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detox bath

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Hi !

I've worked up to 2 cups now. I add baking soda (can't remember why - it

was in a yeast book that listed detox baths). I wonder how often he has his

patients do it? Someone here said 2-3 times a week. That sounds about what

I try to do, alternating it with other baths (usually apple cider vinegar

since I have major yeast issues from my hands to my toes - may sound weird

but it helps!).

Hope this helps! Thanks.


PS: Does anyone have any ideas for detox for neurotoxins or would it be

the same as a generic detox? Has anyone ever done a liver detox and what

was it like?

>>I take hot(as hot as I can stand it) epson salt baths with baking soda

and soak for

>>15-20 minutes (NO MORE). Beth

Hi Beth,

I was wondering how much epson salts you use. I saw a doctor recently and

he told me that a cup just won't do. He recommends using like 2-3 lbs. in

each bath! This seemed rather excessive, but he says he uses this with all

of his Environmentally Sensitive patients in order to get a good detox! I

haven't tried it yet.


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I do baking soda and epsom salts for fbromyalgia. My physical

therapist said it helps the acidity in the muscles. He said to dump

the whole box of baking soda in the tub and tons of epsom salt so

apparently more is better.

In , " jdeamohr " <jdeamohr@v...> wrote:

> Hi !

> I've worked up to 2 cups now. I add baking soda (can't remember

why - it

> was in a yeast book that listed detox baths). I wonder how often

he has his

> patients do it? Someone here said 2-3 times a week. That sounds

about what

> I try to do, alternating it with other baths (usually apple cider


> since I have major yeast issues from my hands to my toes - may

sound weird

> but it helps!).


> Hope this helps! Thanks.

> Beth


> PS: Does anyone have any ideas for detox for neurotoxins or

would it be

> the same as a generic detox? Has anyone ever done a liver detox

and what

> was it like?




> >>I take hot(as hot as I can stand it) epson salt baths with

baking soda

> and soak for

> >>15-20 minutes (NO MORE). Beth


> Hi Beth,

> I was wondering how much epson salts you use. I saw a doctor

recently and

> he told me that a cup just won't do. He recommends using like 2-3

lbs. in

> each bath! This seemed rather excessive, but he says he uses this

with all

> of his Environmentally Sensitive patients in order to get a good

detox! I

> haven't tried it yet.

> Thanks




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  • 2 years later...
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Epsom salts for detox: A simple way to draw toxins out of the body is to take a hot Epsom salt bath. Hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, and while the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin. When magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is absorbed through the skin in a bath, it helps to draw toxins from the body, reduce swelling and relax muscles. (Detox for MS or any other condition and make the water as hot or tepid as you can tolerate.) General Information: You may feel flu-like symptoms during the detoxification because your body is ridding itself of poisons. You can get some relief from these symptoms by taking baths using Epsom salts (1 to 2 cups) and baking soda (1 cup) in a tub of water and soaking for 20 minutes (soaking for more than 20 minutes may cause you to get too exhausted). On off days, you can put 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in the tub and soak. (Drink

