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Re: The Courage to Continue

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Very nice LynnPearlmoon <pearlmoon@...> wrote: Sometimes in our lives we may have a bad experience, a setback or a loss. Sometimes the pain from any of these experiences can be unrelentless (sp) and so constant that at times we may not be sure we can go on. I know I have been in this place more than once in my life. I hope the words below will help some of you with this pain as the thought of them has always helped me through the years.When things seem to be not working in the way that you wanted themto, what do you do? Do you throw a tantrum, and stomp your feet, ordo you stop to consider the message in this set-back.The message of this decan is that of "Courage". Courage comesdirectly from the power of the "will", stemming directly frominitiative. That is to say that desire

powers the "will" andinitiative gives one courage.Is my desire strong enough to carry my initiative through tocompletion?"As a highly connected global society, we're moving rapidly towardhaving to make important choices that will affect our presentsecurity and the lives of future generations. The world's problemscould get worse before they get better. But the very challenges ofthis time period also present opportunities for a significant shiftin human consciousness."~ Doc Childre and , "The HeartMath Solution""Problems invite us to go inside to recognize a bigger picture ofourselves and of life. This bigger picture brings meaning to what isunfolding. When you feel trapped in a problem, see if you can shiftyour perspective. Ask yourself, "What is my soul inviting me to learnfrom this situation?" The answer will always revolve around a qualityor value, like gratitude, freedom,

compassion, love, will, humour oracceptance. The answer will also always promote union rather thanseparation. As soon as we find the meaning in our challenge, ourresistance to it melts away. Often, awareness of the lesson is allthat is needed to resolve the problem. If not, the awareness bringsus courage and ways to work through it."© Reproductions Permitted http://www.HigherAwareness.com"Feel with us for a moment, the feeling of PASSION. Exhilaration,enthusiasm, you know that feeling. Well that means, relative to thefirst of the two things..strong desire. And relative to thesecond..no resistance. In other words, passion means 'I am summoningLOTS of nonphysical energy through the power of my desire and I amnot vibrating opposite of it, I am ALLOWING the energy that i amsummoning'..that's what the feeling of passion is. Now, feel with usthe feeling of contentment or peacefulness. In this moment, not

muchdesire, but no resistance. Now feel with us the feeling offrustration. Some desire, some resistance. Now feel the feeling ofstrong frustration, or anger, or guilt is a strong one, or somedepression. Strong desire, strong resistance. Do you get a sense ofwhat we are talking about here?"~ Abraham-HicksIf, by feeling bad, I am not allowing Source Energy, then it is mytask to change how I'm feeling. Regardless of whateverdisappointments may be experienced, we can change how we feel bydwelling on our gratitudes. There is still a lot to be thankful for,and much to be that can still be enjoyed.I can also change how I feel with a little encouragement from myfriends. Notice how the word "courage" is contained in the word"encouragement".What do YOU find in your "now" to count among your blessings?"Generally, appreciation means some blend of thankfulness,admiration, approval, and gratitude. In the

financial world,something that 'appreciates' grows in value. With the power tool ofappreciation, you get the benefit of both perspectives: as you learnto be consistently thankful and approving, your life will grow invalue."~ Doc Childre and The trick to staying happy is to take your mind off of things thatarent working, by making a decision about what youd rather haveinstead.Then think about how to accomplish what you want with what you haveto work with, and let yourself be guided to the remedies that areavailable. That way, its easier to let go of the past and lookforward to a delightful future!"Anything that you are wanting: don't stand in the lack of it andlament that it isn't there and expect it to come to you. It cannot.Find a little piece of it, a little string of it, a little trail ofit, a little clue of it - look for something about it, and focus uponthat little piece,

and by Law of Attraction, watch it grow!~ Abraham-HicksWhere can YOU find the Courage to hold on to your vision?Its worth thinking about

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Thank you Suzie

I just suffered a mild heart attack and am not getting the best of responses from my family about the way I wish to be treated if it should ever come back in a big way so as to really STOP my heart rather than just cause me the chest pain that it did. I'm just trying to calm and center myself and not take anything too hard. I just thought that I would share how I do that with everyone.

