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is unsweatned cocoa allowed on the diet if you have candida? isnt that sugar???

Re: Breakfast

I have a favorite breakfast now and it covers alot of bases and if you

like chocolate shakes it kicks some ass.

fill a blender bowl with a cup to a cup and a half of water

add 2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa of your favorite brand

1 tbsp of NOW green phytofoods

1 or 2 packets of stevia

3 tbsp VCO

3 ice cubes

blend that up and then stop it and add:

30g whey and 2 more ice cubes(duncan says blending whey is bad so less

time is probably better.)

It is pretty simple, but I love chocolate shakes and it is quick and

super nutritious so I have drank it pretty much every morning for the

past 3 monthes.


> >

> > What's your favorite breakfast? Trying to find non-cereal

> > alternatives, beside protein smoothies.

> >

> > Thanks!

> >


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  • 11 months later...

>Hello All,

>I am new to this but I am very excited about the support group. Does

>anyone have any suggestions about a breakfast menu? (I am allergic to

>eggs too)

>Hope to hear from you,

>The New Guy-

Hi - welcome to the group. I used to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner

plus two snacks a day but now I usually have a small protein and fat snack

in the AM and then just lunch and dinner. If I do eat breakfast, it's

usually the same thing I am eating for lunch or dinner, and that's usually a

protein, fat, and some veggies.


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How about veggies? Although I eat a lot of eggs for breakfast, I

sometimes just make some steamed or stir-fried green peppers, onions,

cauliflower, broccoli, etc. and have it with bacon, ham, etc.


On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, a K. Carlton wrote:

>> Hello All,

>> I am new to this but I am very excited about the support group. Does

>> anyone have any suggestions about a breakfast menu? (I am allergic to

>> eggs too)


>> Hope to hear from you,

>> The New Guy-


> Hi - welcome to the group. I used to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner

> plus two snacks a day but now I usually have a small protein and fat snack

> in the AM and then just lunch and dinner. If I do eat breakfast, it's

> usually the same thing I am eating for lunch or dinner, and that's usually a

> protein, fat, and some veggies.


> a


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Hello ,

Welcome! I love vegi's and meat like Zack recommends for breakfast and

Bee's Raw Egg Drink is a great way to start the day too!

Here's the recipe from Bee's files just in case you haven't tried it


Hope this helps! :-)

Debra NW

Bee's Raw Egg Drink

© Copyright Bee Wilder

Contains: 19 grams of protein, 65 grams of fat and 4 grams of carbs.

1. 3 raw large whole eggs (or 4 medium), preferably " certified

organic " free-range

2. 2 tablespoons coconut oil

3. 2 tablespoons butter (organic or certified organic cultured &

unsalted is best)

4. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, or to taste

5. 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg - see Note

6. 1 pinch of stevia sweetener, or to taste

7. 2 — 2 ½ cups of boiled filtered water

Note: Taking too much nutmeg can make you sleepy, so please be cautious

and do not use more than 1/2 teaspoon per recipe. Taking more than 1

teaspoon of nutmeg within one day may cause nausea, swelling, and

increased mind perceptions, such as " seeing things " (hallucinations).

1. Put the first 6 ingredients in a blender.

2. Add boiled water last.

3. Close the cover well, and blend for about 1 minute.

Some people like this drink hot, while others prefer it cold.

All ingredients can be adjusted to suit individual needs. For example,

if you are just starting on coconut oil add 1 teaspoon and gradually

increase the amount over time (every 4 to 5 days) to minimize

die-off/healing reactions. The number of eggs can be increased or

decreased, along with any other ingredients.

" kelly.saunders93 " <kelly.saunders93@...> wrote:

Hello All,

I am new to this but I am very excited about the support group. Does

anyone have any suggestions about a breakfast menu? (I am allergic to

eggs too)

Hope to hear from you, The New Guy-

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I will sometimes have a hamburger or a bowl of chili for breakfast. My

husband likes chili and eggs.


