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HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION ON THIS TITLE?? How Food Affects Your Love Lifeby Annemarie Colbin, C.H.E.S. Food and sex in folklore, history, and film Perhaps you remember the scene from the movie Tom , later repeated in Flashdance, where the male and female protagonists eat slowly, sensuously, chomping on a chicken leg (I think it was), slurping and licking their fingers, looking provocatively at each other -- without them touching each other or removing a single piece of clothing, that scene was truly one of the most erotic moments in movie history, Of course food has something

to do with sex. How about the double meanings of some common words in our language? Notice "cheesecake", "melons," "nuts," "a dish," "honey," "honey bunch," "my sweet," "Sweetie-pie," and variations. And of course the ultimate expression of delight, "I could eat you up!" All cultures have foods that are considered aphrodisiac. For example, saffron in Spain, bird’s nest soup in China, camel’s hump among the Arabs, cocoa for the Aztecs. It was said, for example, that Montezuma had 600 concubines, and to satisfy them he drank 50 cups of cocoa per day from a golden goblet. Over time, almost every interesting or exotic foodstuff, particularly if reminiscent of the male or female sex organs, has been used to inspire desire and stimulate performance: bananas, peaches, berries, figs, dates, asparagus, nuts, seeds, stuffed dates, sea urchins, to name a few. Levels of influence: how food relates to sex 1. Sensory: food can be sexually enticing or suggestive because of its texture (soft, slithery, slurpy, such as oysters), shape or appearance (think bananas, asparagus, cucumbers, pomegranates), and even the attitude with which it’s eaten (if slowly, sensually, with eye contact). 2. Romantic, sentimental: what counts here is the environment, the mood, soft lighting, pleasant music, beautiful flowers. These can arouse intimacy, relaxation, receptiveness, good memories. 3. Chemical: many foods purported to have aphrodisiac properties also contain important nutrients for the proper function of the sexual organs. Oysters, for example, are high in zinc, essential for good prostate health and testosterone production in men, as well as

estrogen balance in women. 4. Social: the social beliefs, customs, and rituals of each group or society will decree certain foods to be preparatory to or suggestive of the sexual encounter; some will be considered enhancing or inhibiting sex. In our society, caviar and champagne are classic seduction foods. 5. Energetic: different foods will affect the body’s energy flow differently, by relaxing (alcohol) or energizing (protein) as needed. Contrast counts. If caviar and champagne doesn’t turn you on because you’re a committed vegetarian/health food person, try sparkling cider and black Greek olives. Same flavor energies: sweet/sour and dark/salty. 6. Intentional, magical: this level reflects the mental attitude and intent of the one who offers or cooks the meal; it also shows

up in the agreement between the parties (spoken or unspoken) as to its purpose. Nutrients important to sexual functioning As mentioned above, zinc is one of the major nutrients necessary for this function; it is found in red meat, oysters, pumpkin seeds, organ meats, and organic eggs. Refined sugar, flour and rice are zinc deficient. Deficiency causes whitening of the hair and nails, loss of hair, poor circulation, impotence, lack of ovulation or menstruation, psychotic symptoms, slow wound healing, and hyperactivity in children. Whole grains, while they contain zinc, also contain phytates, which inhibit its absorption; soaking the grain overnight before cooking inactivates the phytates. According to nutritionist Anne Louise Gittleman, author of Supernutrition for Men, other important nutrients

include: potassium (found in all fruits and vegetables), selenium (found in organic butter, herring, tuna, whole wheat, Brazil nuts, and sesame seeds), manganese ( in nuts, seeds, and whole grains), phosphorus (abundant in whole grains, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and brewers’ yeast), vitamin E (found in eggs, whole grains, organ meats, sweet potatoes, almonds, and leafy green vegetables), vitamin C (found in all fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, cantaloupe, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and parsley), vitamin A (in liver, eggs, sweet potatoes, carrots, fish liver oil), B complex vitamins (abundant in whole

grains , brewer’s yeast, and liver). The inability to reach orgasm in both men and women is linked with a lack of histamines. Histamine production appears to be triggered by folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. Foods rich in folic acid include organ meats, asparagus, leafy greens, peanuts, mushrooms, whole grain cereals, lean beef, egg yolk -- all of which have been considered aphrodisiac. Foods that dampen desire or stress the sexual organs Sexual energy wanes with malnutrition, lack of protein, fat or calories. Sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, especially when used to excess, can interfere with the absorption of the nutrients mentioned above and result in impaired sexual function. A high-sugar vegetarian diet , as well as an

over-reliance on soy foods may both dampen desire. Certain traditions that favor celibacy stress foods known to reduce the interest in sex; in Japan, for example, tofu is considered "cooling" to the sex organs and therefore favored in monastic vegetarian diets. Unfermented soy foods like tofu and soy milk may block zinc absorption because of their phytate content (miso and shoyu wouldn’t do that). Other "cooling" foods are cucumber, turnips, kale, and cabbage. All these foods contain anti-thyroid factors, not favorable for a healthy sex life, because the thyroid regulates sexual activity, desire, and fertility. When used, these foods are best used moderately and together with other, more energizing foods. Milk products, so abundant in our society, are associated with many problems of the reproductive system. Gynecologist Christiane Northrup, MD, the founder of the clinic Women to Women in

Portland, Maine, and author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, found that women who had benign breast conditions, chronic vaginal discharge, acne, menstrual cramps, fibroids, and endometriosis tended to consume large amounts of milk products. Dairy food consumption is also implicated in breast and ovarian cancers. In women, thinness, anorexia, excessive exercising may lead to a lack of interest or even distaste for sex, as the body does not produce enough estrogen when too thin. Different requirements for men and women In Chinese philosophy, opposites -- yin and yang -- attract each other. For men and women to attract each other, then, it works best when they are different rather than similar. Japanese folk precepts state that men should be given more food than women, as well as an extra dish of something strong and salty (a seaweed

preparation, or fermented fish eggs) to enhance their strength. From what I’ve seen, it is not unusual for women to eat generally less and lighter than men. This is perhaps a natural expression of a natural difference. A healthy sex life emerges naturally in a generally healthy body. Any diet that lightens, strengthens, and energizes the body will have a beneficial effect on sexuality. Therefore, a well balanced diet that includes whole grains, beans, fish, seafood, organic eggs, green and yellow vegetables, and fresh fruit will go far in improving a person’s health and at the same time enhancing sexual function.

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