plenty of fluid after the detox bath to hydrate; rest for 20 to 30 minutes after the detox. The detox bath also removes lactic acid from the muscles.) Skin brushing can be very beneficial, because the skin is a primary avenue for detoxification - along with the lungs, kidneys, liver, and colon. Use a vegetable brush. You can purchase this at a health food store. You need to brush all parts of the body toward the heart. Then follow with a sesame oil massage. Massaging with sesame oil brings relief. This oil can be purchased from the health food store. Massage the whole body for 5 minutes before bathing or showering. Övgu CEBİR <ovgu@...> wrote: I’d like to thank everyone for replies. My urine was tested in US at a company called doctors data. So we had to mail my urine to USAJ It was a specific test called DMSA provoked urine test for which I had to take 18 capsules of DMSA at a time and collected urine in 6 hours. It is done in this way since for people with leaky gut heavy metal is not found in blood it is kept in organs such as brain!, liver and bones. Heavy metals are neuro toxic and also cause cancer as we all know. I am not sure if it causes MS either but I am sure that it is bad for CNS. Cure Explorer, thanks for your warm welcome and you are right about DMSA chelation therapy. My doc thinks that starting DMSA kind of chelation might trigger symptoms now since a lot of heavy metal comes out of liver and cause reexposure. I mean that body can be exposed by too much heavy metals than it can get rid of in a short time. Of course if you keep chelation all of them will eventually leave your body. Rather than starting chelation right away he prefers a softer way; hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) + paleolitic diet + detox bath with magnesium sulfate. He said he will start DMSA after another urine test. I will order DMSA via internet or from a pharmacy in Turkey which sell DMSA at a very high price. I’d like to give an important information to all MS people; I met another doc in Turkey who treats autistic children with HBOT + paleolitic diet. Autistuc children also have heavy metal burden. He says that people with degenerative neurologic diseases like autism and MS have opioid instability and that’s whay he suggests the diet. When I read this info I remembered LDN which is an oipoid antogist. I thought maybe that’s why LDN worked for MS and started searching the net again. Now it is time for me to get responsibility of my own health from the hand of neurologists. I waited so long, for 9 years to get help from neurologists. I am committed this time. I will at least stop progression of MS no matter what the neurologists say. Maybe you guys might be interested in heavy metal testing. I strongly suggest. It was kind of long, sorry about spellingJ Love, Ovgu From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of cure_explorerSent: Monday, July 30, 2007 12:29 AMlow dose naltrexone Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: I want to stop chemo for LDN >> Hello friends,> > This is Ovgu from Istanbul Turkey. I am a secondary progressive 32year old> MS patient with disabilities. > Welcome, Ovgu. We are honored to have you here.> My doctor who is a professor of metabolic disorders and nutritiontested my> urine for heavy metal toxicity. They found excessive amount of lead,arsenic> and mercury. There is a well-tolerated chelating agent which wasdesigned to help remove heavy metals from the body.It can be given orally, which is a great advantage.Many strong chelators must be given intravenously.The agent is dimercaptosuccinic acid, or DMSA.Many carefully reviewed studies have showed thesafety and effectiveness of DMSA therapy. There is aterm in medical English:

"the standard of care". A therapy which is the standard of care is the best and safest available therapy for that condition.For heavy metal poisoning, DMSA is considered to be the standard of care. It is safe enough to be usedin small children without risk.DMSA is strongly specific to mercury. I had high bloodlevels of mercury, and also had dental work containingmercury amalgam. (I can not say whether the amalgamcaused the high blood levels. But I suspect that it did.)I used DMSA at the time the amalgams were removed frommy teeth. The new dental repairs are a non-metalliccomposite material.Urine tests were done to determine how much mercurywas coming out. There was a lot of it. I am now backwithin safe levels, measured by urine and blood tests.I can not speak to the connection (if any) betweenheavy metal poisoning and MS. I have no specificbackground in either one.What I

will note is that if you draw two columns side by side on a piece of paper, and list MS symptoms in one column, and list heavy metal toxicity symptoms in the other column, there is much similarity.DMSA will also bind to arsenic and lead, and it willhelp those move out of the body, just as it does withmercury.However, DMSA binds with different strengths. It bindsmercury more rapidly and strongly. Until your bodyburden of mercury comes down, the arsenic and leadwill remain.Note also that DMSA is very efficient at getting heavymetals in your blood. It is less efficient at removingthose metals if the metals are in tissue. Much of yourbody burden of metals will be in tissue.If you get the metals out of the blood, some of the stored metals in the tissues will slowly migrate back out into the blood. A repeat chelation will get those.The question now is this: can you get DMSA in

Turkey?DMSA is sold in the US as a prescription medicine. Trade names for it are "Succimer" or "Chemet". I have also seen DMSA sold without prescription in UShealth food stores and at chemical supply firms. This is the identical chemical, but may be of a lower grade,and might be less safe to consume.(The purity of chemicals which humans will consume isregulated by law in the US. For human use, purity mustbe high. The same chemical is sometimes sold at a less pure grade for animal or industrial use.)I am certain that DMSA is sold in the UK, and it isnow inexpensive to travel between Turkey and Britain,so perhaps a friend can bring some to you.This UK firm says that they sell DMSA. I do not knowhow pure it is. http://www.seeknatural.co.uk/product-109.htmlI strongly recommend careful testing both before

andafter you take DMSA. You will want to know how muchmetal remains in your body. If your tests fall to alow level after several DMSA courses, that is a verygood sign.> What is the start dose1,5 - 3 or 4,5 ?I myself would use 4,5mg immediately. And would reduce the dose if 4,5 was too much to tolerate.Good luck to you as you search for better health.--

Sick sense of humor? Visit TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

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what about "internal detox"? how do you do that??barbara barbieiam@...

