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I went here and seen they are out of stock lol. I was looking on how to make a

tincture but couldnt find a recipe do you have one or know of one online.

What do you think of elderberry cider?



Mountain Rose Herbs - www.mountainroseherbs.com - has elderberry in


Make your own tincture - you won't be able to beat the price.

Jackie Noel



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One way you could a get a reliable look at your childs overall constitution is

to test her Ph level. An alkaline body does'nt make a good host for any type of

dis-ease. When I tested my boys, my autistic son (who is the most fragile) had

the highest acid level of the three. Next in line for acidity was my oldest who

has unidentified allergies and always blowing his nose, and my middle child was

a perfect deep blue. He has the best diet of the 3. Introduction of alkaline

foods such as brussel sprouts, peas, asparagus, cauliflower, onion, green

cabbage, red cabbage, zuchini, celery, garlic, cucumber can Ph balance the

body----these are just a few of the veggies, the list goes on if your interested

in more.I also have the list of don'ts or foods to eat sparingly.I will say you

might find yourself hardpressed to find the strips, maybe not. I could help with

that too if you like. This is a do no harm method and fairly inexpensive. Good

Luck with the elderberry.


Long Island, NY

Mike and Amy <mikeandamy@...> wrote:

I went here and seen they are out of stock lol. I was looking on how to make a

tincture but couldnt find a recipe do you have one or know of one online.

What do you think of elderberry cider?



Mountain Rose Herbs - www.mountainroseherbs.com - has elderberry in


Make your own tincture - you won't be able to beat the price.

Jackie Noel



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I would love to talk more with you about this you could email me about this off

the list if you would. I would like to know about hte strips etc.




Mountain Rose Herbs - www.mountainroseherbs.com - has elderberry in


Make your own tincture - you won't be able to beat the price.

Jackie Noel



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I'm a newbee and don't know how to do this unless you email me first so I can

reply. I'm at mydurney@.... I am happy to help in anyway possible.


Mike and Amy <mikeandamy@...> wrote:


I would love to talk more with you about this you could email me about this off

the list if you would. I would like to know about hte strips etc.




Mountain Rose Herbs - www.mountainroseherbs.com - has elderberry in


Make your own tincture - you won't be able to beat the price.

Jackie Noel



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Would it be possible to take this discussion to the OT4VAX list. I

too would be interested in hearing more about the strips for testing

acidity/alkalinity, regards Deb

> I went here and seen they are out of stock lol. I was looking on

how to make a tincture but couldnt find a recipe do you have one or

know of one online.


> What do you think of elderberry cider?


> amy

> Elderberry




> Mountain Rose Herbs - www.mountainroseherbs.com - has

elderberry in

> bulk.


> Make your own tincture - you won't be able to beat the price.


> Jackie Noel

> www.sagaciousairedales.com

> www.sagaciousdogcountry.com






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I can barely keep up with two groups I'm on now. When my husband gets home I'm

going to ask him to scan the food list for everyone to see. Anything further

---- don't hesitate to email me directly at mydurney@...


sburke2345 <sburke2345@...> wrote:

Would it be possible to take this discussion to the OT4VAX list. I

too would be interested in hearing more about the strips for testing

acidity/alkalinity, regards Deb

> I went here and seen they are out of stock lol. I was looking on

how to make a tincture but couldnt find a recipe do you have one or

know of one online.


> What do you think of elderberry cider?


> amy

> Elderberry




> Mountain Rose Herbs - www.mountainroseherbs.com - has

elderberry in

> bulk.


> Make your own tincture - you won't be able to beat the price.


> Jackie Noel

> www.sagaciousairedales.com

> www.sagaciousdogcountry.com






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  • 1 year later...

> Elderberries are wonderful at this time of year for flu too! (jams,

> syrup, etc) - I remember my grandparents used to make elderberry wine

> in Berks, England. They grow wild here on our farm in NY,

> unfortunately, many get chewed by the deer before they can bear fruit...

The NY Times ran a story some years ago about how the drug patent laws in the

U.S. were keeping useful medicines out of American consumers hands because

you can't get an exclusive patent on anything derived from nature under the

current rules so drug companies have done less and less research on

plant-derived medicines.

