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Thanks Anne... this is one of those studies i like to compare.. I have some arthritis but it is from years of "abuse"... as in ice skating, falls, heavy lifting, etc... over years... so I thought I would do my own survey with our group.Anne Bird <irishfox99@...> wrote: Both of my index fingers are noticably shorter than my ring fingers. I am 77 yo and have NO arthritis, knee, hip or osteoarthristis problems. So much for that as far as I am concerned. I just asked my sister who is 81 yo and her fingers are the same as mine and she has no knee problems, hip problems or arthritis either. Anne TX USA Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been


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  • 3 months later...
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Here is the exact quote:

" I have found Mrs X dificult to deal with as it was obvious she had

extensively researched her condition and was reluctant to consider any

medication or surgery without asking many questions. "

Now I may be wrong, but I thought that I needed to give fully informed

consent before treatment could be given. How can I possibly be fully

informed if I do not research and ask questions? By asking questions I

am considering the options! Surely if I don't understand or am still

not sure I need to ask follow up questions? Am I being unreasonable by

asking questions?

We all know what happens when questions are not asked and the correct

tests are not carried out......


> I just got a letter from the hospital. The consultant I was seeing is

> not willing to either see me again or treat me.


> He says he finds me difficult to deal with as I have researched my

> condition extensively and I ask questions.


> I think that says it all.


> Helen in Scotland


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I don't think I was threatening .... I'm told that this specialist is

known for not liking women - especially the women who ask questions but

no one will actually put anything in writing or complain. I had a

friend along with me and she says I asked " would you think this might

be a possibility? " and he left the room at that point and did not come

back. My friend said I had listened to what was said to me prior to

that and asked for a couple of points to be clarified but that is all.

She said I was very polite and she would not have been able to remain

as cool and collected had she been me and faced with his looking down

his nose. He is a large man and stands very close so one feels quite

intimidated by him.

I'm going to wait for my aldo/renin ratio to come back. If it is 800+

then I have hyperaldosteronism again. If it is less than 800 I am not

sure what I will do.... probably admit defeat, crawl away to lick my

wounds and die from stroke or heart attack when the time comes. I know

I won't get any more help in controlling the high BP if I do not have




> In all honesty, Helen, were you cordial and non-threatening, or were

you " I know it all better than you. " ? I've had trouble with

> the latter later.


> Maybe docs don't like you to know too much because then you'll know

when they screw up.


> What are you going to do now?


> Val



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I should also say that at no point does the gentleman say I was

threatening .... and I think he would have done so. He says he found me

difficult because I had obviously researched the condition and I asked

many questions.

He did not make any other claim except he still insists that a thiazide

would have been appropriate treatment for my hypertension at that time

despite my low potassium. He states that a potassium supplement would

have compensated for the loss of potassium caused by the drug. He also

says he did not insist that I use this drug because of I had expressed

doubts and concerns.



> I don't think I was threatening .... I'm told that this specialist is

> known

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Well, He is a F^* & *$#^ Idiot, trying to give you diuretics with your low K and

history of PA. I guess he thinks that if you

research, you'll find out what an idiot he is.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Helen

I don't think I was threatening .... I'm told that this specialist is

known for not liking women - especially the women who ask questions but

no one will actually put anything in writing or complain. I had a

friend along with me and she says I asked " would you think this might

be a possibility? " and he left the room at that point and did not come

back. My friend said I had listened to what was said to me prior to

that and asked for a couple of points to be clarified but that is all.

She said I was very polite and she would not have been able to remain

as cool and collected had she been me and faced with his looking down

his nose. He is a large man and stands very close so one feels quite

intimidated by him.

I'm going to wait for my aldo/renin ratio to come back. If it is 800+

then I have hyperaldosteronism again. If it is less than 800 I am not

sure what I will do.... probably admit defeat, crawl away to lick my

wounds and die from stroke or heart attack when the time comes. I know

I won't get any more help in controlling the high BP if I do not have




> In all honesty, Helen, were you cordial and non-threatening, or were

you " I know it all better than you. " ? I've had trouble with

> the latter later.