RE: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Detox bath

Epsom salts for detox: A simple way to draw toxins out of the body is to take a hot Epsom salt bath. Hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, and while the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin. When magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is absorbed through the skin in a bath, it helps to draw toxins from the body, reduce swelling and relax muscles. (Detox for MS or any other condition and make the water as hot or tepid as you can tolerate.)

General Information: You may feel flu-like symptoms during the detoxification because your body is ridding itself of poisons. You can get some relief from these symptoms by taking baths using Epsom salts (1 to 2 cups) and baking soda (1 cup) in a tub of water and soaking for 20 minutes (soaking for more than 20 minutes may cause you to get too exhausted). On off days, you can put 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in the tub and soak. (Drink plenty of fluid after the detox bath to hydrate; rest for 20 to 30 minutes after the detox. The detox bath also removes lactic acid from the muscles.)

Skin brushing can be very beneficial, because the skin is a primary avenue for detoxification - along with the lungs, kidneys, liver, and colon. Use a vegetable brush. You can purchase this at a health food store. You need to brush all parts of the body toward the heart. Then follow with a sesame oil massage. Massaging with sesame oil brings relief. This oil can be purchased from the health food store. Massage the whole body for 5 minutes before bathing or showering.

Övgu CEBİR <ovgudogahuzurevi> wrote:

I’d like to thank everyone for replies.

My urine was tested in US at a company called doctors data. So we had to mail my urine to USAJ

It was a specific test called DMSA provoked urine test for which I had to take 18 capsules of DMSA at a time and collected urine in 6 hours.

It is done in this way since for people with leaky gut heavy metal is not found in blood it is kept in organs such as brain!, liver and bones.

Heavy metals are neuro toxic and also cause cancer as we all know. I am not sure if it causes MS either but I am sure that it is bad for CNS.

Cure Explorer, thanks for your warm welcome and you are right about DMSA chelation therapy. My doc thinks that starting DMSA kind of chelation might trigger symptoms now since a lot of heavy metal comes out of liver and cause reexposure. I mean that body can be exposed by too much heavy metals than it can get rid of in a short time. Of course if you keep chelation all of them will eventually leave your body.

Rather than starting chelation right away he prefers a softer way; hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) + paleolitic diet + detox bath with magnesium sulfate. He said he will start DMSA after another urine test. I will order DMSA via internet or from a pharmacy in Turkey which sell DMSA at a very high price.

I’d like to give an important information to all MS people; I met another doc in Turkey who treats autistic children with HBOT + paleolitic diet. Autistuc children also have heavy metal burden. He says that people with degenerative neurologic diseases like autism and MS have opioid instability and that’s whay he suggests the diet. When I read this info I remembered LDN which is an oipoid antogist. I thought maybe that’s why LDN worked for MS and started searching the net again.

Now it is time for me to get responsibility of my own health from the hand of neurologists. I waited so long, for 9 years to get help from neurologists.

I am committed this time. I will at least stop progression of MS no matter what the neurologists say.

Maybe you guys might be interested in heavy metal testing. I strongly suggest.

