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Please read Calcium to Magnesium Ratio for some real eye openers




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Magnesium Supplements

For indepth information about Magnesium, see Health Education > Magnesium Supplements

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Introduction to Magnesium Supplementation Therapy

See our full line of Magnesium Supplements

See our full line of Mineral supplements

Magnesium is the most important mineral the body requires for cellular health. It soothes the sympathetic nervous system (providing deeper rest), and is essential for the production of amino acids that are critical for virtually every chemical reaction in the body. When you restore vital magnesium to the body, you make cellular regeneration possible.

Life forms are a complex association of cells, each having its own life, combining to make up a life form. If every cell is in proper working order and communicating with the other cells, then the life form will also be in good working condition. It then follows that the key to restoring and maintaining health lies in perfecting (or returning) the single cell to its best, most vibrant condition.

When you restore vital magnesium to the body, you enable cellular regeneration to exceed degeneration.

Nourish Yourself withNatural Magnesium SupplementsTo Prevent Disease and Allow Healing

Oral magnesium supplements are often ineffective and laxative at therapeutic levels, requiring about a year to raise levels significantly. Intravenous magnesium is the most rapid, but most people don't like needles, and it may be difficult to find a physician to prescribe them. The simple, painless, no risk method is absorption of magnesium through your body's largest organ, the skin.

Life-Enthusiast Co-op has many convenient ways for your skin to efficiently absorb critically need magnesium. For the prevention and treatment of discomforts and disease, we at Life-Enthusiast Co-op, along with our members, have had wonderful results with our products. We believe in our products enough to use them on ourselves, our families and our friends.

Let Us Help You Heal

Magnesium Supplementation is Necessary

The recommended daily requirement of magnesium is impossible to obtain from food sources because our soils have been seriously depleted of this mineral by herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Even at the risk of long term health, your body will draw magnesium out of storage in the bones, to maintain levels required for health.Many debilitating and life threatening diseases are associated with magnesium deficiencies such as heart problems, strokes, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, asthma, premenstrual syndrome, attention deficit disorder, anorexia & bulimia, fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue syndrome, and depression.

Magnesium is a key, essential nutrient. It is necessary for every major process in your body, such as digestion, protein synthesis, cellular energy production, and glucose metabolism. Magnesium is also needed for bone strength, muscle strength and heartbeat, as well as the functioning of your nervous system. Without these taking place efficiently, your body is in trouble.Oral magnesium supplements are often ineffective and laxative at therapeutic levels, requiring about a year to raise levels significantly. Intravenous magnesium is the most rapid, but most people don’t like needles, and it may be difficult to find a physician to prescribe them. The simple, painless, no risk method is absorption of magnesium through your skin. Twilight America has many convenient ways to accomplish this.

What Depletes Magnesium?

Aluminum (in food & drink containers, baking powder, antiperspirants) blocks many normal magnesium functions. Unfortunately, a staple of our society’s diet is white flour, and 85% of it’s magnesium has been removed. Our high consumption of fats and proteins inhibits magnesium absorption. Environmental pollutants (air, soil & water), emotional stresses and many prescription drugs all aggravate magnesium depletion.

80% or more of the United States population is deficient in magnesium, including many who take supplements regularly. These folks may still think that regular magnesium supplements will fix magnesium deficiency. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. The stress of our modern lifestyle, whether chemical, environmental or mental, depletes magnesium reserves far more rapidly than was previously realized.

The following is a list of magnesium depletors. The more dominant they are in your life, the more magnesium your body will need.

Mental stress Physical stress Coffee Sugar High sodium diet Alcohol Cola-type sodas Tobacco High perspiration Medical drugs of all types Low thyroid Chronic pain Diuretics A high carbohydrate diet A high calcium diet

Calcium? Yes. Excess calcium can become a real problem. Excess magnesium, on the other hand, is impossible. Excess calcium combined with low magnesium will create osteoporosis and fragile bones.

The Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is the most important major mineral that is needed by your body. In order to function correctly and efficiently your body needs many nutrients. But if it is deficient in magnesium, there are over 350 biochemical reactions that either won't occur at all or will occur very inefficiently. Somewhat like a six cylinder car trying to run on four sparkplugs.

