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Re: Barley Water recipe & La Leche League

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Thanks to all who responded.

I have been so busy i had not had a chance to check back in.

We did put a few ingredients together into a tea for her - we tried

Fennel Seed, Corriander, Fenugreek, Red raspberrry, Red Clover,

Lemongrass, ginger and Chaste Tree Berry. She is drinking this and

said it seems to be helping.

The Hospital had her speak to a BF Coordinator, but sadly, she wasnt

a lot of help. I will tell her to find a La Leche League location.

We really hope to keep her milk production up as opposed to formula

since the baby was 5 weeks premie and still has a small opening in

his heart which may require surgery/procedure since it still has not

closed. I am pushing, pushing, pushing herbs and nutrition on the

daughter in hopes of beefing her up and of course the little guy thru

her milk.

Thanks again to all



> Syl~


> I'm a La Leche League leader and I wanted to throw in some info...


> Your daughter's milk is not " really " slowing down. It's Very

common, at about 5- 6wks, that the mom's body starts regulating

itself to the baby's Actual Needs vs being in " milk production mode "

24/7. Unfortunately a lot of moms don't realize this and start

freaking out that they're " losing " their milk and quit breastfeeding.


> The Fastest way to boost milk supply (if there Is an actual

problem) is to have the baby nurse More. The more the baby nurses,

the more milk the mother has~ pure and simple. Unless there is a

medical reason (which is RARE) any mom can breastfeed her baby for as

long as both she and her baby desire. If there is a latch issue (pain

would be an indication of a bad latch), then the mom should have a

qualified Lactation Consultant assess the baby's latch and give

suggestions to fix the problem.


> If the mom still feels she's having supply issues, she can Pump

(with a Really good breastpump) as well as continue to nurse Just as

often (most newborns nurse At Least every 2 hrs~ some as often as

every hour, day And night).


> Herbs to help boost supply are: Mother's Milk Tea (or similar) can

be drunk throughout the day, Blessed Thistle, Red Raspberry Leaf,

Hops, Alfalfa, Fenugreek... these can be taken in tea form, tincture,

combinations, or capsules. The mom will need to do a little

experimenting because everyone's body is a little different~ what

works for one mom may not work quite as well for someone else.


> Last but not least, I would recommend your daughter finding a La

Leche League group in your area. That is the fastest way to get good

answers to questions.... She can ask a leader, or attend a meeting

and ask questions (meetings are Extremely casual and babies are

always welcome). Here is the LLLInternational page for finding a

leader in your state & area: http://www.llli.org/WebUS.html


> I hope this helps!

> Jan G.

> SAHM of 8 (9 in May), LLL Leader


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