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FW: No Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated

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No Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated



Government and media propaganda hoax continues as parents in land

hoodwinked and threatened into believing it is the law to vaccinate kids,

error-strewn Fox news report relays disinformation

ph & Steve

Prison Planet

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

News networks and state authorities are once again engaging in mass public

deception by claiming that vaccines for children are mandated by law and

that parents will go to jail if kids do not take their shots. In reality,

there is no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver

forms for personal or religious exemptions are freely available.

A situation in Prince 's County, MD. has attracted media attention

and once again provided the platform for a propaganda push that falsely

implies it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass produced big

pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked

with dangerous side-effects.

More than 2300 children in Prince 's County have been expelled from

school for up to a month and a half because they have not received their

shots for chicken pox and hepatitis B. This Saturday the parents of more

than 1600 children have been ordered to attend Circuit court, where

medical officials will be on standby to forcibly inject their children in

a scenario befitting of a science fiction horror movie.


School officials have said the parents will receive a verbal reprimand

from the judge and be ordered to have their children immunized in the

courthouse. The students would then be allowed to return to school.

Parents who refuse to comply will get fines and could be jailed for ten


(Article continues below)

" If the child is not here Saturday, then we will move on with the process,

meaning that the PPWs and the counselors will put together the packet to

take before the state's attorney's office, asking, requesting that

criminal charges be implemented, " Dr. Betty Despenza-Green, the chief of

student services, said from the courthouse Tuesday.

" We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way, but it's

going to have to get done. I'm willing to move forward with legal action. "

said State Attorney Glenn Ivey.

Letters ordering the parents to show up at Prince 's Circuit Court

for a court hearing and a free vaccine have been issued with the warning

" unexcused absences by your child may subject you to a criminal charge. "

Watch a Fox News report:

This report is completely riddled with errors and distortions from

beginning to end.

The Fox reporter states " A new law was passed last year requiring children

from 5th through to 10th grade to have the vaccine " . This is completely

untrue. The vaccine has been mandated by the state but there is no law in

the U.S. that requires mandatory vaccinations of any kind. The report

mentions the waiver forms only after claiming that it is the law. How can

there be a waiver form that allows someone to break a law?

This is why the parents who do not comply will be charged not under

vaccination laws (because there aren't any) but under truancy, neglect or

child in need of supervision laws, which state that the parent is culpable

after 30 days of a child's unexplained absence from school.

The school itself triggered the truancy violation by unfairly kicking the

kids out of school, and failing to inform parents about vaccine waiver


The news report quotes befuddled members of the public, who claim that

kids not getting vaccinations endangers those that have had them. How on

earth can that be the case if the vaccination is supposed to provide

immunity against the disease? In reality, the vaccinated kids are more

dangerous to others, considering the plethora of cases where vaccines have

induced debilitating side-effects as levels of autism soar to

unprecedented levels.

There is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers,

that says you or your child has to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter

what any executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates, there

is no situation where you can go to prison for refusing a government

vaccine under the U.S. constitution and the law of the land.

As in the case of all other vaccines, executive orders and court mandates

merely state that the vaccine is " recommended, " yet the mass media

drumbeat constantly conditions people to believe that if they don't take

their shots they will be kicked out of school, arrested and thrown in

jail. This trick will continue to hoodwink Americans into taking all

manner of dangerous and untested vaccines, the number of which rises every

year, until they realize that there is no law that forces them to take any


Here is an example of a vaccine waiver form, this particular one is for

land, the state in question in this case, proving that enforced

vaccination is not the law and that personal and religious objections are


http://www.unhinderedliving.com/statevaccexemp.html - Here you can find

vaccine exemption forms online by state or country.

The good news is that concerned parents across the U.S. are leading a

nationwide revolt against unnecessary, untested and dangerous vaccines as

CDC records show a growing amount of religious exemptions on vaccine


Earlier this year we reported on the furor surrounding the HPV vaccine,

which experts have slammed as untested and has continues to be linked to

dangerous side-effects. A media propaganda campaign along with an

executive order issued by Texas governor Rick has had parents in

Texas and other areas of the country fooled into believing the vaccine is

now the law and young girls must take it. Merck Pharmaceuticals are

capitalizing on this fraud by making obscene profits from a crony deal

with Governor Rick , while children are put at risk.

Vaccines and drugs that are not stringently tested and are instead foisted

upon populations for the purposes of making obscene profits have a clear

history of deadly consequences.

Consider the case of Bayer Pharmaceuticals, who deliberately dumped a

vaccine that was known to be contaminated with AIDS virus on the European

and Latin American market after it killed people in America. Thousands

died from an action that the U.S. government allowed to happen through the


Peruse the plethora of examples where vaccines containing mercury, live

HIV virus, live cancer and other horrors have wrought misery after victims

were bullied into taking them by government mandates that they were

deluded into thinking was the law.

The history alone, a legacy that led former director of the National

Institute of Health Dr. R. to state, " The only safe vaccine

is one that is never used, " implores us to stand up and expose this hoax

and ensure that similar executive orders and mandates are not passed

elsewhere in the country as a result of cynical greed driven lobbying and

corporate crony payoffs.

More parents across the country should rally to denounce this development,

which sets the pretext for the state to dictate the health of their

children, as well as moving us closer to legislation which would allow

Americans to be forcibly vaccinated at gunpoint against their will during

a time of manufactured crisis, such as in the case of a human to human

bird flu pandemic.

Listen to ' analysis on this topic



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