It was kind of long,

sorry about spellingJ



From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of cure_explorerSent: Monday, July 30, 2007 12:29 AMlow dose naltrexone Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: I want to stop chemo for LDN

>> Hello friends,> > This is Ovgu from Istanbul Turkey. I am a secondary progressive 32year old> MS patient with disabilities. > Welcome, Ovgu. We are honored to have you here.> My doctor who is a professor of metabolic disorders and nutritiontested my> urine for heavy metal toxicity. They found excessive amount of lead,arsenic> and mercury. There is a well-tolerated chelating agent which wasdesigned to help remove heavy metals from the body.It can be given orally, which is a great advantage.Many strong chelators must be given intravenously.The agent is dimercaptosuccinic acid, or DMSA.Many carefully reviewed studies have showed thesafety and effectiveness of DMSA therapy. There is aterm in medical English: "the standard of care". A therapy which is the standard of care is the best and safest available therapy for that condition.For heavy metal poisoning, DMSA is considered to be the standard of care. It is safe enough to be usedin small children without risk.DMSA is strongly specific to mercury. I had high bloodlevels of mercury, and also had dental work containingmercury amalgam. (I can not say whether the amalgamcaused the high blood levels. But I suspect that it did.)I used DMSA at the time the amalgams were removed frommy teeth. The new dental repairs are a non-metalliccomposite material.Urine tests were done to determine how much mercurywas coming out. There was a lot of it. I am now backwithin safe levels, measured by urine and blood tests.I can not speak to the connection (if any) betweenheavy metal poisoning and MS. I have no specificbackground in either one.What I will note is that if you draw two columns side by side on a piece of paper, and list MS symptoms in one column, and list heavy metal toxicity symptoms in the other column, there is much similarity.DMSA will also bind to arsenic and lead, and it willhelp those move out of the body, just as it does withmercury.However, DMSA binds with different strengths. It bindsmercury more rapidly and strongly. Until your bodyburden of mercury comes down, the arsenic and leadwill remain.Note also that DMSA is very efficient at getting heavymetals in your blood. It is less efficient at removingthose metals if the metals are in tissue. Much of yourbody burden of metals will be in tissue.If you get the metals out of the blood, some of the stored metals in the tissues will slowly migrate back out into the blood. A repeat chelation will get those.The question now is this: can you get DMSA in Turkey?DMSA is sold in the US as a prescription medicine. Trade names for it are "Succimer" or "Chemet". I have also seen DMSA sold without prescription in UShealth food stores and at chemical supply firms. This is the identical chemical, but may be of a lower grade,and might be less safe to consume.(The purity of chemicals which humans will consume isregulated by law in the US. For human use, purity mustbe high. The same chemical is sometimes sold at a less pure grade for animal or industrial use.)I am certain that DMSA is sold in the UK, and it isnow inexpensive to travel between Turkey and Britain,so perhaps a friend can bring some to you.This UK firm says that they sell DMSA. I do not knowhow pure it is. http://www.seeknatural.co.uk/product-109.htmlI strongly recommend careful testing both before andafter you take DMSA. You will want to know how muchmetal remains in your body. If your tests fall to alow level after several DMSA courses, that is a verygood sign.> What is the start dose1,5 - 3 or 4,5 ?I myself would use 4,5mg immediately. And would reduce the dose if 4,5 was too much to tolerate.Good luck to you as you search for better health.--

Sick sense of humor? Visit TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

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This detox bath is external removal for internal detox. Check at a health food store for liver, colon and other detox methods. There are also supplements that help with an internal detox. barbie <barbieiam@...> wrote: what about "internal detox"? how do you do that??barbara barbieiamverizon (DOT) net RE: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Detox bath Epsom salts for detox: A simple way to draw toxins out of the body is to take a hot Epsom salt bath. Hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, and while the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin. When magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is absorbed through the skin in a bath, it helps to draw toxins from the

body, reduce swelling and relax muscles. (Detox for MS or any other condition and make the water as hot or tepid as you can tolerate.) General Information: You may feel flu-like symptoms during the detoxification because your body is ridding itself of poisons. You can get some relief from these symptoms by taking baths using Epsom salts (1 to 2 cups) and baking soda (1 cup) in a tub of water and soaking for 20 minutes (soaking for more than 20 minutes may cause you to get too exhausted). On off days, you can put 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in the tub and soak. (Drink plenty of fluid after the detox bath to hydrate; rest for 20 to 30 minutes after the detox. The detox bath also removes lactic acid from the muscles.) Skin brushing can be very beneficial, because the skin is a primary avenue for detoxification - along with the lungs, kidneys, liver, and colon. Use a