Oh yes and .......? The PA or N P who took my history actually rolled her eyes at me when I told her I take Cayenne for my heart. We got into a bit of a "discussion" about that I can tell you. I assure you she knows a lot more about cayenne now than she did before she rolled her eyes at me. LOL!! No...I will "not" take aspirin in place of my cayenne, thank you very much. By the way .....what do you make your cayenne tincture with....vodka or apple cider vinegar? I do have some home made moon shine in one of my cabinets and am thinking of using that to make my next batch of cayenne tincture. I just have to find some fresh peppers and not the regular supermarket kind. Also can any pepper be used like Scotch Bonnets or Harbinaros? Or does it "have" to be Cayenne? Thanks a bunch. Take good care for now.



Re: The Courage to Continue

Very nice Lynn

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Hi Lynn, I know what you mean!! I've done that routine so many times. As for how I make mine, I tend to use habs tinctured in raw organic apple cider vinegar. You'll get more out of it if you use the grain alcohol, but for personal reasons I prefer the vinegar. Just put it all in a blender, then transfer to an airtight jar and set in the cupboard for a couple of weeks, shaking every day or so. Then press out the liquid and dispose of the solids (or ideally, compost them). Peace, love, laughter Pearlmoon <pearlmoon@...> wrote: Oh yes and .......? The PA or N P who took my history actually rolled her eyes at me when I told her I take Cayenne for my heart. We got into a bit of a "discussion" about that I can tell you. I assure you she knows a lot more about cayenne now than she did before she rolled her eyes at me. LOL!! No...I will "not" take aspirin in place of my cayenne, thank you very much. By the way .....what do you make your cayenne tincture with....vodka or apple cider vinegar? I do have some home made moon shine in one of my cabinets and am thinking of using that to make my next batch of cayenne tincture. I just have to find some fresh peppers and not the regular supermarket kind. Also can any pepper be used like Scotch Bonnets or Harbinaros? Or does it "have"

to be Cayenne? Thanks a bunch. Take good care for now. Beannacht Lynn . __________________________________________________

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Thank you my friend. I will do that. And will not give up on my cayenne. LOL!! :)) But again.... can it be with a hotter pepper or should I stick with the cayenne itself? Just wondering. Thanks again.



Re: The Courage to Continue

Hi Lynn,

I know what you mean!! I've done that routine so many times.

As for how I make mine, I tend to use habs tinctured in raw organic apple cider vinegar. You'll get more out of it if you use the grain alcohol, but for personal reasons I prefer the vinegar. Just put it all in a blender, then transfer to an airtight jar and set in the cupboard for a couple of weeks, shaking every day or so. Then press out the liquid and dispose of the solids (or ideally, compost them).

Peace, love, laughter

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Lynn I may have some Thai peppers if you can't find anything local. You can use any kind of hot peppers in your tincture.

Mine are organic, homegrown and dried. Plenty hot.

Check your blood magnesium level. Almost all people who have heart attacks have low blood magnesium. Also try this for some reading. http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/unified.htm


His idea is that the arteries get tiny stress fractures in the areas around the heart that expand and contract regularly. That exposes the proteins L Lysine and L Proline. With sufficient vitamin C your body can repair the cracks itself. Without it, the cracks stay open. There is a form of cholesterol in the blood, Lp(a), whose job it is to bind with Lysine and Proline to heal cracks. So it binds with those open cracks and keeps on building up forming a blockage. By taking what is considered massive doses of vitamin C (6,000 to 10,000 mg daily) the body heals those cracks itself. By also taking Lysine and Proline, the Lp(a) is bound up so it can't form plaque and blockages.

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiaaeranch@...

Re: The Courage to Continue

Very nice Lynn

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Hi Lynn, Any pepper will do, but the hotter the better. Peace, love, laughter I rear-ended a car this morning. So there we are alongside the road and slowly the driver gets out of the car . . . and you know how you just get sooo stressed and life seems to get funny? Well, I could NOT believe it . . he was a DWARF! He storms over to my car, looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!" So, I look down at him and say, "Well, which one are you then?"... and THAT'S when the fight started . .Pearlmoon <pearlmoon@...> wrote: Thank you my friend. I will do that. And will not give up on my cayenne. LOL!! :)) But again.... can it be with a hotter pepper or should I stick with the cayenne itself? Just wondering. Thanks again. Beannacht Lynn . __________________________________________________

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Thank you . I appreciate that information.



Re: The Courage to Continue

Hi Lynn,

Any pepper will do, but the hotter the better.

Peace, love, laughter

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