Guest guest Posted November 14, 2007 Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 Henry Box Cold CureThe great herbalist, Henry Box of Plymouth, England, wrote,"For colds, influenza, fevers, inflammation of the brain,pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), stomach, bowels orany part, this is a certain cure. I have never known it tofail, even when given up, and at the point of death. Itwill not only save at the eleventh hour, but at the lastminute of that hour. Besides, it is so safe and harmlessthat you cannot use it amiss."According to the website where I found this information,Henry Box was a "wonderful, wise old man had been aphysician of herbs for over sixty years and was known asone of the great doctors of all times."The infusion for the tea is made as follows:2 ounces elder (elderberry) flowers2 ounces peppermint leaves (crushed)1 1/2 pints boiling distilled waterPour boiling water over herbs, cover and allow to steep(not boil) in a hot place 20 minutes. Strain and sweetenwith honey, then drink the whole amount of tea as hot aspossible while closely covered in bed. Cover a hot water bottle with a cloth or towel dipped inapple cider vinegar and place on the feet. In a few minutesthere will be copious perspiration, and the pulse will slowdown and the patient will sleep peacefully for hours.When taken alone, elder flowers are inclined to be emetic,and somewhat nauseous to some people. This effect can beprevented by combining them with peppermint (Menthapiperita). Peppermint is stimulant, nervine, calmative, andantiemetic, which helps offset the undesirable effects ofthe elder flower. This combination is world-famous as agreat fever and cold remedy.Source: Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside . See how. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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