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Fw: Can you join and I tomorrow night? (free teleseminar)

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Can you join and I tomorrow night? (free teleseminar)

Okay, I've got a quick question:Do you have 60 minutes to spare tomorrow(Thursday) night?The reason I ask is because I'm hosting acompletely *free* LIVE call tomorrow with Boutenko, author of "Green for Life."I've decided to do this because, after personallygoing through 2,000 emails the past couple ofdays, I thought it would benefit you more toanswer all of your questions live on the call. Not to mention...-------------------YOU CAN WIN A FREE COPY OF MY COURSE!-------------------I'm so amazed at the response on the blog andthe loads of emails coming into my inbox that I'mgoing to give away another copy of the new HomeStudy Program live on the call.The only catch is...You have to be on the call to win!Okay, here's the call-in details fortomorrow:-------------------Date: Thursday, May 1stStarts: 8pm Eastern/5pm PacificDial: (218) 486-7200PIN: 425002# <-- Call 3 mins earlyDuration: 60 minutes-------------------* * We start per www.Time.gov * *-------------------Here's What To Expect-------------------Tomorrow, and I are going to talkabout...- How we got started on the raw living foods lifestyle and how you can get on the fast track to great health with raw living foods- Who we we inspired by to take the leap into raw foods and why her teachings are so important to living a healthy life- The secrets to staying raw.- ... and we'll be answering your questions live on the call!Look, I could go on, and on, about what we aregoing to talk about, and why the diet is rightfor you, but *you* are the decision maker and theperson who can decide on the state of your health.So... can I expect to see you tomorrow night?If your answer is "YES", please forward thisemail to *one* friend.To Your Health,Jim CareyP.S. Thanks, everyone, for your blog comments andcontest entries. So far I've received 156 contestentries and and am totally shocked that we had somany!Thank you!Don't forget the contest ends on Friday, so getyour entries in!Here's the link to enter the contest to wina copy of the new Ver. 2.0 Dr. Ann Wigmore RawLiving Foods Home Study Course:http://www.chidiet.com/free-courseP.P.S. If you tried to come to the site within the last houryou would have noticed that our site was not working.Because so many people were going to the website atthe same time viewing the video, downloading the ebook,and entering the contest ...... our server crashed!The good news is that everything is back up. So youcan now view the blog if you didn't have a chance toalready:http://www.chidiet.com/blog

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chiDiet.comPO Box 3215678 W. Old Savannah Rd.Midville, Georgia 30441

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