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Sorry so late, life just gets ahold of you sometimes as I am sure you all


I am Heidi married to Josh for 11 years on Feb. 15th. Well we have three,

ph (Joe) DS 10, Jordyn 7 going on 16, and then there is 3.

When we had Joe we did not know he had DS until he was born. After that he

was in the hospital for he had an umphalicil on his umbillical cord so they

had to fix it and when they were doing that they took out his appendix

because it was just floating around. His heart heald on its own. Then the

only other surgries he has had is on his teeth, his tonsils and adnoids

removed, and tubs. Other than the occassional cold and sinus problems that

is about it health wise. That is until this year, we found out he had

allergies to a bit of food so that had been a new challenge. But we are

slowly making it through.

ph is a great kid, he does have his moments. He was on med since he was

6 years old for ADHD, none of them worked so went to nurologist and none of

the meds worked there and then went to phsycologist and nothing. So I

decided he was getting worse instead of better and took him off of

everything and he is better not so druged up and sleepy. If it did work

it was for a couple days and then no more, it was causing a lot of problems

at the end of the school year last year and through the summer. Now we are

starting to see some good. He is a very loving, talkative and drama king

kid. He loves his Disney movies and has them all memorized. He likes to

play interact with his guys they talk to each other. He does have a big

vocabulary and talks all the time. Loves his sister and brother to death

and loves to bug them although he goes thorough spurts.

Jordyn is starting to be a bit bossy, she acts like Joes mom and watches

out for him and is a big help where he is concerend. But she does have an


is the baby and that is all I need to say there...

They are all wonderful. It was fun reading all the posts and I love this

group you guys are the best, have got a lot of good info from here. It

makes you realize there are others out there that are going through the same

stuff and understand. Thank you all. Hope you all have a wonderful new


Hugs from Montana


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