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Anti oxidants

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I bet you've heard about the amazing health benefits ofantioxidant-rich foods in your diet. Not only do these free-radical fighting antioxidants help you appear and feel youngerby slowing down the aging process, but they also help to preventcancer, heart disease, and tons of other degenerative diseases.The good news is that's not all. Antioxidants also help yourecover better from strenuous exercise... and that means moremuscle and less fat on your body in the long run!The function that antioxidants play in post-exercise is theinhibition of free radicals produced during the workout. Anytime you work out, free radicals are produced in the body thatdamage muscle tissue. Having an adequate supply of antioxidantsabout an hour or so before your workout can greatly reduce themuscle damage caused by free radicals -- improving your muscularrecovery from exercise.Some of the most potent sources of whole food

antioxidants areblueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries,cranberries, cherries, acai fruit, green tea, white tea, blacktea, and red tea, nuts, seeds, red and black beans, purplepotatoes, grapes, cinnamon, and cocoa.Oh, and don't fall for the hype with expensive antioxidantsupplement pills... remember whole foods are always better foryou (and cheaper) than a pill.A favorite pre-workout antioxidant-loaded snack is a pieceof whole grain toast with almond butter, a small amount ofblackberry jam, and topped with a pile of fresh blueberriesor sliced strawberries. Add, a glass of iced greentea.The almond butter, blackberries, blueberries, raw honey,and the green tea are all loaded with different varietiesof muscle protecting, youth-promoting antioxidants.You can consume this snack about an hour before exercising.Remember, your body is continually bombarded

every day byfree radicals (creating oxidative stress) from exercise,air pollution, smoke, sun exposure, junk food, exposure tochemicals, etc.To reap the full benefits of antioxidants, ensure thatevery meal and snack you eat has at least one or twosources of antioxidant rich foods. This will give you acontinuous supply of antioxidants throughout every day toprevent the damage and aging that result from the freeradicals you are constantly exposed to. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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