Also, magnesium is necessary for the correct assimilation of potassium and the correct and efficient functioning of enzymes, the most important of which produce, transport, store and utilize energy. Many aspects of cell metabolism are regulated by magnesium, such as DNA and RNA synthesis, cell growth and cell reproduction. Magnesium also orchestrates the electric current that sparks through the miles of nerves in our body.

As you can imagine, without magnesium your body is going to be performing at very much less than full capacity. A deficiency in magnesium can go from slight to very severe and your body will be signaling to you that it is in trouble.

Magnesium Supplementation for Numerous Symptoms

Treat a wide range of discomforts and disease with magnesium supplementation therapy, such as:

Asthma and panic attacks Blood clots Bowel disease Cystitis Depression Detoxification Diabetes Fatigue Heart disease Hypertension Hypoglycemia Insomnia Kidney disease Migraine headaches Musculoskeletal conditions Nerve problems Obstetrical and gynecological problems Osteoporosis Raynaud’s syndrome Tooth decay

Benefits of Magnesium Supplementation Therapy

Improve Sleep Boost Energy Levels Relieve Muscle Discomfort Overcome Stress Relax Nerves Improve Bad Mood Improve Heart Function Increase Kidney Health Support Healthy Blood Pressure Improve Bone Health Alleviate Various Aches Keep Bones in Alignment

Many people suffer for months and years with these chronic conditions, which appear to have no determinable cause. The symptoms are simply masked with a myriad of patent medicine “band-aids”. Few have come to realize that magnesium deficiency contributes to these conditions. Many are caused primarily by magnesium deficiency. For the others, magnesium deficiency is a chief contributing factor.

This information may bring new hope to those who have already grown hopeless about improving their condition, let alone finding a cure.

Magnesium To Calcium Ratio

This ratio between magnesium and calcium is very important, when dealing with the cause and prevention of a number of disorders, including cardiovascular health, heart disease and high blood pressure.

The absorption and metabolism of magnesium depends upon calcium intake, and vise versa. Therefore, the balance between these two minerals is especially important. In view of the overwhelming benefits of magnesium, the traditional ratio of approximately 2 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium needs to be revised. The ideal ratio for most people's needs is equal amounts of calcium and magnesium. If calcium consumption is high, then magnesium intake also needs to be high.

Note: The trace mineral boron plays a part in preventing the urinary loss of magnesium and calcium. Also, silicon aids in calcium absorption.

Since calcium and magnesium depend on each other to be assimilated into your body, they should never be taken alone. Milk has a ratio of about 8 calcium to 1 magnesium, causing a problem with milk drinkers. The high calcium intake can cause a magnesium deficiency, creating ill health.

Magnesium regulates the entrance and utilization of calcium in the cells. Without magnesium, calcium remains in the body unused. This will result in calcium deposits in the joints (aggravating arthritis), gallstones, kidney stones, and in extreme cases calcification of the brain and other body organs. This, in turn, results in loss of memory and loss of ability to reason and eventually the termination of life. All of these conditions have frequently been known to disappear after taking extra magnesium.

Again, magnesium and calcium must be in the correct proportions, otherwise the calcium becomes a pollutant in the body. The rule is "never take calcium without magnesium". Calcium depends on magnesium for it to assimilate, but magnesium does not require calcium in order to function. In fact, in many cases, magnesium taken on its own without any calcium will help you more energetic, stronger, and give you a multitude of other benefits, all as a result of the magnesium being present to do its job.

Excess Calcium Can Cause Magnesium Deficiency

America has the highest rate of milk consumption. America has the highest consumption rate of calcium supplements. Yet America has the highest occurrence of osteoporosis (calcium loss) in the Western world. Taking more calcium will not fix a calcium deficiency, which is quite evident from the statistics. Yet more magnesium will handle the calcium deficiency as well as the magnesium deficiency itself.

A magnesium deficiency can result in symptoms of internal stress, even when the person takes supplements, if they take more calcium than magnesium. Extra magnesium can often mean the difference between a stressed body and a completely relaxed one.

Listen to Your Body Signals

These signals are in the form of body symptoms. A slight deficiency and you will notice slight depression and lack of well-being. The body is telling you, help, I'm in trouble. Then you start getting headaches, pain in the lower back, stiff, tight muscles, particularly in the back. The body is telling you, I'm in worse trouble, help me! Now!

