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Re: brandon yet again

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Firstly, why was he scoffing bread? Is he hungry or maybe bored, put

yourself in his place and try and figure out why he is behaving in such a

manner. No, it has nothing to do with the imminent arrival of jellybean -

there is far more going on. My guess without knowing him or yourselves - he

is either bored or frustrated and maybe both. Getting into the pantry may

be his way of saying, hey I'm smarter than what you think.

Instead of keeping the pantry locked, which isn't really a normal thing in

the average household - why not keep the bread in the freezer.

In our house at the moment, we have to watch our bread otherwise it will be

taken out to the goats - mmm really love paying $5.00 a loaf for them! I am

thinking of two ways to counteract this, either making sure Trent knows the

bread I buy for the goats is kept in one place and one place only or

putting our bread out of sight either in the freezer or out of the packet

and in a bread keeper. The thing is Trent likes feeding the goats and to

him bread is bread, he has no concept of whether the bread cost $1.00 or

$5.00 - so it is up to me to make sure he knows which bread is for the goats

and which isn't.

If was hungry and wanted a snack - he needs to know what he can have

ie. Snacks that can be eaten at anytime are kept in the purple container

with orange spots in the most visible spot.

As to the incident in the garage - don't focus on the bad things think of

what he actually achieved by locking you in the other section - lots of

thinking, maybe planning but a lot of capabilities. Just be sure he knows

it wasn't good to have done it, and hope like hell it doesn't happen again.

You really do need to take a step back and look at how your lives impact on

him, he is the older sibling and needs to feel as if he is the eldest -

spend time out with just him make him feel like the special one in the

family, not the special needs family member.

Hope my views help you out

Keep smiling

Jan, mother of Trent 23yo w/DS from the LandDownUnder

brandon yet again

Add to all of todays " woes " .... well they do say it all comes in 3's

We have a child lock on the pantry door to stop Mr from eating

all the bread

I found him this evening AFTER dinner scoffing bread.......

So now we need to find another way of keeping the pantry closed

I am not going to mention the screams coming form the boys room that

is now tormenting before they go to sleep- maybe separate

rooms is on the cards- but then where will the baby sleep?????

When will stop teasing the kids? I think I need to make a few

social stories........I am not kidding about someone adopting my kids of

2 weeks in April..........well not really....I dont think...ask me in 3

weeks time..........


Aussie Leis- mum to , Natasha, and Jellybean

I'm not a hero-I don't save the world. I just kill bad guys.

- aged 4

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Thanks Jan- I think that BJ is just bored- we haven't kept him as

occupied this school holidays as we have previously- that is because we

had 2 weeks off over Xmas, then he went to his interchange family for 4

days - which is longer than usual-but he seemed to cope well-then we had

swimming lessons at the beach for 2 weeks, but they were at 11-30am-so

we couldn't do anything before, and he didnt get allot of time at

VACCARE in the arvos when he went there. I wont let the kids play the

playstation for more than 3 hours at a time, then they wanna play the

computer- so I usually tell them to go outside........I think they are

all sick of each other, and the spare time they all have. I have tried

to separate them and have them at friends places etc, and at VACCARE on

separate days, but I think that plan backfired on me :) I have also been

at the hospital twice a week for the past 3 weeks with dr appointments

and ultrasounds , and we have to be at the hospital 3 times this week-

twice for me and once for BJ ENT. So has been a pretty full on but

boring holidays-I have driven over 700km in the past 4 weeks, and that

is just running backwards and forwards from swimming and friends and the

likes. We have taken them to the beach a few times, and for a picnic

yesterday-but I Am running out of ideas and things to do with them :) I

am taking them to the recycling plant today to cash in our bottles and

cans (we get 5 cents back per bottle or can)-they will go to Mcs

for ice cream-I might stop and let them play there too. We have had

Poppa here, and my brother was here for a few days-so I think maybe I

have tried to squeeze too much into 6 weeks holidays?The kids have also

swapped bedrooms I have no ideas how many times...they are back to their

own rooms now as school starts on Tuesday week. But they got bored too,

as we have also had allot of waiting around. I am second guessing myself

as always- but hey - better to second guess than to think I know

everything huh?

I think it was pretty clever of BJ to lock the garage like that-my dad

reckons BJ is getting even with .........BJ is one clever cookie-I

think he is doing that bad attention/good attention seeking thing-so he

is asking to help,so I will make more of an effort to make him help

more-Trent also suggested last nite we actually talk to him and ask him

what he wants to do etc-I have given none of the kids many choices these

holidays.......He has broken 2 pairs of his glasses and has to wear

broken ones ( they just fall off his head when he shakes his head) , as

his interchange family have his good ones,and they havent returned them

yet (I can't pick them up as they left the at one of their friends

houses) , and I am still waiting to get the other pair fixed-so maybe he

is angry at that too-maybe he will take more care when he gets these

ones fixed :)

Phew- all said and done

If you got this far thanks for reading :) I feel like I have been to

confession :)

Aussie Leis- mum to , Natasha, and Jellybean

I'm not a hero-I don't save the world. I just kill bad guys.

- aged 4

Jan Marie wrote:

> PS - if you feel that things are getting too much for you and would like to

> chat -


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