At 10:25 AM 1/26/2008, you wrote:

>Hello All,

>I am new to this but I am very excited about the support group. Does

>anyone have any suggestions about a breakfast menu? (I am allergic to

>eggs too)


>Hope to hear from you,

>The New Guy-



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> Hello All,

> I am new to this but I am very excited about the support group.


> anyone have any suggestions about a breakfast menu? (I am allergic


> eggs too)


> Hope to hear from you,

> The New Guy-

==>Hi . You may be mistaken about being allergic to eggs.

Allergies are very misunderstood and mis-interpreted by the medical

field. Also eggs contain sulphur which is antifungal, so they would

cause die-off/healing reactions. The trick is to start with small

amounts and only gradually increase them to minimize die-off/healing

reactions. Many group members have discovered they can eat eggs IF

they do it this way.

Allergies are big-business for the medical and drug industry, and the

tests are totally whacko. They don't use unadulterated foods to make

antigens for allergy tests, and often the foods are laden with

pesticides, i.e. eggs from chickens treated with antibiotics and non-

organic foods. Also the end product contains solvents labs use to

clean them - duh? For more information see these articles:



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

This recipe is great for breakfast and as a dessert. Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 1 apple chopped ½ cup raisins 1 cup seedless grapes 2 sliced bananas 1 cup berries, whatever is in season 2 cups plain or vanilla stoneybrook yogurt Directions: Mix all the fruit together and either top with yogurt, or mix all together.Serves 4 Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


> Does anyone have any breakfast recommendations? I am open to anything

> really or something quick and easy.~kulia

==>Hi Kulia. (love your name!) The best breakfast is Bee's Raw Egg

Drink: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/recipes/recipe167.php

Otherwise, most people with candida eat eggs and bacon (free of

nitrates/sulphites, sugar, etc.) or they eat foods they usually have

for lunch or breakfast, since all grains, cereals, etc. are not allowed.

I just finished posting all of the recipes on my website, so enjoy!

Here's the Recipe Index:


There's a whole section of Egg Recipes.

Also see Menus, Daily Plans, etc. on my website:


There's lots of great foods to eat for breakfast, but it can be tough

because of not being able to eat familiar foods.

The best, Bee

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I make a green drink and eat two scrambled eggs for breakfast. I tried

something good this weekend, boneless chicken breast, sliced thinly and fried.

Over it I put a poached egg topped with cooked slices of broccoli and topped it

all with hollandaise sauce made with fresh tarragon. It was great! I served it

for guests too. I usually eat for breakfast a version of what I had for dinner

the night before.

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A friend recommended rice with fish and a can of coconut milk. He said

it makes like a porridge. For me once in a while I like an egg, but

often first thing in the morning it can be a bit heavy for me. Does

anyone have any other suggestions, some thing quick and easy?~kulia


> I make a green drink and eat two scrambled eggs for breakfast. I

tried something good this weekend, boneless chicken breast, sliced

thinly and fried. Over it I put a poached egg topped with cooked

slices of broccoli and topped it all with hollandaise sauce made with

fresh tarragon. It was great! I served it for guests too. I usually

eat for breakfast a version of what I had for dinner the night before.






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Nice suggestion from your friend, but rice and coconut milk are not

allowed on this diet. :) For breakfast, either do the egg drink... or

an omelette with veggies... or scrambled eggs with veggies. I usually

have 4 eggs, along with 2 Tablespoons of butter and the coconut oil.

If added veggies, I'll have 3 eggs instead.



> A friend recommended rice with fish and a can of coconut milk. He


> it makes like a porridge. For me once in a while I like an egg, but

> often first thing in the morning it can be a bit heavy for me. Does

> anyone have any other suggestions, some thing quick and easy?~kulia


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Also, remember... it's not about what you want or don't want for

breakfast. It's about hitting your target fat/protein/carb ratios

spread out over the day. Breakfast is a GREAT opportunity to get a lot

of fat/protein with eggs, butter and coconut oil with very little

carbs. :)


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> A friend recommended rice with fish and a can of coconut milk. He


> it makes like a porridge. For me once in a while I like an egg, but

> often first thing in the morning it can be a bit heavy for me. Does

> anyone have any other suggestions, some thing quick and easy?~kulia

==>Bee's Raw Egg Drink isn't heavy; it's like a smoothie, and it is

very quick and easy to make:


I have it every morning!