vegetable brush. You can purchase this at a health food store. You need to brush all parts of the body toward the heart. Then follow with a sesame oil massage. Massaging with sesame oil brings relief. This oil can be purchased from the health food store. Massage the whole body for 5 minutes before bathing or showering. Övgu CEBİR <ovgudogahuzurevi> wrote: I’d like to thank everyone for replies. My urine was tested in US at a company called doctors data. So we had to mail my urine

to USAJ It was a specific test called DMSA provoked urine test for which I had to take 18 capsules of DMSA at a time and collected urine in 6 hours. It is done in this way since for people with leaky gut heavy metal is not found in blood it is kept in organs such as brain!, liver and bones. Heavy metals are

neuro toxic and also cause cancer as we all know. I am not sure if it causes MS either but I am sure that it is bad for CNS. Cure Explorer, thanks for your warm welcome and you are right about DMSA chelation therapy. My doc thinks that starting DMSA kind of chelation might trigger symptoms now since a lot of heavy metal comes out of liver and cause reexposure. I mean that body can be exposed by too much heavy metals than it can get rid of in a short time. Of course if you keep chelation all of them will eventually leave your body. Rather

than starting chelation right away he prefers a softer way; hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) + paleolitic diet + detox bath with magnesium sulfate. He said he will start DMSA after another urine test. I will order DMSA via internet or from a pharmacy in Turkey which sell DMSA at a very high price. I’d like to give an important information to all MS people; I met another doc in Turkey who treats autistic children with HBOT + paleolitic diet. Autistuc children also have heavy metal burden. He says that people with degenerative neurologic diseases like autism and MS have opioid instability and that’s whay he suggests the diet. When I read this info I remembered LDN which is an

oipoid antogist. I thought maybe that’s why LDN worked for MS and started searching the net again. Now it is time for me to get responsibility of my own health from the hand of neurologists. I waited so long, for 9 years to get help from neurologists. I am committed this time. I will at least stop progression of MS no matter what the neurologists say. Maybe you guys might be interested in heavy metal testing. I strongly suggest. It was kind of long, sorry about spellingJ Love, Ovgu From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of cure_explorerSent: Monday, July 30, 2007 12:29 AMlow dose naltrexone Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: I want to stop chemo for

LDN >> Hello friends,> > This is Ovgu from Istanbul Turkey. I am a secondary progressive 32year old> MS patient with disabilities. > Welcome, Ovgu. We are honored to have you here.> My doctor who is a professor of metabolic disorders and nutritiontested my> urine for heavy metal toxicity. They found excessive amount of lead,arsenic> and mercury. There is a well-tolerated chelating agent which wasdesigned to help remove heavy metals from the body.It

can be given orally, which is a great advantage.Many strong chelators must be given intravenously.The agent is dimercaptosuccinic acid, or DMSA.Many carefully reviewed studies have showed thesafety and effectiveness of DMSA therapy. There is aterm in medical English: "the standard of care". A therapy which is the standard of care is the best and safest available therapy for that condition.For heavy metal poisoning, DMSA is considered to be the standard of care. It is safe enough to be usedin small children without risk.DMSA is strongly specific to mercury. I had high bloodlevels of mercury, and also had dental work containingmercury amalgam. (I can not say whether the amalgamcaused the high blood levels. But I suspect that it did.)I used DMSA at the time the amalgams were removed frommy teeth. The new dental repairs are a non-metalliccomposite material.Urine tests were done

to determine how much mercurywas coming out. There was a lot of it. I am now backwithin safe levels, measured by urine and blood tests.I can not speak to the connection (if any) betweenheavy metal poisoning and MS. I have no specificbackground in either one.What I will note is that if you draw two columns side by side on a piece of paper, and list MS symptoms in one column, and list heavy metal toxicity symptoms in the other column, there is much similarity.DMSA will also bind to arsenic and lead, and it willhelp those move out of the body, just as it does withmercury.However, DMSA binds with different strengths. It bindsmercury more rapidly and strongly. Until your bodyburden of mercury comes down, the arsenic and leadwill remain.Note also that DMSA is very efficient at getting heavymetals in your blood. It is less efficient at removingthose metals if the metals are in tissue.

