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Fw: The FDA Doesn't Want Your Voice Heard

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The FDA Doesn't Want Your Voice Heard

We've heard from several sources that the FDA is whispering intoCongressional ears to ignore letters from their constituentsabout bio-identical hormones. The FDA is spreading the rumorthat the health freedom community is "unfairly" upset abouttheir recent ban on estriol and bio-identical hormones.Furthermore, the FDA continues to insist that they are not"restricting" estriol and that physicians wishing to treat theirpatients with drugs containing estriol may submit aninvestigational new drug application (which tend to cost atleast $50,000).

On January 9, 2008, the FDA essentially BANNED estriol (which isused in 80% of bio-identical hormones). They stated that estriolis an unapproved drug and unless they have a validinvestigational new drug application, pharmacy operators may notcompound drugs containing estriol. The same day at a pressconference, the FDA admitted that they knew of no seriousadverse events reported in conjuncture with estriol (even thoughdoctors and hospitals are required to report ALL adverse events.

On Thursday (April 3), we're meeting with members of Congress todiscuss this issue and others related to health freedom. We'llbe sure to tell you how the meetings went!

If you're a practitioner, a patient, or someone who wants theFDA to stop practicing medicine, please continue to read.


Read the timeline and Draw Your Own Conclusion-is the FDA doingWyeth's bidding? http://ga4.org/ct/sdAYqL61zRHr/

Contact Congress and the President of the US and let them knowthat you want the FDA to stop attacking compounding medicine.http://ga4.org/ct/wpAYqL61zRHX/

Personalize your letter. Tell your story, edit to reflect yourpoints of interest (this is VERY important, please take theextra time!)

Spread the word! We need the loudest voice possible-let yourfriends and family know of this threat, send an email. Tellpeople to visit www.healthfreedom.net . Download, print, anddistribute our flyer and if you don't have a printer, let usknow how many you need. http://ga4.org/ct/s1AYqL61zRH4/

Join AAHF so we can continue to make a difference on this andother important issues. http://ga4.org/ct/x1AYqL61zRH5/

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Health Freedom Foundationso we can continue educational efforts and pursue opportunitiesto block the FDA's assault on bio-identical hormones.http://ga4.org/ct/spAYqL61zRHv/

Brenna HillExecutive DirectorAmerican Association for Health Freedom/Health FreedomFoundation4620 Lee Highway, Suite 210Arlington, VA 222071.800.230.2762www.healthfreedom.net


Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.

http://ga4.org/join-forward.html?domain=healthfreedom & r=JpAYqL6qOUwB

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