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Garlic Food ValueAn analysis of garlic shows it to contain high percentage of minerals and vitamins. It also contains traces of iodine, sulphur and chlorine. Natural Benefits and Curative PropertiesIn herbal medicine, garlic has been traditionally used for such ailments as asthma, deafness, leprosy, bronchial congestion, arteriosclerosis, fevers, worms and liver and gall bladder troubles. Garlic is good for heart, a food for the hair, a stimulant to appetite, a strengthening food, useful in leucoderma, leprosy, piles, worms, catarrhal disorders, asthma and cough. Garlic is regarded as a rejuvenetor. It has been found to help remove toxins, revitalise the blood, stimulate blood circulation and normalise intestinal flora. Garlic juice has a most beneficial effect on the entire system. The ethers in garlic juice

are so potent and penetrating that they help to dissolve accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavities, in the bronchial tubes and in the lungs. They help the exudation of toxins from the body through the pores of the skin. Chest DiseasesGarlic has proved to be highly effective in certain diseases of the chest. It has been found to reduce fetidity of the breath in pulmonary gangrene. If garlic is given in sufficient quantities, it was a marvellous remedy in the treatment of pneumonia. Garlic can also be applied externally to the chest with beneficial results as it is an arritant and rubefacient. In Ayurveda, a decoction of garlic boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis. One gram of garlic, 240 ml of milk and 1 litre of water are boiled together till only one fourth of the decoction remains. It should be taken thrice in the day. AsthmaThree cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night with excellent results in

asthma. A pod of garlic is peeled and macerated and boiled in 120 ml. of pure malt-venegar. After cooling it is strained and equal quantity of honey is mixed and preserved in a clean bottle. One or two teaspoons of this syrup taken with fenugreek decoction once in the evening and before retiring, has been found effective in reducing the severity of asthmatic attacks. Digestive System DisordersGarlic is one of the most beneficial foods for the digestive system. It exercises a beneficial effect on the lymph, aids in elimination of noxious waste matter in the body. It stimulates peristaltic action and the secretion of the digestive juices. Crushed cloves of garlic may be infused in water or milk and taken for all types of disorders of the digestion. It has an antiseptic effect and is an excellent remedy for infectious diseases and inflammations of the stomach and intestine. The oil of garlic is absorbed into the alimentary tract and is eliminated partly through the

urine. Garlic produces a very marked effects on the intestine. It is an excellent agent as a worm expeller. It has also a soothing effect on the various forms of diarrhoea. Problems such as colitis, dysentery and many other intestinal upsets can be successfully treated with fresh garlic or garlic capsules. One garlic capsule taken three times a day is usually sufficient to correct mild cases of diarrhoea or dysentery. For more persistent cases, upto six capsules a day can be taken. Garlic has be ability to destroy harmful bacteria in the intestines without affecting the beneficial organisms which aid digestion. High Blood PressureGarlic is regarded as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. The pressure and tension are reduced because it has be power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas

within the digestive track. As these days garlic capsules are available with the chemist shops, the average dosage of two to three capsules a day to be given to make a dent in the blood pressure. Garlic had a dilatory effect on the blood vessels, that is, it had the effect of making the blood vessels wider, thereby reducing the pressure. Rheumatic AfflictionGarlic has been shown to exhibit an anti-inflammatory property which could account for its effectiveness in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. The most popular method is to take the garlic cloves orally, although some reports indicate that pain can also be relieved by locally rubbing the affected parts with cloves of cut garlic. Garlic oil is rapidly absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream and quickly reaches the affected areas. Heart AttacksThere is proof that garlic helps break up cholesterol in the blood vessels, thus helping in the prevention of hardening of arteries

which leads to high blood pressure and heart attacks. If a patient takes garlic after a heart attack, the cholesterol level will come down. The earlier damage may not be repaired but its consumption will minimise the chances of new attacks. CancerGarlic preparations, including extracts and juices, have been used successfully against cancer in both animal and human studies. Skin DisordersGarlic has also been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders. Pimples disappear without scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistent form of acne, suffered by some adults, has also been healed with garlic. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots and pimples and boils. The process is further helped by taking the garlic orally also, to purify the blood-steam so as to secure a long-term clearance of the skin. A regular course of the three garlic capsules per day should help to clear minor skin infections quickly.

Wounds and UlcersGarlic has been used as an antiseptic in wounds and ulcerations with beneficial results. Garlic juice with three parts of distilled water has been employed as a lotion for celansing infected wounds. Definite improvement is noticed within 24 hours and substantial improvement within 48 hours. Application of dressing containing 15% garlic juice once a day over an ulcer removes pus in a few days. It also relieves pain within a short time. DiphtheriaGarlic is considered an excellent remedy for diphtheria. Its constant application by chewing a clove of garlic removes the membranes, reduces temperature and relieves the patient. About 30 or 60 gms. of garlic can be used in this way in three or four hours for a week. After the membrane disappears, the same quantity of garlic should be chewed daily. The diphtheric patient has no taste or smell and merely finds the garlic hot. Whooping CoughGarlic is an excellent remedy for whooping

cough. Syrup of garlic should be given in doses of five drops to a teaspoonful two or three times a day in this condition. It should be given more often if the coughing spells are frequent and violent. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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