Much of yourbody burden of metals will be in tissue.If you get the metals out of the blood, some of the stored metals in the tissues will slowly migrate back out into the blood. A repeat chelation will get those.The question now is this: can you get DMSA in Turkey?DMSA is sold in the US as a prescription medicine. Trade names for it are "Succimer" or "Chemet". I have also seen DMSA sold without prescription in UShealth food stores and at chemical supply firms. This is the identical chemical, but may be of a lower grade,and might be less safe to consume.(The purity of chemicals which humans will consume isregulated by law in the US. For human use, purity mustbe high. The same chemical is sometimes sold at a less pure grade for animal or industrial use.)I am certain that DMSA is sold in the UK, and it isnow inexpensive to travel between Turkey and Britain,so perhaps a friend

can bring some to you.This UK firm says that they sell DMSA. I do not knowhow pure it is. http://www.seeknatural.co.uk/product-109.htmlI strongly recommend careful testing both before andafter you take DMSA. You will want to know how muchmetal remains in your body. If your tests fall to alow level after several DMSA courses, that is a verygood sign.> What is the start dose1,5 - 3 or 4,5 ?I myself would use 4,5mg immediately. And would reduce the dose if 4,5 was too much to tolerate.Good luck to you as you search for better health.-- Sick sense of humor? Visit TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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  • 4 months later...


> I see that Walgreen's has the Dr. Scholl's foot bath that agitates

the water on sale this week. Would that work with Epsom salts for

hands? Or does just putting your hands

> in Epsom salts in water work just as well?

Just soaking should work just as well.


> What about the ionic foot baths that cost hundreds of dollars?

Is there a benefit to them

> above and beyond.....

Only benefit is to the seller - he gets your $. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Rose, you can buy hydogen peroxide in Walmart or anywhere you can buy O/C health needs or where there is a health & beauty dept. I buy mine at Walmart and in my area it is about .97 cents for a 32oz. You may want to start with 1/2 a bottle at first as you might have a detox feeling. It does detox the body as well as puts oxygen into the muscles. You soak for 20-30 min and use warm water, not too hot. I always know when I need to soak and I find it really helps me when my muscles get stiff and sore. Hope this helps. I learned about this bath on www.roadback.org ElaineRose <rose2617@...> wrote: I have always used epsom salts/baking soda in my bath. 1st time hearing about peroxide. How does it help? Where can you purchase large containers of peroxide? 32oz per bath is a lot. Thanks for info.Rose

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> Detoxification Bath


> 2 Cups Sea Salt

> 2 Cups Baking Soda

> 4 Tbsp. Ginger Powder


> Place all ingredients in a hot bath and bathe for 20 Minutes


> Drink plenty of water. This bath withdraws impurities from your body and

> helps you to feel better. This bath can be done 2 to 3 times in a week or

> as needed.


> author unknown

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  • 3 years later...


and how much Epsom salts and H2O2 for a footbath? (2-3 litre capacity)

detox bath

Would this detox bath also help with facial acne or does it need to come into direct contact with the affected area?


Have you tried doing detox baths?1 Cup Epsom Salts (or Dead Sea Salt)1 Cup Hydrogen PeroxideVery warm waterSoak for 20 mins.This has helped others in the past to eliminate acne in other places.

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It will help detox the body and therefore the facial acne, but while you are


you should also pour water over your face and perhaps soak a facecloth and lay


over your face, keep wringing it out and replacing with the very warm water for


whole soak. Direct contact will really help, in addition to systemic detoxing.


On 29 Dec 2011 at 18:35, ladybugsandbees wrote:




> I might try 1/4 cup of each.


> Buist, ND HC



> detox bath



> Would this detox bath also help with facial acne or does it need to

> come into direct contact with the affected area? Hope



> Have you tried doing detox baths?


> 1 Cup Epsom Salts (or Dead Sea Salt)

> 1 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide

> Very warm water


> Soak for 20 mins.


> This has helped others in the past to eliminate acne in other places.







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I recall an article written by an MD warning against using thryoid if a person

has atrial fibrillation, so I would start with iodine first just to be on the

safe side, if I were you. I can't find that same article again easily right now

without spending more time looking for it than I have available to me. However,

you might want to do a Google search using the terms " thyroid + atrial

fibrillation " to see what you learn.

