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Infection Problems

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Am writing to you guys to see what you would do in this situation. This is a friend of ours and this is her second major accident in less than 6 months. During the summer she "fell asleep" at the wheel and crashed. They claim she had a diabetic situation but while in the hospital they inserted a pacemaker. This woman is not in good shape, but her partner found out the hospital where she is now is willing to incorporate alternative medicine. What are your thoughts?.............Thanks, Shari (I've removed her name so that's why you see dots and a lot of "she's".)

"...... is kept totally sedated due to her infections and the tracheotomy weaning process. Also due to this sedated condition and the trach tube, she is unable to communicate in any way. I don't have much knowledge in this type of care and am very concerned with these infections and possibility of bed sores. They ran x-rays last week and told us she has a minimum of 7 more weeks for no weight bearing, just slight adjustments to her position in a bed. In 7 weeks they will run another set of X-rays and hopefully her bones would have mended enough that she can have physical therapy to learn to walk again.

Here is more info on her condition in case it helps you ......

57 years old with Diabetes (they've had problems keeping it below 220) Auto accident on Nov 13th. This is her 3rd hospital. Harbor View (extreme trauma hospital in Seattle) surgeries include: Cracked pelvis - two large screws holding her frame together w/16 weeks no weight bearing Broken ankle w/screws and metal plate Broken ribs - left to heal on their own Punctured lung - Left to heal on its own. She was not breathing well enough on her own so they gave her a tracheotomy Liquid Nutrition is given by a tube directly into her stomach This hospital specializes in respiratory care and they have been weaning her off of the ventilator. Every few days, she gets a 102+ fever so they have to stop the weaning process. They know she's getting infections but can not determine where or why. They keep giving her a variety of antibiotics.

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