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Re: Fish, cheese and all-sorts (was:Ceviche)

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You do know that mahi-mahi is just the native name for dolphin-fish, right?<G> (Not the Flipper kind…the rainbow snub-nosed kind.) Yum!

~~~~~Oh, yeppers! Did you know that the Miami Dolphins originally intended to use the fish as their mascot/emblem, but decided it wasn't "friendly looking" enough, so they went with the porpoise variety?

So, I have eaten the fish and swum with the mammals! In fact, H and I swam with Flipper's grandson! (Who, by the way, is a not-surprising sweetheart and smarty-butt)!

YOU?!?!? A smart-aleck? Never!<VBG>

~~~~~ I know! I'm SAYin'!

And I will admit that I like my red meat on occasion, too. It was easy for me to do without chicken or pork, but the occasional near-to-raw beef was a must-have!

As to wha’ happened…I kind of inched away from it over time. I’d make a nice big pasta dish and then eat some of it. Nearest I seem to be able to do now is “raw until dinner,” and then eat only a little cooked food for dinner. (Of course, tonight’s special anniversary dinner was different…but until dinner I only had grapefruit juice with my vitamins in the morning, two tall glasses of watermelon juice at lunchtime, then a yogurt in midafternoon…yogurt’s not raw, but I allow it because it has the good bacteria.)

~~~~~I do a big (18 oz) glass of water in the morning with my vitamins, with half a lemon squeezed into it and a tablespoon of unfiltered ACV. After walking the dogs (2 miles, 30-40 minutes, depending on distractions!), I have hot tea and <gasp, wheeze> toast (with olive oil, not butter). Lunch is usually an apple and an orange, though sometimes I have yogurt, and when I do, I put flax seeds in it. That's really tasty! And dinner is .. whatever. OFTEN a salad with chick peas and pine nuts. May or may not put a bit of meat in it. I'm looking forward to seeing how these uncooked garbanzos turn out!

Henry's dinner may well be something more conventional, but there isn't always a huge variation.

But last night? We had rib eye steaks, although we both only ate half of ours. (Apologies to any who were offended by that...)

How few years, Ev? We met in 1982, but didn’t get married until 1988…so we’ve got a few more than 20 years in the can…just 20 “officially.”<BG>

~~~~~~Ahhh, dear me! H and I met for the very first time (and he wasn't even noticing me just then!) when I was 13! That would have been around '66, '67. We got together in '73 and became "legal" in Feb. '74.

So - forever!

Cheese? There are some good raw cheeses out there, which I’ll eat in a heartbeat. (Cheese made from raw milk…and I’ll even drink milk if it’s raw, but that’s hard to come by in Florida these days.)


~~~~~I'm simply going to have to alter my mindset about it. Because *I* like those heart-clogging, melty, gooey rubbery cheeses (cheddar-jack, mozarella...). <sigh> Although - (!) there IS a place here in NM that makes organic goat cheeses, and they are scrumptious! I've tasted some at wine festivals, and I wrote them Friday and asked where to buy their stuff in Albuquerque. So - I hope to get myself a jar (maybe the sun-dried tomatoes one! or the vegetable one! or the garlic and herbs one! or....), and possibly a jar for my raw foodist friend, within the next day or so. I have to make a DE run tomorrow; the ticky-things were making Henry want to buy bug bombs (until I snapped at him - "Do you think that poison's going to help YOUR situation any?")

How sad is this? I haven't seen a tick since Biarki went home/transitioned. (That's Ev-speak for died, folks). ?:(


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No, I didn’t know that about the Miami Dolphins…but as far as I’m concerned they can use an unfriendly-looking snub-nose dolphin as their mascot – I am profoundly against the Miami Dolphins!<G> (BTW, the first pre-season game is only a little over a month away! Colts at Redskins. Yayyy!!! I can’t wait!)

~~~~Well, when it comes to me and football, it's flat-out a case of, "ly, Scarlett..."

Except that it kind of honks me that when I DO finally sit down to veg out in front of the TV, there isn't anything ELSE on!! Thank all the gods for library books!

