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Fw: Toxic chemicals are threatening farm worker children. We need your help.

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Toxic chemicals are threatening farm worker children. We need your help.


Toxic chemicals are threatening farm worker children. We need your help.

Farm worker children are being put at daily risk of neurologicaland developmental damage due to four deadly organophosphatepesticides.

These toxic pesticides were derived from nerve gas developedduring World War II. The four organophosphates at issue aremethidathion, oxydemeton-methyl, methamidophos, and ethoprop andare primarily used in California on a wide variety of fruit,vegetable, and nut crops.

These toxic chemicals pose a danger to everyone, but especiallyto rural children and families when these four pesticides driftinto schoolyards, outdoor play areas, and homes. The EPA hasacknowledged the danger, but has done nothing to protect thepublic.

The health of farm workers and their children is much tooimportant to leave up to bureaucracy. We can't wait any longer,so last week the UFW and a coalition of farmworker advocates andenvironmental groups filed a lawsuit against the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) to stop the continued use of these fourdeadly chemicals.

The UFW is doing all we can to protect farm workers and theirchildren. That is why we filed this lawsuit, however we want theEPA to do something now instead of subjecting farm workers toyears of litigation. Tell them to just to do their job and toprotect the public.

Please e-mail the EPA today and tell them to ban these fourtoxic pesticides immediately. Stop putting children's health atrisk.

Send your e-mail today! Go to:


Tell-A-Friend: Every e-mail sent makes a difference. Please helpus spread the word about this campaign. Forward this message toat least 10 friends or family and ask them to send an e-mailtoo. Go to:


Your spare change can make change: Go to: https://securega6.org/08/donations/nx1xv3WpqZpyY?


If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up forthe United Farm Workers at:http://www.ufwaction.org/ufw/join.html?r=x1xv3WpqZpyYE &

United Farm Workers, 29700 Woodford-Tehachapi Rd., P.O. Box 62,Keene, CA, 93531 www.ufw.org

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