The best, Bee


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Ugh! Mexican produce. I refuse to buy any imported produce. I'm tired

of supporting other countries! In the summer I buy from a local produce

stand and the other seasons I go to the health food store. Both of

these places even sell imported produce so I ask or read the signs. If

it's not in season, I don't buy it.



> Think about it... in this whiny world we find ourselves in now, they

> have totally shut down the tomato industry because 338 people have

> gotten sick with salmonella NATIONWIDE. I saw a news story that we


> all the good tomatoes from Mexico, so the inferior ones stay there.

> Tens of thousands of Mexicans get salmonella poisoning from those

> inferior tomatoes every year, yet we freak out over a few hundred

> cases. The Mexicans are enjoying all the good tomatoes that we


> to import into America during this " crisis. "



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> Hi Kulia


> Same here with me, I'm scared of eating all these eggs as heart

disease runs in my family as well and the doctor's told my uncle as

well that he ate too many eggs and caused him heart problems. I've

been taking cholesterol medication now for over 8 years and prior to

taking those I had a mild heart attack as my cholesterol was high.

Last year I decided on my own that I was going to give them up

because of the side effects. I watched my diet closely as well but in

just a few months my cholesterol went from 2.2 to 7.1 and the doctor

was very uspset at me and said I was trying to kill myself to give up

those meds without his orders. He told me to never do such a crazy

thing like that again. Therefore I hesitate abut those things now and

not sure whose advice to follow. I want to clean the candida from my

body but not cause other problems or put myself in the hospital from



> I just cannot do the raw egg thing either ...... they have to be

cooked very good for me.

==>Maddy, I recommend you read the " real " cause of heart disease in

this article: http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/hd.html

In fact heart disease was so rare at the turn of the 19th century

that doctors would have to travel great distances to even observe

someone with it. Now it is the leading cause of deaths. So the

question is, what changed between then and now to cause such epidemic

heart disease? The answer is not natural fats from nature, but

because of the foods in the modern diet, including " bad " fats that

are only 1 molecule away from being plastic; and they do a great deal

of damage and harm to the body. The body even utilizes this plastic

to construct cell membranes, which makes them weak, so cholesterol is

made by the body to come to the rescue.

Nature intends that all cell membranes, in order to be healthy, be

constructed out of 50% saturated fat, i.e. butter, coconut oil, lard,

etc. (lung cells required 100% saturated fat) and not out of plastic

oils and fats.

Cholesterol is not the monster it's been made out to be. It is one

of the most important repair and protective mechanisms made by the

body. In fact if you consumed absolutely no fat of any kind your

body would still produce cholesterol for repair and protection as

needed throughout the body.

Another good article is " The Oiling of America " :


And also: " Know Your Fats " ;


In fact more people die from low cholesterol than from high

cholesterol. People who take statin drugs acquire many other health

problems caused by the drugs, even cancer. That makes sense because

all drugs are poisonous to the body.

The best, Bee

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> Think about it... in this whiny world we find ourselves in now,


> have totally shut down the tomato industry because 338 people have

> gotten sick with salmonella NATIONWIDE. I saw a news story that we


> all the good tomatoes from Mexico, so the inferior ones stay


> Tens of thousands of Mexicans get salmonella poisoning from those

> inferior tomatoes every year, yet we freak out over a few hundred

> cases. The Mexicans are enjoying all the good tomatoes that we


> to import into America during this " crisis. "


> It should also be noted that one can NOT usually catch salmonella


> what's inside an egg. The salmonella is usually on the outside of


> egg and is simply not washed well, if I understand it correctly.