Okay…back on topic…


When you have toast, have you tried Ezekiel bread toast? It’s made from sprouted grains and is supposedly good for you.<G> I keep some in the freezer for when I get a grain jones…although the Weight Watchers points still count!

~~~~~No - I never heard of it. Unless it's the name they carry at Trader Joe's. Whatever their stuff is gave me MONUMENTAL indigestion. I can't do those "green drinks", either, with every sort of sprout and grass in them.

I ONLY eat La Brea whole grain, because it was the first bread I found at the regular grocery store that DIDN'T have a truckload of chemicals I can't even pronounce in it. Plus it has seeds and stuff in it, and it's criminally yummy. But I only have it once a day, and sometimes not even that.

Pasta I could live without and never notice the absence!

Vince had a rib eye steak last night for our anniversary dinner (Pittsburghed) and I had black grouper stuffed with crab. It was way yummy, but I ate too much.

~~~~~I tend to do that (what is UP with that, anyway?!) when we go somewhere with really excellent Mexican food. >burp<

Organic Valley makes several raw cheeses...various cheddars, jack style, etc. Not mozzarella, though, but I’d think it would be easy enough to get raw mozzarella. (Oh, the cheese will be raw, but it will probably have been made with pasteurized milk. Sorry…I’d still splurge on it, though…with tomatoes and basil and EVOO…Yum-O!)

~~~~~Okay, in order of appearance (!):

I'll look for that when I'm in the HFS, or co-op, whichever comes first, while I'm picking up the Coon Ridge goat cheese.

And now, what is EVOO?!! (Or are you playing with my name)?! I'm growing my own tomatoes and basil, though!!

I can’t tell you the last time I saw a tick…certainly not since we moved to Florida. Which would be the opposite of what one would *think* would be the situation…Miz Cedar would get them periodically in Pennsylvania in the summertime, but has never had one in the four years we’ve lived in south Florida. Nary a flea, either, in either place…and I’ve never used flea/tick preventatives on her. (I credit the raw diet for the lack of fleas, but don’t know what to credit the lack of ticks with since she had ticks in PA when she was eating a raw diet and doesn’t have them in FL, still eating a raw diet. But I’m not unhappy not to have any!)

~~~~~~Pfffft. 18 years in Albuquerque, camping every/all summer long, with never a tick, flea OR mosquito. Of course, for several of those years we had a Samoyed. My guess is the nasties took one look at her coat and said, "Fuhgeddabowdit." WAY too much work to get to skin! But even after her - never a problem.

When we moved down here in '90, the dog we had at the time got a few ticks on him, but once we removed them, nada. This development where we built used to be an alfalfa field, so it wasn't a huge surprise to encounter some at first. Then they were gone.

THEN, a few years ago, we made the ENORMOUS mistake of buying bags of bark chips to put in the erstwhile flower beds - right up against the entire house perimeter.... Then we had ticks. Oh, boy, did we ever. It was so bad, even *I* agreed to bomb the house.

Now? I think I have a clue where they might still be lurking - out in the kennel. One half of it has a small dog house that Biarki pretty much claimed as his private refuge. I'll have H help me spray it with Sevin or something this week. Bless my boy, he had a tick on his shoulder when he died. I didn't bother to remove it - it wasn't like he'd have noticed the difference. {:*(

I think you and I are the same age, Ev. I’ll be 56 the end of August…Vince was married to his first wife for 25 years, and now me for 20, and we were together five years before we got married…yeah, he’s an old fart…turned 70 last March.<G>


~~~~And I'm the BIG DOUBLE NICKEL November 21st! I'm a third generation Scorpio (which somewhat explains my email addy), and Henry is 4 years my senior - also in March! We both were married previously, but mine didn't last very long. I was way too young and that one was way too much of a schmuck. !! (Pardon my Yiddish).*


*No, I'm not, but he was. And his mother was every Jewish MIL nightmare/joke ever conceived.

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Sorry I didn't repond to this when it came through. I get my emails

from the list directly in my email box, and apparently I had

all " earthlink " emails blocked. I must have been getting a lot of

spam from " earthlink " accounts a while back. Anyway, I unblocked

e.l., so I will get your contributions to the list again. Sorry if I

missed something important!!


> I'm younger even ...just turned 41. So glad to be one of the

young ones again. I work in a school where it seems the average age

for teachers these days is 25...they sure make me feel old!!


> Caroline


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