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Persecution, Ed McCabe, Working Together

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I wish someone could compile the stories of all the Healers who have

been harrassed, vandalized and/or arrested by the feds. I think it would

be a real shocker. Does anyone know the number? Hundreds?? Thousands??

How many of them still practice??


, (and all of you)

I HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTING TO DO JUST THAT. I have put out several emails

to the oxytherapy list, but have gotten little response.

Here's the deal. My family is involved in doing PR for doctors and

practioners, that have been harassed, persecuted, etc. I personally

know four people who have nearly been destroyed by the government for

their work in alternative health. It is absolutely disgusting what is

going on, and it has got to be stopped. The only way in which we are

going to change anything, is to get over our fear, and WORK TOGETHER.

My goal is to compile just such a list of people who have been in

trouble. Further, I would like to interview and film those willing, to

start getting their stories out. We really needto form a loose network

of doctors, healers, patients, distributors, etc, who know about each

other, and what is going on. We should ALL be aware when one of us has

been attacked, because as the saying goes, " United We Stand, Divided We

Fall. "

I personally have had nothing but the utmost positive experience with

oxygen therapies. They have changed my life. When I found out Ed

McCabe was in prison, I became determined to figure out how and why

(some of you know this already). Well, it is a long and complicated

story, but the gist of it does appear to be his involvement in promoting

oxygen therapies in this country. I think I can safely say that Ed

appears to be a political prisoner. And his time in prison has not been

pleasant, it has been awful.

I have been writing to Ed, and we have become friends. He is an AMAZING

human being. The fact that he is behind bars makes me sick. I am

determined to find a way to help him regain his freedom. Again, it is a

complicated process, and for those of us who have been supporting him,

it has involved a lot of sitting back and waiting, and writing to him.

Three friends of my family's have lost nearly everything because of

their work. My dad's best friend, an attorney Ed once consulted, just

had a massive heart attack, he is so devasted by what is happening to


Certainly the climate with the government and freedom in health care has

been ugly, and easily fear producing. I KNOW how bad it can be.

However, I believe it is time to get over our fear, form a cohesive

group and FIGHT BACK. I am not looking to be a martyr, I am not looking

to go to prison, but for all of the ugliness about this country I have

recently discovered, I still believe it is a free country, IF WE MAKE IT


I have dedicated my life to just such a goal. Because while we sit here

on our computers typing away about healing possibilities, our options to

use some of them are dwindling. (It is pretty bad in California). And

while we sit here sharing information we are all apparently passionate

about, some people are being destroyed for trying to help others HEAL.

How can any of us sit by and watch this happen?

It seems that things are simultaneously getting better and worse. Why?

Because a few years ago, ozone wasn't legal in the States at all. A

good friend of mine had to fly to Germany to get treatments. Now it is

legal in ten states. However, not just oxy therapy practioners, but

anyone who goes against pumping expensive and potentially harmful drugs

into the population, and instead uses more natural, sensible ways to

heal, anyone SUCCESSFULL in doing so, may at some time or another find

themselves in trouble. How? There are various things that happen.

Often, the IRS comes in and finds some kind of fraud. In the case of a

doctor we are working with in San Francisco, a well known and respected

immunologist, allergist, M.D., he was treating ADHD with changes in

diet, and other more natural methods,discovering what food sensitivities

children may have. He is against Ritalin. Last summer his liscence was

revoked by the California Medical Board, in a 17 day deliberation that

cost Dr. Sinaiko $100,000. He was accused of treating people " off

label, " something commonly done by doctors. His case, which is still

open, may determine much about how much medical freedom we have in

California. It is considered one of the most important cases in

Califonia medical history.

I have just heard in the last two days of a couple in Florida who sold

ozone generators. I don't know the full story yet. I do know he is in

prison, with a possible 30 years, and his wife may get five. I am

waiting to be updated on their situation.

I am tired of the fear that prevents us from being aware of one another,

and prevents us from actively supporting one another. THIS MUST


Please, if you have any stories, if you can help me make connections, if

you can do anything in the way of supporting our becoming more cohesive,

email me, start working with me now.

I am even interested in at some point forming some sort of medical

defense fund, to use in cases like Ed's, and others that many of us

know, people who have lost so much, they cannot afford their own


In truth, in love, in Light,

in freedom,


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