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Re: Barley Water recipe for Babies

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Hey Syl!!! Barley Formula for Babies> > The foremost reason a baby doesn't do well is poor rations. And to> remedy that, here is a formula one can use:> > 15 ounces of barley water> 10 ounces of homogenized milk> 3 ounces of corn syrup (As the Romans had honey, 2 ounces of honey may be used instead of corn syrup, if desired. Do not use lactose [a sugar found in milk, used in infant foods] as a substitute.) The amount of> syrup should be varied - depending on the baby - some like it weak -> some take it stronger.> > This formula can be multiplied by any number according to the number> of bottles desired but the ratio remains the same.> > To make the barley water, put about a half cup of whole barley in a> piece of muslin, tie loosely to allow for expansion. It is slowly> boiled in a covered, bented pot not made of

aluminum for 61/2 (Note:> six and a half -Chris) hours in about 4 pints of water. (In venting> the pot, one allows steam to escape either through a vent build in the lid [if there is one] by placing the cover slightly askew so there is an opening between the cover and pot.) Barley water will turn very,> very pink. This gives about the right consistency of barley water for making the formula as above.> > You don't feed the baby the actual barley, only the water mixed with> the milk and corn syrup, in the ratio as given in the formula above.> > Do not add anything else to this formula, such as vitamins or cream> "to make the formula more nutritious." The formula is as laid out> above.> > Use this formula and have healthier babies! Herbs For Mother's Milk Supply;Aniseed: Aids digestion and helps mother's milk production for nursing mothers.

Caraway: This herb has galacagogue properties. Used to aid mother's milk production and helps digestion disorders.Fenugreek: The most common galacagogue. Fenugreek breast feeding herbs are best taken in capsule form, 2 to 3 capsules three times a day. Herbal tea is also effective, drink one cup three times daily. NB : Fenugreek is considered a uterine stimulant, therefore do not use this herb if you are pregnant. also check http://www.parentingweb.com/lounge/bf_herbs.htmand formulas at: http://www.naturodoc.com/library/children/formula.htm Sylvia <h10feet@...> wrote: I thought i remember seeing a recipe for Barley water that can be used as a supplement for Breast Milk when mom is running low or out?I checked the files, but

cant see to locate this...Anyone know the recipe?My daughter recently gave birth to a new son, and he milk seems to be slowing down after just 5 weeks. We are going to build her a tea to help production, but in the mean time think supplementing with the barley water (RATHER THAN COMMERCIAL FORMULA) would be better. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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Hi Sylvia, I am thinking Rejuvelac. We have it in the files, and here is how to make it. It sounds like what you are talking about. Rejuvelac Makes 2 litres. · 1 cup of wheat grains, from a health food store. · 2 litres of water.

· 2 litre mason jar (wide mouthed). INSTRUCTIONS 1. Add the wheat grains to the mason jar. Fill with water and cover with gauze, held securely in place with an elastic band. 2. Leave the jar on a kitchen bench out of direct sunlight. Give the jar a gentle twirl, but not a shake, every 12 hours. Once a light foam develops the Rejuvelac it should be ready for use. It may take anywhere from 2-5 days to ferment the Rejuvelac depending on the ambient temperature. In hot weather where it may ferment too quickly (around 24 hours) it is possible for the Rejuvelac go putrid. Rejuvelac should have a pleasant yeasty smell with a lemon like flavour. 3. Decant the Rejuvelac into a flagon and refrigerate. Refill the jar with water and ferment for another 24-36 hours to make a second culture. Decant the Rejuvelac and discard the wheat grains. Peace, love, laughter Alive without breath,As cold as death;Never thirsty, ever drinking,All in mail never clinking What am I? Sylvia <h10feet@...> wrote: I thought i remember seeing a recipe for Barley water that can be used as a supplement for Breast Milk when mom is running low or out?I checked the files, but cant see to locate this...Anyone know the recipe? .

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If you make this,

omit the honey and use corn syrup or maple syrup. It doesn’t really need

the vanilla either; babies don’t care for things with too strong a taste.

I would try the milk production teas first though, because if you start

supplementing baby right away the milk will continue to dry up at a more rapid

pace. Sometimes women just do not produce at all, and some stop before they

want to. Let her know this is not her fault in any way, and tell her what a

good mom she is often. New mothers tend to hide guilt about every little thing.



Barley Milk

Barley milk is our favorite

because of its creamy texture. Barley flour can be purchased or ordered in

health stores. Barley milk is not yet available commercially. Milk lasts 2-3

days in refrigerator.

1/2 c. dry barley (sprouting barley - not pearled



2 1/2 c. water

2 t. honey

1 t. vanilla

dash salt (opt.)

Place barley in dry blender, grain mill, or seed mill

and grind to a powder (or use commercial barley flour). Add remaining

ingredients. Blend 2 minutes on HIGH and strain.

Makes 2 cups.

Serving size 1/2 c.

From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Sylvia

Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008

6:50 PM



Barley Water recipe for Babies

I thought i remember seeing a recipe for Barley water

that can be used

as a supplement for Breast Milk when mom is running low or out?

I checked the files, but cant see to locate this...

Anyone know the recipe?

My daughter recently gave birth to a new son, and he milk seems to be

slowing down after just 5 weeks. We are going to build her a tea to

help production, but in the mean time think supplementing with the

barley water (RATHER THAN COMMERCIAL FORMULA) would be better.




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I'm a La Leche League leader and I wanted to throw in some info...

Your daughter's milk is not "really" slowing down. It's Very common, at about 5- 6wks, that the mom's body starts regulating itself to the baby's Actual Needs vs being in "milk production mode" 24/7. Unfortunately a lot of moms don't realize this and start freaking out that they're "losing" their milk and quit breastfeeding.

The Fastest way to boost milk supply (if there Is an actual problem) is to have the baby nurse More. The more the baby nurses, the more milk the mother has~ pure and simple. Unless there is a medical reason (which is RARE) any mom can breastfeed her baby for as long as both she and her baby desire. If there is a latch issue (pain would be an indication of a bad latch), then the mom should have a qualified Lactation Consultant assess the baby's latch and give suggestions to fix the problem.

If the mom still feels she's having supply issues, she can Pump (with a Really good breastpump) as well as continue to nurse Just as often (most newborns nurse At Least every 2 hrs~ some as often as every hour, day And night).

Herbs to help boost supply are: Mother's Milk Tea (or similar) can be drunk throughout the day, Blessed Thistle, Red Raspberry Leaf, Hops, Alfalfa, Fenugreek... these can be taken in tea form, tincture, combinations, or capsules. The mom will need to do a little experimenting because everyone's body is a little different~ what works for one mom may not work quite as well for someone else.

Last but not least, I would recommend your daughter finding a La Leche League group in your area. That is the fastest way to get good answers to questions.... She can ask a leader, or attend a meeting and ask questions (meetings are Extremely casual and babies are always welcome). Here is the LLLInternational page for finding a leader in your state & area: http://www.llli.org/WebUS.html

I hope this helps!

Jan G.

SAHM of 8 (9 in May), LLL Leader

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