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Burn belly fat with spices

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Spices, we all have them in our cupboards, but for most people, we think of them in terms of flavor enhancers only. Most of us think we get our nutrition from meat, vegetables and fruit. But don't underestimate the power of spices. You would be amazed at the nutrient value they have and what they can do for our metabolism. Take cayenne pepper for example. It comes from a vegetable that really is a chili pepper. It is loaded with vitamin A, vitamins C and B6, it has fiber, vitamin K and manganese. Not only is it nutritious, it is a thermogenic food (burning up of calories) that increases metabolism. This is why it is good for weight loss. All hot peppers contain capsaicin. The hotter the chili, the more capsaicin it contains. Fresh chilis are always best but using cayenne pepper daily will not only spice up your favorite foods but will speed up the metabolism which in turn helps you to lose weight. Cinnamon is not only a delicious spice but has

many health benefits. It can reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It also mimics insulin that lowers blood glucose. This is good news for diabetics. A study was done by the USDA Research Center in land where they were testing how certain foods affected the blood sugar levels in the body. When they tested apple pie they were expecting it to spike glucose levels. To their surprise, it actually lowered glucose levels. It was the cinnamon in it that created this unexpected result. For all of us apple pie lovers, this is fantastic news. Dessert is back! Cinnamon also improves blood circulation which in turn increases getting oxygen to the cells of the body. This also increases the metabolism. (Got to love that cinnamon) Ginger is another favorite for weight loss. According to the International Journal of Obesity, a study was done to see if ginger could help reduce body fat. What they found was that ginger is also a thermogenic food. After eating ginger,

tissues in the body used more energy than they normally would have and therefore creating higher metabolism. As with cayenne pepper, ginger also improves circulation. So go ahead and enjoy ginger. If you have never tried it, you can find some good recipes online to experiment with. Basil is a spice in most people's cupboards. It is a member of the mint family. This tasty, aromatic spice has anti-bacterial properties. It can be used to wash fruits and vegetables therefore making them safe to eat. It is also high in vitamin A and potassium. As with cinnamon, basil has been shown in tests to reduce glucose levels in the blood. Basil is the main ingredient in pesto and has a wonderful relationship with tomatoes. Basil is a common spice in all Italian foods. Little did we know that basil could help us lose weight. It is hard for the majority of people to stick to a good diet let alone try to lose weight. A key factor in most weight loss programs is bland

tasting food. No one is going to stick to a diet for very long when we are disgusted with what our food choices are. We do have a card to play though and that is tasty, healthy spices! This can make all the difference in our weight loss goals, especially troublesome belly fat. Make your food taste delicious with spices and you will find it much easier to stick to your plan. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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