I did find one article suggesting that a-fib can be a result of hyperthyroidism.

If so, then you need to rule out Grave's disease as a cause of the a-fib first

because Grave's patients do not do well with iodine therapy.


Hey, wait. I just now found the article I was looking for. Here it is, but

you'll have to scroll down pretty far to find the part cautioning against

thyroid meds in a-fib patients.


Sorry for the delay in this response, but the holidays have been pretty hectic

at our household.


> ,


> I have not yet started iodine (I am hypo & about to start on dessicated

thyroid) but since you mention detoxing with Epsom salts, would it be good to be

taking 3-4 baths per week in 3-4 cups of Epsom (ea bath) to start " cleaning up "

my system? then start the iodine & dess. thyroid simultaneously? As I have

very mild atrial fib, I'm wanting to start gently so as not to kick it up if

poss. What would you advise about the order of start up? ie., should iodine be

tried first (w/ supplements of course)?


> Many thanks for this help.


> Diane



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My mom is hypo not hyper she is on snythroid thanks raeSent from my iPodOn Jan 1, 2012, at 11:22 AM, "texlyme_mom" <texlyme_mom@...> wrote:


I recall an article written by an MD warning against using thryoid if a person has atrial fibrillation, so I would start with iodine first just to be on the safe side, if I were you. I can't find that same article again easily right now without spending more time looking for it than I have available to me. However, you might want to do a Google search using the terms "thyroid + atrial fibrillation" to see what you learn.

I did find one article suggesting that a-fib can be a result of hyperthyroidism. If so, then you need to rule out Grave's disease as a cause of the a-fib first because Grave's patients do not do well with iodine therapy.


Hey, wait. I just now found the article I was looking for. Here it is, but you'll have to scroll down pretty far to find the part cautioning against thyroid meds in a-fib patients.


Sorry for the delay in this response, but the holidays have been pretty hectic at our household.


> ,


> I have not yet started iodine (I am hypo & about to start on dessicated thyroid) but since you mention detoxing with Epsom salts, would it be good to be taking 3-4 baths per week in 3-4 cups of Epsom (ea bath) to start "cleaning up" my system? then start the iodine & dess. thyroid simultaneously? As I have very mild atrial fib, I'm wanting to start gently so as not to kick it up if poss. What would you advise about the order of start up? ie., should iodine be tried first (w/ supplements of course)?


> Many thanks for this help.


> Diane



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Alrighty … ABOUT NATURAL ANIMAL THYROID HORMONE WITH A-FIB:  I was born Hyper, but they used radiation on me during the first weeks of my life, so I then spent the first 21 years constipated and Hypo!  No advice or treatment was given after they did the nuke! Another nuke & surgical removal of some of thyroid at age 21.  Another nuke and more surgical removal of some of thyroid at age 38.  I began meds at age 21 = 1 grain, then about 3 years later upped to 2 grains, then about 3 years later upped to 4 grains.  At 4 grains of Synth from about age 30 to age 58.  Then 4 grains of Armour from age 58 to 60 something.  Then 1 grain Armour.  Then 1 grain ERFA.  Now 1 grain NaturThroid.  I had spent 10 years on natural animal thyroid, then 28 years on Synth, then back on the natural animal thyroid.  I remained at 4 grains.  But around age 60 docs began to tell me that I had high blood pressure, high pulse, and a-fib!  This was a big surprise since I’d been extremely low blood pressure, slow pulse, etc., most of my life! I am now 71.  My doc did insist that I go from 4 grains back to 1 grain about 3 years back.  So, from about age 60 to 68 I was taking 4 grains a day with A-fib, and I am still taking 1 grain a day with A-fib, and … I am currently begging doc to increase my dosage to 1 and ½ or 2 grains a day. So … I guess you can take thyroid when you have A-fib, since I have been doing it. For the past five years everyone new who takes my blood pressure wants me to go immediately to Emergency because they think I am moments away from a stroke!  Obviously I am not.  Meanwhile, I have had “confrontations” that might have killed some people, but I am half Irish, so apparently there is nothing that is ever going to stop my heart.  The stroke thing I don’t know about, but no one in my family ever had one!  From what I’ve seen, docs will say ANYTHING to get you away from natural animal thyroid hormone!  Idiots! DodyColorado From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of texlyme_momSent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 9:22 AMiodine Subject: Re: detox bath Diane,I recall an article written by an MD warning against using thryoid if a person has atrial fibrillation, so I would start with iodine first just to be on the safe side, if I were you. I can't find that same article again easily right now without spending more time looking for it than I have available to me. However, you might want to do a Google search using the terms " thyroid + atrial fibrillation " to see what you learn. I did find one article suggesting that a-fib can be a result of hyperthyroidism. If so, then you need to rule out Grave's disease as a cause of the a-fib first because Grave's patients do not do well with iodine therapy.http://www.news-medical.net/news/2006/03/01/16324.aspxHey, wait. I just now found the article I was looking for. Here it is, but you'll have to scroll down pretty far to find the part cautioning against thyroid meds in a-fib patients.http://www.prohealth.com/library/showarticle.cfm?libid=16214Sorry for the delay in this response, but the holidays have been pretty hectic at our household.>> ,> > I have not yet started iodine (I am hypo & about to start on dessicated thyroid) but since you mention detoxing with Epsom salts, would it be good to be taking 3-4 baths per week in 3-4 cups of Epsom (ea bath) to start " cleaning up " my system? then start the iodine & dess. thyroid simultaneously? As I have very mild atrial fib, I'm wanting to start gently so as not to kick it up if poss. What would you advise about the order of start up? ie., should iodine be tried first (w/ supplements of course)?> > Many thanks for this help.> > Diane> >