At the same time Israeli researchers (many of whom have studied in the U.S.

according to the article) decided to look into the old wives tale about

elderberry tea being good for respiratory problems. Well, they proved it,

figured out how it worked (the bacteria or microbes or whatever they are that

cause bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. are like Velcro on the outside and stick to

the lungs. A compound in elderberries coats them so they can't stick and

therefore they pass through the body more quickly), and the created medicines

based on concentrated elderberries. Since the development of this

medicine, they've slashed their use of antibiotics to fight bronchitis,

pneumonia and other respiratory infections and, if a case is severe, the new

medicine can be used with antibiotics.

Other research is showing that elderberries act as an immune system booster.

Since then I've kept elderberry capsules (more handy than tea) around every

winter and haven't had bronchitis since. So there's good reason to consume

elderberry tea, syrups, etc. They really are good for you.



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At 03:32 AM 12/31/2006, you wrote:

> > Elderberries are wonderful at this time of year for flu too! (jams,

> > syrup, etc) - I remember my grandparents used to make elderberry wine

> > in Berks, England. They grow wild here on our farm in NY,

> > unfortunately, many get chewed by the deer before they can bear fruit...


>The NY Times ran a story some years ago about how the drug patent

>laws in the U.S. were keeping useful medicines out of American

>consumers hands becauseyou can't get an exclusive patent on anything

>derived from nature under the current rules so drug companies have

>done less and less research onplant-derived medicines.

Sambucol (sp?) is an OTC flu remedy made from elderberries. I make

elderberry tincture with vodka and sugar and give it out to friends

who have any viral-like symptoms, even a cold.

I have elderberry flower absoute (to keep on topic). I understand

there is also an EO of it, and I'm wondering if my sample may be

mislabeled, maybe it's really the EO, which according to Arctander is

thick and solid at room temp. I like the scent, which he describes as

sweet, honeylike, animalic and unpleasant. He says to dilute it way

down to make it pleasant. I have just played with it a little, so I

can't really judge it in a blend. It's not unpleasant to me, but

that's all relative, yes?

It is very rare and rarely produced.

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Community Group


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> I have elderberry flower absoute (to keep on topic). I understand

> there is also an EO of it, and I'm wondering if my sample may be

> mislabeled, maybe it's really the EO, which according to Arctander is

> thick and solid at room temp. I like the scent, which he describes as

> sweet, honeylike, animalic and unpleasant. He says to dilute it way

> down to make it pleasant. I have just played with it a little, so I

> can't really judge it in a blend. It's not unpleasant to me, but

> that's all relative, yes?


> It is very rare and rarely produced.


I must have missed the first part of this on elderberry. but I make an

elderberry tincture from dried organic elderberries. It is very dark

with a wine like aroma, earthy and somewhat musky. I have used it as

part of a blender with agarwood and tuberose.

I like it myself, but it may not be for everyone. I also have a nice

tincture of red wine resin that I scorched slightly to give it a

smokiness. It has a similar quality to the elderberry.


Zz's Petals



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  • 1 year later...
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The Backyard Herb That's Better Than a Flu Shot Studies show it boosts flu-fighting antibodies and actually disarms the flu virus. If flu shots are ever in short supply again, don't panic. Now there's something even better -- something you should know about whether you get a flu shot or not. The backyard herb elderberry has been used as a folk remedy for flu, colds, and coughs since ancient times. Very bad news for colds and flus More recently, results of a study saw flu sufferers recover in record time. The researchers found that elderberry literally disarmed the flu virus -- so it's unable to penetrate cell walls. Those who took elderberry were also found to have higher levels of flu-fighting

antibodies, indicating a stronger immune system and less chance of getting the flu in the first place. What's more, elderberry has shown great promise combating other viruses, including AIDS, herpes, and Epstein-Barr. Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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Hi Suzi,

Good info. Thanks! Do you know best way to take it? Do you eat the berries or make a tea of them or their leaves? Thanks again.

Peace on earth.




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Berries ... you can eat them or make a tincture . or jam or whatever... SuziCHERYL D JONES <cctux@...> wrote: Hi Suzi, Good info. Thanks! Do you know best way to take it? Do you eat the berries or make a tea of them or their leaves? Thanks again. Peace on earth. Cheryl Elderberry . Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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