> Maybe docs don't like you to know too much because then you'll know

when they screw up.


> What are you going to do now?


> Val



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I got fired twice when I was trying to get parathyroid surgery. In truth, my

HMO didn't want to pay for it. One time, I took my

husband and he started expressing all the disgust we're both feeling. Another

time, I got a second endo opinion and my primary doc

fired me for doing that. And all the while they played their games, I suffered

and my children had no mother.

I'd say your specialist hung himself on two hooks - once for being intimidated

by an informed patient, and second, trying to give a

diuretic to a PA.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Helen

I should also say that at no point does the gentleman say I was

threatening .... and I think he would have done so. He says he found me

difficult because I had obviously researched the condition and I asked

many questions.

He did not make any other claim except he still insists that a thiazide

would have been appropriate treatment for my hypertension at that time

despite my low potassium. He states that a potassium supplement would

have compensated for the loss of potassium caused by the drug. He also

says he did not insist that I use this drug because of I had expressed

doubts and concerns.



> I don't think I was threatening .... I'm told that this specialist is

> known

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My favorite line about a young Dr. trying to get a loan for a car at


He would have no income for 4 yrs, so he told the mgr, " Look, some day you

might come in the ER all cut up from a car accident. I don't want any

unpleasant memories. I can't refuse to work on a patient, but I have a very

powerful tool in the ER - NEXT. "

He got the car.


Re: Comments???

I should also say that at no point does the gentleman say I was

threatening .... and I think he would have done so. He says he found me

difficult because I had obviously researched the condition and I asked

many questions.

He did not make any other claim except he still insists that a thiazide

would have been appropriate treatment for my hypertension at that time

despite my low potassium. He states that a potassium supplement would

have compensated for the loss of potassium caused by the drug. He also

says he did not insist that I use this drug because of I had expressed

doubts and concerns.



> I don't think I was threatening .... I'm told that this specialist is

> known

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Hi Helen

I think its just the UK, my Endo really dislikes the fact that i have searched

anything to do with Conn's. My tumor that has been removed " is not " a tumor its

a freckle,  50mm freckle wow. She said my path report was good will post it

later, she wouldnt let me see it, i asked for a copy she said yes but nothing.

Saw the surgeon who is excellent he showded me it and copied it for me. " says

hyperplasia on the ***** thing how can that be good. Pre op mentioned AVS, shock

horror was her response no way we dont do that. I honestly think from this site

that i no more than them and what confirmed it to me was after seeing the

surgeon and chief endo they are now looking into AVS and various other things i

mentioned to future patients.

Hope all goes well fo u

Re: Comments???

I don't think I was threatening .... I'm told that this specialist is

known for not liking women - especially the women who ask questions but

no one will actually put anything in writing or complain. I had a

friend along with me and she says I asked " would you think this might

be a possibility? " and he left the room at that point and did not come

back. My friend said I had listened to what was said to me prior to

that and asked for a couple of points to be clarified but that is all.

She said I was very polite and she would not have been able to remain

as cool and collected had she been me and faced with his looking down

his nose. He is a large man and stands very close so one feels quite

intimidated by him.

I'm going to wait for my aldo/renin ratio to come back. If it is 800+

then I have hyperaldosteronism again. If it is less than 800 I am not

sure what I will do.... probably admit defeat, crawl away to lick my

wounds and die from stroke or heart attack when the time comes. I know

I won't get any more help in controlling the high BP if I do not have




> In all honesty, Helen, were you cordial and non-threatening, or were

you " I know it all better than you. " ? I've had trouble with

> the latter later.


> Maybe docs don't like you to know too much because then you'll know

when they screw up.


> What are you going to do now?


> Val




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