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Hemp seeds

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--- tinycat2001 <tinycat2001@...> wrote:

> These contain a lot of omega oils .Are they safe for

> our kids?

> They come from the same plant as marijuana


I don't know about whether the seeds are safe or

provide any benefit, but I did want to chime in to

point out that hemp is a 'cousin' of marijuana, but

they are not the same plant. The THC level (i.e. the

'active' ingredient in marijuana) is much lower in

hemp than in marijuana. Sort of reminds me of those

Total cereal commercials... 'you'd have to smoke this

many hemp cigarettes to equal just one marijuana




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  • 6 years later...
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Hemp Seeds, One of the Ways to Rebalance and Detox Your BodyBy Willie

Unless you live in a pesticide and chemical free environment and eat only 100% organic, there is an excellent chance that your body is overburdened, nutrient deficient and headed toward obesity and long term problems. North America in particular has been lulled by the food industry to eat supposedly safe, processed, packaged and canned foods. Well you've been fooled long enough!

Almost every time you open a package to cook something, not only are you eating inferior food, you are also for the most part eating MSG. (Even some organic foods). I cover this in an earlier article and I recommend you educate your self on this subject as well.

In the last 50+ years man has changed the way we eat so much that the health our great grandparents enjoyed are difficult to obtain today. Not impossible but very difficult. Our big problem today is toxicity! Our bodies are toxic and over acidic and we need to take steps to ward off future problems. Hemp seeds can help in a big way!

No other seed or nut that I know of can match the quality and balance of nutrients that the hemp seeds contain. Flax seeds come close but the hemp seed contains the correct balance of Omega 3 and omega 6 essential oils as well as linoleic acid, vitamin E and trace minerals and is an impressive 33% protein.

Hemp seeds are an excellent solution for vegetarians.

Our diets today are often without the correct balance of nutrients, for example, if you take a calcium supplement, you may not be absorbing it into the body because calcium needs magnesium and something acidic with it like a bit of vinegar or lemon juice in water to be absorbed into the body. So it is with omega 3 and omega 6. You need both to provide the cells in the body what it needs otherwise imbalances occur.

You can take fish oils for omega 3 and 6 but if you don't like the after taste or have concerns about our polluted lakes, rivers and oceans, then eating hemp seeds or using cold pressed hemp oil in salad dressings can be a great alternative. They have a mild nutty taste and can be added to just about any meal. It is best to start your morning with hemp seeds in your breakfast, (add it to cereals, yogurt or smoothies or grind them to make a nut butter.) If you want to replace dairy you can make hemp milk a home. Here is a recipe;

2 cups of hulled hemp seeds Very hot water Blender Colander Hemp cloth or cheese cloth

Put the hemp seeds in the blender. Add hot water to about ¾ of the way. Place the lid on the blender and hold tight with your hands. Start the blender on the lowest setting so that the content doesn't explode out of the blender. (Hot liquids can do that). Once your blender is working smoothly you can increase slowly up to high and blend for a couple of minutes. Place the colander into a large bowl, then place the cheesecloth into the colander. Slowly pour the milk into the colander. When all of the liquid is in the bowl, grab all four corners and squeeze out the remaining liquid. Pour the milk into glass container with a lid and refrigerate. Use it any where you would regular milk.

The body needs healthy fats and hemp seeds have all the essential fatty acids your body wants. When your body starts getting the nutrition and the healthy fats it needs, it will start to detox and rebalance the body to the proper acid/alkaline state and this is what you want because disease only thrives in an overly acid body. Eating hemp seeds daily may restore luster to your hair, improve skin conditions and more importantly may improve cardio vascular health and who wouldn't want that!

You may want to consider the benefits of eating organic fruits and vegetables in addition to hemp seeds to improve overall health


Willie is a researcher and freelance writer whose own health problems prompted her to gain information on health and wellness and share that knowledge with others. She is co-owner of http://www.cleanbodydetox.com a site that focuses on detox through foot baths and foot massager


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What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

I make Hemp milk from the seeds because my husband is on a totally vegan diet.

So I put the seeds into my magic bullet with a little bit of water and blend it

all until it becomes a sort of cream then I add more water and make a quart of

Hemp milk. One cup Hempseeds to 4 cups water is the formula.

Flax seeds are hard and have a sort of shell and that is why you have to grind

them but Hemp seeds are soft with no shell so I think if you just put them in

food or sprinkle them on something or make milk, as I do, or a salad dressing, I

think they can be used as they are.

You might want to check out this site as it has a lot of information.



From: Turmeric4

Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 11:15 AM

I notice that Natural News has a special on Hemp Seeds. My question is,

Do you have to grind the seeds like you would flax seed?

If you don't grind flax seed, you don't get the benefit of the nutrients in

them, so I was curious about the hemp seed.

Can anyone answer that question for me?

Thank you so much.

from Seattle

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