> then, I don't wash my eggs either... before I eat them raw). :)

==>Also Doug, salmonella and e. coli are normal bacteria found in all

guts, even in animals. Salmonella bacteria on an egg or in foods

like tomatoes or spinach could no more cause sickness than flies

cause a manure pile. I'd test positive for salmonella or e. coli

too, as would anyone! So go figure.

The body would also be ready to " make: salmonella, e. coli, or other

bacteria mutate/change, just like candida, in order to clean up the

body. And we know that modern diets do not contribute to health.

Those people who had a salmonella outbreak from tomatoes were

unhealthy to begin with! It wasn't the tomatoes; it was the condition

of their bodies. It's not the germs, it's the terrain. Also, not

everyone who ate the tomatoes or spinach acquired salmonella or

e.coli poisoning. Also to call it poisoning is strange.

The Ekimos ate rotten fish, which was considered a delicacy and very

tasty, and it didn't make them sick - see this article:


Warm regards, Bee

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> I really don't think I can do this. When I don't get my grains, I

> think it turns me into a total bitch!!! My mom and I were on the S.

> Beach diet where it was like the candida diet for three days and

> then complex carbs in very limited quantity. We were at eachother's

> throats and I don't think either of us handled the diet very well.

> To be honest my doctor advised against this diet and said it was

way too radical.

==>If not eating grains causes you problems, that is because you are

addicted to them, and if you don't have them you get withdrawal

symptoms which causes emotional problems. Here's some great articles

about cravings, withdrawal symptoms, etc.:


==>In fact one of the best tests for candida is IF a person has

cravings for high carb foods like grains, and also for sugars.

==>58% of protein and 10% of fat turns into glucose inside the body

providing all the body needs for maintain blood sugar levels.


> I looked on Dr. Mercola's website today about candida and it was

> quite interesting. It says that candida can start with people that

> have had mercury poisoning. And the candida feeds on the toxic

> heavy metals. I think I may have gotten heavy metals from the

> hairdressing industry. That's when I first noticed how I had to

> change my diet. Chlorella is essential to helping eliminate heavy

> metals. My main problem that I've been noticing lately is a rash in

> groin and a yeasty smell on my skin especially when I first wake up.

==>No chlorella isn't essential to eliminate heavy metals, and many

people with candida have problems with it. That is why I do not

recommend it. The best chelator of heavy metals is natural fats like

coconut oil, butter, lard, etc. and they are also the most effective

cleansers for the body. This high " good " fats program will chelate

out all heavy metals.

==>Rashes are caused by toxins coming out through the skin, which is

the best way for the body get rid of them in order to protect vital

inner organs. So they are part of the healing process and nothing to

be concerned about.


> I've been too weak and don't have the proper food now but when I

> come back from my two week trip, I'm going to try to do this more

> fully. I think I'm almost there. I know one thing, it would

> certainly take care of my weight problem. It's very difficult with

> CFIDS to have such a limited diet. I used to be a vegetarian and

> vegan. I really don't like eating fleshy foods all the time

> especially when I get my period because it makes me bleed quite

> heavily if I don't go vegetarian around the time of it.

==>Eating god-given foods like fleshy foods doesn't cause physical

problems. If you bleed heavity there are other reasons, not related

to eating meats.

Kulia, it appears from what you write that you haven't read my main

article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " . It makes more work

for myself, my moderators and others on the group when you don't

understand and know the basis of this group and the program being

applied. So please read that article before posting more messages my

friend. Thanks a bunch!


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Bee>>Nature intends that all cell membranes, in order to be healthy, be

constructed out of 50% saturated fat, i.e. butter, coconut oil, lard,

etc. (lung cells required 100% saturated fat) and not out of plastic

oils and fats.>>

I'm reading, Bee. Thank you for all the information. I was a vegetarian

for 23 years. Now I am wondering how much damage my diet has given me.

I craved meat a few months or so ago and started eating chicken and

fish. I now most enjoy pork and turkey bacon and pork sausages. I like

the fat. I havent read enough to fully understand if pork fat is OK,

but I am really enjoying it... and wondering if actually my body

desparately needs it.