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> I did find one article suggesting that a-fib can be a result of

> hyperthyroidism. If so, then you need to rule out Grave's disease as a

> cause of the a-fib first because Grave's patients do not do well with

> iodine therapy.

This isn't true. Grave's patients need iodine. Any thyroid illness is the

result of

iodine deficiency. From the early 1800s through the 1950s, Lugol's was given

successfully for both hypo and hyper-thyroid conditions. It's only been since


onset of iodophobia (fear of iodine), based on the medical fraud of the Wolff-

Chaikoff Effect, that iodine stopped being given to Grave's patients.

We have done a lot of work on this list trying to help people to understand they

need iodine. The statement about Graves patients not needing iodine is


Sure, you'll find sources on the web claiming that to be true, but as we've said

many times, the web and medical schools and medical textbooks are full of FALSE

information about iodine.

In point of fact, a-fib is a bromide detox symptom. And further, my own


have thoroughly been resolved since starting the iodine protocol.



On 1 Jan 2012 at 16:22, texlyme_mom wrote:

> Diane,

> I recall an article written by an MD warning against using thryoid if

> a person has atrial fibrillation, so I would start with iodine first

> just to be on the safe side, if I were you. I can't find that same

> article again easily right now without spending more time looking for

> it than I have available to me. However, you might want to do a Google

> search using the terms " thyroid + atrial fibrillation " to see what you

> learn.


> I did find one article suggesting that a-fib can be a result of

> hyperthyroidism. If so, then you need to rule out Grave's disease as a

> cause of the a-fib first because Grave's patients do not do well with

> iodine therapy.


> http://www.news-medical.net/news/2006/03/01/16324.aspx


> Hey, wait. I just now found the article I was looking for. Here it is,

> but you'll have to scroll down pretty far to find the part cautioning

> against thyroid meds in a-fib patients.

> http://www.prohealth.com/library/showarticle.cfm?libid=16214


> Sorry for the delay in this response, but the holidays have been

> pretty hectic at our household.






> > > , > > I have not yet started

> iodine (I am hypo & about to start on dessicated thyroid) but since

> you mention detoxing with Epsom salts, would it be good to be taking

> 3-4 baths per week in 3-4 cups of Epsom (ea bath) to start " cleaning

> up " my system? then start the iodine & dess. thyroid simultaneously?

> As I have very mild atrial fib, I'm wanting to start gently so as not

> to kick it up if poss. What would you advise about the order of

> start up? ie., should iodine be tried first (w/ supplements of

> course)? > > Many thanks for this help. > > Diane > >

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