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----- Forwarded Message ----From: Aurore <aurore33@...>AlternativeAnswers Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 1:52:14 PMSubject: [AlternativeAnswers] wi-fi sickness in children-Vomiting and Diarrhea Plague Japanese KindergartensThe Outo-geri (Vomiting and Diarrhea) syndrome is increasingly plaguing kindergarten children in Japanese cities. This phenomena has come about and increased along with ambient exposures to increasing levels of microwave radiation - in one of the most electropolluted countries in the world - showing indeed a correlation. At the kindergarten my son attended in Fukuoka City it was a major problem when we were there - and just recently it unfortunately caused the death of one of the kindergarten' s children. And while the official line is to blame it on

intestinal viruses, I suspect rather that some underlying environmental (i.e. exposure to ambient microwave radiation) cause is weakening the children's immune systems thus making them more susceptible to secondary causes like these intestinal viruses.Intestinal problems (e.g. nausea, diarrhea) are one of the symptoms numerous people have reported with exposure to microwave radiation and other forms or EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation). As a matter of fact, vomiting and diarrhea are two of the symptoms of radiation sickness. They are also interestingly symptoms found in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - all of which increased drastically with the increase in ambient levels of EMR and one of the reasons I believe exposure to EMR is playing a major role.Intestinal disorders are also a symptom found in

the Japanese disorders Futoukou (School Refusal) and Hikikomori (social isolation) where kids will lock themselves up in their rooms and do not leave for years - and while mistakenly blamed as a psychological disorder by those who refuse to look a little deeper, Dr. Miike, M.D. et al of Kumomoto University have found via a number of biological indicators (e.g. decreased blood flow in the brain via SPECT scans; accumulation of choline in the frontal lobe; abnormal hormonal secretion; change in core body temperature; etc.) that these adolescents are indeed actually suffering from what he calls Childhood Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CCFS). Interestingly, these abnormalities have also been shown in numerous studies to be caused by exposure to microwave radiation.(Unfortunately, it seems the majority of researchers and doctors in Japan are afraid to mention exposure to EMR as a causal factor in a

number of disease states for fear they may lose - not only their funding but also - their jobs and reputations. Since Dr. Miike lists his phone number on his research papers, I decided to give him a call. Unfortunately, when I mentioned EMR as a possible causal factor he refused to discuss the plausibility with me and nervously cut our conversation short. Unfortunately, I was also left with the impression that here was a man more concerned about job and his reputation than he was about what was indeed making his patients sick.)Getting back to the intestinal disorders, the number of people with intestinal problems diagnosed as Crohn's Disease, Colitis, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) has increased dramatically in the last few decades - along with exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones, cell phone towers, WiFi (Wireless Internet), and home DECT (Digitally Enhanced Cordless

Telecommunications) phones. Is there a connection? I most certainly think there is!A number of people who have either lost or had their cell phones stolen without bothering to replace them have told me that when their cell phones disappeared so did their intestinal problems. Another friend of mine told me that his girlfriend was having intestinal problems. I told him to ask her not to use it for a week and see what happens. Low and behold her intestinal problems miraculously disappeared.When I myself was personally suffering from what is labeled "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (but what I more appropriately call "Microwave Sickness"), I was also plagued with intestinal problems like nausea and diarrhea. Interestingly, when I moved into a log house up in the mountains with no television or cell phone reception my symptoms of nauseas and diarrhea (along with a host of other symptoms)

disappeared within 24 to 48 hours.A number of months later, as I was driving up in the mountains of central Japan looking for a possible place to live away from all this microwave insanity, I found a very pleasant and beautiful town called Wara with very few towers and a low level of microwave radiation. One questioning the inhabitants there, no one had every heard of this phenomena of Outogeri (vomiting and diarrhea) plaguing the cities of Japan. It just didn't happen in their little town.At any rate, it seems that 99.99% of the population there doesn't have a clue - and some of them don't even want to have a clue. , Doyon Yunnan Normal University (China) Lecturer - English and Japanese MAT (TESOL), School for International Training MA Advanced Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield BA Psychology, University of California++++++http://www.mast- victims.org/ index.php? content=news & action=view & type=newsitem & id=2885http://groups. google.com/ group/mobilfunk_ newsletter/ browse_thread/ thread/7d931de15f6ae9 07/27c502a783664 10c?lnk=raot-----------Regarding the article about the situation in Japan, I was there on an invited lecture years ago, and was stunned at all the fluorescent lights and other high EM exposures. Japanese people are even more addicted than are Americans to every kind of new techno-gadget, especially things wireless. It would seem, while the adults seem oblivious to how this might be affecting them, by putting computers and wifi into every schools and kindergartens, and a big cell phone tower right

next to just about every school, the bio-effects are more readily noticeable among children. Of course, the typical solution will be, to bring in a "doctor" who will not know beans about low-level EMF, and instead pass out drugs to the children. "Wi-Fi Sickness" would appear to be the "oranur sickness" identified by Wilhelm Reich years ago (see "Selected Writings"), and shown by Ott in his video "Exploring the Spectrum", from the over-stimulation of the bio-system by low-level electromagnetic and/or atomic radiation. Just today, I visited the planned homesite of a friend which was about 300 yards/meters from a tall radio tower. He was told it was a defunct radio station, and that might have been true. But it also had all sorts of microwave equipment hung on it. At the front door of the home they were thinking to buy, the readings were around 0.5 to 2

microwatts/cm2, during which time everyone present began experiencing head-pressure and skin-heating sensations, and one person some serious headache and flare-up of an old spinal injury. The effect was systemic, a whole-body influence. And none of the people here are what we could call "EM Sensitives" who experience a great aggravation from even very low EMF as from a lap-top computer. Driving closer to the tower, the readings shot up to around 150 microwatts/cm2, at which point we turned the car around and left. But dozens of other homes were right there, no farther away. Terrible. By contrast, our rural home and the OBRL Center has a very low exposure of around 0.001 microwatts/cm2, which is at the calibration limits of the device.The meter we used is a relatively inexpensive Professional "Cell Phone and Tower RF Meter", available also from the

catalog:http://www.naturale nergyworks. netSee the right-hand side, fourth item down.This page also has a long list of new articles on the hazards of microwave radiation from cell phones and towers, as well as a list of new citizen's organizations which have developed in recent years, devoted to exposing and dealing with the problem. DeMeoOnly that day dawns to which we are awake- ThoreauAurore Adamkiewicz, N.D.Aurore, LC www.beyondnaturalmedicine.com248-444-6627********************************************* Peacefulmind.com Sponsors Alternative Answers-HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments.htm____________________________________________-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:AlternativeAnswers/subs_invite ___________________________________________To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to: AlternativeAnswers/links_____________________________________________

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