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This brings to my mind the broader issue of homeostasis. here is what I

recently read. Anyone care to comment?

" HOMEOSTASIS is the tendency of the body to maintain an equilibrium

condition wherein all bodily conditions are stabilised at normal

levels. The body will gradually neutralise the effect of almost any

substance thatis repeatedly put into it over a long enough period of

time. Most herbs lose all effectiveness when taken over a period of 6-9

months. This may happen because the body develops special enzymes to

digest or break down the active principles present in the herb. At

other times, the body may develop antibodies in the blood that will

neutralise an active principle. When a herb subject to homeostasis (and

almost all are) is taken regularly, sensitivity to it decreases lineraly

until all the herb's effectiveness has been lost. Once full homeostatic

resistance has been reached, it takes 5-7 years of abstinence from the

substance in question before maximum sensitivity is regained. In order

to prevent homeostatic resistance from reaching the point where an herb

is no longer useful, one should not take the herb more than one third of

the time " Gray

Tom Harrelson wrote:


> From: " Tom Harrelson " <tharrels@...>


> ----Original Message Follows----

> From: " Saul Pressman " <spressman@...>

> oxyplusonelist

> Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 10:01:16 PST

> Reply-to: oxyplusonelist



> From: " Saul Pressman " <spressman@...>


> Dear Tom,


> I agree with you that isolated and concentrated substances are not what

> the body wants or needs.


> I know a biochemist who took phramaceutical grade DHEA for six months or

> so. When he ran out, he was like a junkie looking for a fix. There were

> also detrimental psychological changes, and he didn't laugh as much or

> as easily.


> Since that time, I have advised people to take wild yam instead, and no

> one has had a problem with it. There have been quite a few good reports

> from the ladies on its beneficial qualities.


> Best of Health!

> Saul


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Hi Saul! I'm SURE, that I've UPSET a few people on the LIST, but it

> really NEEDED to be said! The only way, that I could possibly see

> taking an 'Isolated' Substance is an EMERGENCY Health Crisis! But

> then you would get on it and then get OFF of it as QUICKLY as

> possible! You would definitely NOT be taking whatever it was for months

> on END. Even the so-called 'Standardized' Extracts are NOT in BALANCE

> as GOD created that plant to be taken.

> I AGREE with Dr. Schulze in the way, that he makes up his Herbal

> Tinctures, which are very STRONG, but they are BALANCED!! In fact, I

> even before I knew about him, I was thinking that way years ago! What

> I thought back then goes contrary to almost every Herbalist and almost

> every Nutritionist today! I came to that deduction by studying other

> cultures,

> where the people live HEALTHY, HARDY and LONG and do NOT DIE of


> People can have their Laboratory Studies touting one 'Isolated'

> Substance

> over another and/or another NEW one, but what they can NOT tell you are

> the

> LONG-TERM effects!! Besides that though, I would ask these people,

> after

> they're DONE promoting their particular 'Isolated' Substance, " But is

> this pro-

> duct going to get to the 'ROOT' cause of a HEALTH problem(s) in the


> place or are you really ONLY doing the very SAME thing, that Allopathic

> Me-

> dicine is doing, eventhough your product is NATURAL, and that is,

> treating

> the SYMPTOMS ONLY? " Enough said!


> Helping and Hoping for Healing,

> Tom/Psalms 150:6!

> ==================================================================

> Check out my HOMEPAGE for Healing Tools (Air & Water Purifiers),

> which will help you and yours to attain and maintain TOTAL HEALTH!

> Special Discounts: 10%/1-2 & 20%/3-5

> HOMEPAGE> http://members.tripod.com/~healingtools

> NEWSLETTERS> http://members.tripod.com/~healingtools/thnall.html

> ==================================================================


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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