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Fw: Reader Reporter Spills the Toxic Beans on Vaccines

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Reader Reporter Spills the Toxic Beans on Vaccines


Urgent Action Steps:

1. Tell Congressional and State Legislators that you oppose compulsory vaccination or drugging! Click here (http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=21833).

2. Let Congress know that schools cannot pressure parents to vaccinate or drug their kids under threat of child abuse charges without risking Federal funding! Support the Child Medication Safety Act S. 891. IS. Click here (http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=18970).

3. Ask three people to join the Health Freedom eAlert list - get their permission and enter their names and email here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187).


Mercury is poisonous. So is everything else they put in vaccines. That's the conclusion of Remi Nagel, a concerned father and health freedom advocate who asks why we would allow our babies to be poisoned to death - at the rate of at least 7800 per year? Why, indeed?

Mercury's toxicity is not in question: it's a conclusion that science has established long ago: mercury is among the most toxic of metals known. From the Mad Hatters of Danbury Connecticut during revolutionary times who went mad from the lead used to make hats of beaver in the 18th and 19th centuries to the devastation of people "salvated" or treated with mercury for syphilis, to the horrors of Minamata Bay, mercury has been recognized as a significant toxin. Except when introduced via needle! Logic fails when vaccines enter the picture.

Do an internet search and on the same pages that tell you what a dangerous toxin mercury is, you will find banal, deceptive and misleading statements like this one:,

"Thimerisol, a preservative that contains [50% - Dr. Rima] mercury, has been added to vaccines to prevent their deterioration since the 1930s. No adverse effects of thimerisol have ever been proven, although some allergic reactions have been noted. However, organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics have recommended that the use of thimerisol be reduced as a precautionary measure. Today, with the exception of some flu vaccines, none of the vaccines used in the United States to [sic] protect preschool children against twelve infectious diseases contains thimerisol as a preservative."


As Remi Nagel, the first of our Reader Reporters, points out

"Only about 1% of serious events are reported to the FDA.".... there is only one dreadful conclusion. In the United States each year, anywhere from an estimated 3,900 to 7,800 infants are poisoned to death, as a direct result, of being vaccinated.....Yet the belief that vaccines work, flies in the face of any reasonable scientific inquiry because there has never even been one. Expert vaccine researcher Dr. Philip Incao MD testified that,

"Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination.....vaccines cause 14,000 - 140,000 serious events (diseases) per year. In some cases, such as with the Hepatitis B vaccine given to infants and children, the vaccine causes more harm and injury that the disease of Hepatitis B in infants and children. Published studies from reputable journals have linked vaccines to causing AIDS, autism, cancer, diabetes, hearing/vision loss, hepatitis B, mumps, measles, polio and rubella."

Remember, though, vaccination causes damage to older children and adults, too. And most flu vaccines, like many other vaccines, contain mercury in addition to all the other nasties. Want to read this excellent article? Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=477) to read more.

Come on In, the Writing's Fine!

Remi Nagel is our pioneer Reader Reporter. I would like to invite you, too, to become a Reader Reporter. If you have information that you want to share with the Health Freedom community through the Natural Solutions Foundation, the largest and most effective health freedom organization in the world, here's your opportunity! Just send your article to me at dr.laibow@... and, unless there is a problem like obscenity, liable or other unsuitable material, we will be happy to publish your report either in our blast (like Remi's article) or on our website on the "Your Story" section. This is your opportunity to get your information out to the world. Hundreds of thousands of people see what we send out. Be a part of the Health Freedom information flow!


We know you've got lots on your mind this busy Holiday Season and so do we: we are working steadily to protect your health freedom. Of course, our expenses don't stop or drop! Come January, '08 we will be heading to Panama to work wth the Organic Growers there in setting up our first International Decade of Nutrition Better-than-Organic Farm and Farmers' School to reclaim agriculture.