>>The body would also be ready to " make: salmonella, e. coli, or other

bacteria mutate/change, just like candida, in order to clean up the

body. And we know that modern diets do not contribute to health.

Those people who had a salmonella outbreak from tomatoes were

unhealthy to begin with! It wasn't the tomatoes; it was the condition

of their bodies. It's not the germs, it's the terrain. Also, not

everyone who ate the tomatoes or spinach acquired salmonella or

e.coli poisoning. Also to call it poisoning is strange.>>

I am wondering about this as well. As a germ-o-phone, I would find

relief in focusing on nourishing my body properly and not on avoiding

the germs! At this point, with lyme and co-infections swimming around

in my body, I cannot imagine killing them all off and at what cost. I

am putting my hope in the terrain theory. Thank you.:-) Sal

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> Bee>>Nature intends that all cell membranes, in order to be

healthy, be

> constructed out of 50% saturated fat, i.e. butter, coconut oil,


> etc. (lung cells required 100% saturated fat) and not out of


> oils and fats.>>


> I'm reading, Bee. Thank you for all the information. I was a

vegetarian for 23 years. Now I am wondering how much damage my diet

has given me. I craved meat a few months or so ago and started eating

chicken and fish. I now most enjoy pork and turkey bacon and pork

sausages. I like the fat. I havent read enough to fully understand if

pork fat is OK, but I am really enjoying it... and wondering if

actually my body desparately needs it.

==>Hi Sal. Yes pork fat is also very good, so is chicken fat, goose

fat, and any other fats from animals or fish, or extra virgin olive



> >>The body would also be ready to " make: salmonella, e. coli, or

other bacteria mutate/change, just like candida, in order to clean up

the body. And we know that modern diets do not contribute to health.

Those people who had a salmonella outbreak from tomatoes were

unhealthy to begin with! It wasn't the tomatoes; it was the

condition of their bodies. It's not the germs, it's the terrain.

Also, not everyone who ate the tomatoes or spinach acquired

salmonella or e.coli poisoning. Also to call it poisoning is



> I am wondering about this as well. As a germ-o-phone, I would find

> relief in focusing on nourishing my body properly and not on

avoiding the germs! At this point, with lyme and co-infections

swimming around in my body, I cannot imagine killing them all off and

at what cost. I am putting my hope in the terrain theory.

==>I'm glad you are putting your hope on the terrain theory! Taking

proper care of our bodies does get results, as witnessed by many

people on this group who have achieved very remarkable results on

this program in the 4 years I've had it - see our Success Stories in

our group's files (left menu); I'm starting get them up on my website

now too: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

==>IF " the germ theory " were true, we would " all " have " all " of the

germs " all " the time since germs, bacteria, etc. are everywhere. I

think this article would interest you about the germ theory:


Thank you.:-)

==>You are so very welcome Sal!


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> Kulia, it appears from what you write that you haven't read my main

> article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " . It makes more work

> for myself, my moderators and others on the group when you don't

> understand and know the basis of this group and the program being

> applied. So please read that article before posting more messages


> friend. Thanks a bunch!


> Bee


I read it several times. I'm just venting. That's what these groups

are about. But I will reread again and again...etc...

I don't crave lots of comples carbs but my stomach feels a bit empty

and not satified just eating meat, fish, poultry and veggies. Even a

small portion of rice, quinoa, soaked properly with lemon to me feels

better. But thanks...I will read the article about carb cravings and


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One could also say, " a small bowl of ice cream makes me feel

better. " Reading Is Fundamental. Comprehension, I suppose, is much

more important. :)



> I read it several times. I'm just venting. That's what these groups

> are about. But I will reread again and again...etc...


> I don't crave lots of comples carbs but my stomach feels a bit


> and not satified just eating meat, fish, poultry and veggies. Even


> small portion of rice, quinoa, soaked properly with lemon to me


> better. But thanks...I will read the article about carb cravings


> emotions.~kulia


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