some venison for Zig. She has a group on called Wazzu. I have not joined as of yet, but may do so.


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ACV would be your better choice than white..... Safer for the pups.lisa.croucher@... wrote: Thanks Suzi It is all very interesting so far. I have had a wee browse through the files and I do want to try a few cleaning recipes from there. I am using white vinegar a lot these days. I never believed it but after a litter of foster pups and all the "dog friendly" cleaners that I could not let animals near for 24 hrs did not seem natural. lol. White vinegar kept away the smell mostly

of 9 pups in the back porch. Have used it ever since. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant

whose virtues have not yet been discovered. __________________________________________________

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