Then we go to Ghana for a Codex meeting on the labeling of Genetically Modified Foods (a follow-on to last year's Oslo meeting where, with a Monsanto employee on the US Delegation, but no consumers or scientists), Dr. Barbara Schneeman memorably explained the US policy forbidding the labeling of Genetically Modified (GM) foods. She said that FDA research and independent research has shown that consumers will reject genetically modified food if they know it has been genetically modified. But the FDA has determined administratively [remember, they do no safety testing, nor do they demand any before approving a genetically modified food - Dr. Rima] that GM and non GM foods are identical and therefore believes that to give consumers accurate information would be FALSE AND MISLEADING [sIC!].

There should be more of same from the US and lots more opposition from the anti-unlablled-GM-foods nations. We'll be there on your behalf and we will be telling you what happens there on a daily basis - remember to check my blog!

Then we visit at least two other African countries to organize support for the Codex Two Step (which you can read by downloading the Codex eBook here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=220)) and learn more about by watching the special Codex Two Step explanation created for Delegates and Heads of State on our updated Nutricide: the DVD (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=156) and other pro-health actions.

We are taking the steps that are essential to build a movement among the nations that can impact Codex deeply FOR health. We continue to need your support for the international battle and the domestic one (like fighting compulsory vaccination of pre-schoolers with mercury containing vaccines, for example, and for our educational work with legislators.

Please remember our special projects and choose the one(s) that strike the most resonant chord within you!

All donations (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to the Natural Solutions Foundation are tax deductible. And don't forget our very special virtual store, www.Organics4U.org, where everything is organic and most things are also tax deductible.

* Health Freedom Documentary: released in independent volumes of the Health Freedom Library, when completed these chapters will be edited into a major documentary on health freedom and the Codex agenda. Check out the preview on our home page, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org! The first Health Freedom Library chapter will be on compulsory vaccination and drugging. Any size gift is welcome, but gifts of $100 or more will receive a special acknowledgement in the final version of the documentary. Click here (https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/shop/custom.jsp?donate_page_KEY=2835) to support the Health Freedom Documentary. * Vaccination and Drugging Exemption eHandbook: Donations (https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/shop/custom.jsp?donate_page_KEY=297) of $150 or more received before December 31, 2007 will entitle you to a coupon for a free copy of this State by State guide to the laws, forms and letters you need to exempt yourself and your child from State mandated vaccination. After publication in mid January the price will be $75 for the download and $250 for the hard copy version. * Vaccination Exemption Consultation: After January 15, the price for a personalized consultation to secure exemptions from compulsory vaccination or drugging will be $1500 for the first person and $750 for the second person living in the same state. Your donation of $1500 or more before the end of this year entitles you to a very special offer: If we receive your check by December 31, 2007 you will receive o A tax deduction for the total amount of your gift o A free consultation consisting of 2 hours of legal consult time with lawyer (including 1 hour of research), 30 minutes of consultation time with a licensed physician and all necessary documents to secure appropriate exemptions at no additional cost o A second consultation for another individual living in the same state at no additional cost. o Please mail your checks to Natural Solutions Foundation, PO Box 722, ville MO 64468 and write "Consultation" on the memo line.

Satire, hoax... or what?

By the way, the expose recently posted from a supposed "Merck" whistle blower has generated a good deal of discussion. Was it a crude hoax or clever satire? As we noted from the beginning, there were aspects of the posting that led us to question it. Oddly enough, some of that discussion accused us of saying that if vaccines did not have mercury they would be safe. The Natural Solutions Foundation is sorry to be misunderstood in that way: vaccines are not safe and are not effective. They are not based on good science and should not be a part of public health policy. We do not understand why this interpretation was made, but let the record show that we never said that vaccines are safe. See, for example, my article "The Syringe of Death: Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You" for a discussion of the fraud and danger upon which vaccines are based. You can find it at www.healthfreedomusa.org.

A number of people checked our facts (which we appreciate) and said that Merck claims not to make flu vaccines. Although Merck claims that they do not manufacture flu vaccines (and hence do not add mercury to them) with the interlocking relationships between pharmaceutical companies, it is hard to say who makes what and who doesn't. For more information on this issue, please click here(http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2007/12/was-pharma-exec-vaccine-expose-hoax.html)

The entire Natural Solutions Foundation team wishes you a joyous ending to 2007 and a peaceful, prosperous and especially healthy 2008! Let freedom and a brand New Year Ring in with joy!

Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

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