But you ignore these messages. You haven't learned to read and decipher them. You seek professional advice and ... Well, you know what they advise.

Time goes by and now you start getting muscle cramps, then calcium deposits, muscle twitches and tics, high blood pressure. You ignore it and don't do anything about these signals.

You start to get nervous; you jump at sudden sounds. You are told that you are getting old, that you can expect this sort of thing. You now have trouble sleeping and continually wake up feeling tired. Your body goes into spasms (involuntary and abnormal muscular contractions) and jerks. Your body is calling out, you idiot, I need help now!

Don't Ignore Warning Signals

You ignore these signals. Next, you find yourself with a chest pain, called angina. You ignore this also because no one else seems to know what is causing it. You never did learn how to take care of your own body and have always left it to the so-called experts. These experts don't know either.

The next thing that happens is suddenly your heart starts racing. It goes out of rhythm. You don1t know what to do and neither does anyone else. Then one day, after working out hard physically or being under stress, you suddenly have a heart attack. Your body is telling you, I am in real trouble; I am almost at the end of the line. I need magnesium urgently and fast. NOW! The body is crying out for magnesium. It cannot function unless it has sufficient of this mineral. If you are lucky enough to be in an emergency room with a properly trained resident, he will inject magnesium sulfate into your body and you will probably survive. Which begs the question, WHY WAIT?

Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. who I consider to be the “voice of reason” when it comes to magnesium, has this to say about the life saving mechanism of magnesium. “The coronary blood vessels especially need to be elastic and relax properly: if they cannot, atheromatous plaque builds up more readily. Evidence is presented to show how very much our coronary arteries are at extra risk. Magnesium relieves angina and, when things have gotten really bad, may save our life when infarction occurs. We are introduced to the LIMIT studies ­ which showed that fatalities were reduced by 55 percent if magnesium was given immediately and before any other drugs.”

How important is magnesium? It is so important that your body won’t function well with even a slight deficiency and with a severe deficiency you could end up with a heart attack or worse. So, is magnesium important enough for you to discover and consume? I hope so!

Discovery Number 1:

The symptoms listed on page one are normally caused by a MAGNESIUM deficiency, NOT a calcium deficiency.

Discovery Number 2:

Calcium needs magnesium to be assimilated, and will naturally deplete magnesium stores. Magnesium, on the other hand, does not depend on calcium. Magnesium is FAR more important than calcium.

Discovery Number 3:

Excess calcium in the body is, as a result, one of the major causes of magnesium deficiency and disease including many of the above-mentioned conditions!

Lack of sufficient magnesium in the body can make calcium toxic and disease causing. Excess calcium is one of the major causes of heart difficulties, kidney malfunction, fatigue, sleep difficulties, muscle cramps, weakening of bone structure, accelerated aging and moodiness.

Discovery Number 4:

Sufficient magnesium will allow calcium to assimilate, as well as dissolve and discharge calcium deposits in the body.

Discovery Number 5:

Most magnesium calcium supplements on the market are incorrectly proportioned and only make things worse. Supplemental calcium to magnesium ratios should be no more than 2:1 and some will find a 1:1 ratio optimal.

Discovery Number 6:

Magnesium glycinate is a patented formulation chelating magnesium and the amino acid glycine to create a compound that is highly bioavailable and well tolerated by even the most sensitive individuals. It is the best absorbed form of magnesium, requiring lower doses than other forms. It is the form that I recommend.

Drinking Water's Contribution to Your Magnesium Levels

Drinking water can significantly contribute to your magnesium intake, with 9 to 29% of your daily intake coming from hard water. Because of the metabolic antagonism between magnesium and calcium, the ratio between these two minerals in the drinking water is of considerable significance. The ideal ratio for most people's needs is an equal ratio of calcium and magnesium.

In a survey of 25 cities in the U.S., the lowest death rates from heart disease were found in areas where the drinking water supplied above average levels of magnesium. Part of Texas has the highest levels of magnesium in drinking water, and also the lowest cardiovascular mortality rates in the U.S. Australia has some of the lowest drinking water magnesium levels, and also the highest cardiovascular death rate in the world.

The Miracle of Magnesium

Read the book, The Miracle of Magnesium, by Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.This book will provide you a reference to the conditions mentioned above.

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