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Re: Fwd: requesting info on diet

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Dear Jim,

On August 24, 1999 8:00 AM, you wrote,

> The website that has helped me is hacres.com. You will find an

> incredible wealth of information. I also have other books etc. I can


> recommend if this catches your interest like it did mine. Please let me


> if you would like further information. Thanks and God bless! Jim

Would you please list the books mentioned in the above post for the forum?

I am sure that many of us will appreciate this hard earned information.

Thank you.

Very Truly,


> From: JiRe42@...


> Thanks for your inuiry. After years of research on many different diets


> taking as many as 25 different supplements and 3 strong heart

medications, I

> have been on this diet for approximately 3 months. It is the BODY that


> itself with the help of proper nutrition. I firmaly believe that no food


> drug will ever cure the body. God has made it to heal itself. I


> take no drugs or vitamin mineral pills and feel better than I ever have

in my

> life. The website that has helped me is hacres.com. You will find an

> incredible wealth of information. I also have other books etc. I can


> recommend if this catches your interest like it did mine. Please let me


> if you would like further information. Thanks and God bless! Jim


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In a message dated 8/23/99 8:44:10 PM Central Daylight Time,

JanieJonez@... writes:

<< hi Jim...i also have hert problem...i dont take any meds for it on ly a


tranquilizer for when my rapid heart beat goes on too long and scares


only 34 y/o and lately my resting heart rate is over 90...and this goes on

for hours at a time on a daily basis...ive been shuffled from one

cardiologist to another whove prescribed me pills to lower my blood

pressure(which is fine) so ive given up on those i have to see a heart

specialist next week....and im also very anemic...do you think theres hope

for me with your diet? i dont eat pork or red meat and i dont drink,smoke

etc...im very concientious about what i put in my body and i hate taking the

tranquilizers...thanks much...Jeana Luckey



About 5 yrs ago my heart rate would go up to 150. I went to doctors and wore

all sorts of things to moniter it but they could come up with nothing. I

spoke with a friend and she sent me a book on water. Over the yrs we can

become dehydrated by consuming things that dehydrate...cokes, coffe, tea and

just not drinking enough water. To make a long stoey short, I started

drinking MUCH more water, making fruit and veggie juices. Also changed my

diet to lots of raw. It did take awhile(nothing happens over night) but it

came right down.

That is very scary when it's happening to you ...I would put ice packs on my

chest to bring it down because it totally exhausted me from all the pounding.

I am not suggesting you do that but mine was alot higher rate and I had a

very demanding job. Of course that is not a cure and it may even be



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Thanks for your inuiry. After years of research on many different diets and

taking as many as 25 different supplements and 3 strong heart medications, I

have been on this diet for approximately 3 months. It is the BODY that heals

itself with the help of proper nutrition. I firmaly believe that no food or

drug will ever cure the body. God has made it to heal itself. I presently

take no drugs or vitamin mineral pills and feel better than I ever have in my

life. The website that has helped me is hacres.com. You will find an

incredible wealth of information. I also have other books etc. I can highly

recommend if this catches your interest like it did mine. Please let me know

if you would like further information. Thanks and God bless! Jim

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There are quite a number of vitamins and minerals and herbs which affect the

heartbeat. One is COQ10Plus which I take 3 times daily. It has quite a lot

of Taurine in it which is one of the principle heart regulators. Also

magnesium helped my wife stabilize her irregular heartbeat. Dr. Stauch

at ndal and his staff have some good remedies and they will try to

identify what is causing your fast heartbeat. I suggest you give him a call

at 703 941 3606 in ndale. His clinic is the Integrated Medical Clinic.

My wife will soon take her 90th HBO from his clinic. She has completed her

89th and much improved from stroke of over 1 year ago. Manson

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is your hert condition now? do you still hve the rapid beating at all? my

doctor told me to mssge my carotid artery when i get the tchycardia but it

doesnt help....they gave me atenolol which did nothing but lower my blood

pressure--so i ditched it...ive hd every test possible and they cant find

anything but a minute case of mitral valve and a very shallow murmur....some

doctors blame the anemia.........i just keep praying for some

relief,............Jeana L.

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In a message dated 8/25/99 8:51:47 AM Central Daylight Time,

jlambert@... writes:

<< which I love, because I would have bought the Green Life for $389.

jim :) >>

Does this include shipping?? What a buy!!


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Sam, Dr. wrote six books many years ago on diet. Simply, he

believes in cleansing the body and giving it the right nutrition. In his

fifties, he was terminally ill, went on raw fruits and veges with juicing,

his body cured itself and he lived a very healthy energetic life until he

died at 119 years young. He spells everything out in detail. Very

enjoyable, informative reading. Call (520) 445-5567 to order books. Each

book is $6.95. I am not associated with this distributor and do not make any

money whatsoever on the sale of these books. I am simply trying to share

this information with anyone and everyone interested. I have personally

discontinued the use of all medications and over 25 vitamin mineral and herbs

supplements. I do take fiberblend (I believe the best colon cleanser

available) and barleygreen which has more complete protein,enzymes, vitamins,

and minerals than any food on earth. This has been thoroughly researched and

written material is available. I have never felt better in my life. Not bad

from almost dying a year ago. I hope I have provided you with the

information you are looking for in hopes that it will help many. Thanks, Jim

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The Hallelujah diet has been extremely beneficial to me. Find it at

hacres.com. I have reversed a near fatal heart condition by giving the body

what it needs to heal itself. Hope this will help you as much as it has

helped me. Thnks and God bless. Jim

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My BP was maybe 165/105 average with an average HR of 97 before I started meds.

The meds got me down to 145/95, which while not great, was the est meds ever did

for me.

But within days of buying my juicer & drinking a morning cocktail of 1 lb


carrots, 4 stalks celery & 1-2 apples, my average BP is now 130/78 with an

average HR of 80 or so.

I also now take flax seed oil in caps or grind the seeds & eat them with their

counterpart, cottage cheese. I also now take bromocriptine, and that helps


my BP & HR.

Other than that, I eat a fairly normal, meaning average American trash diet. I

believe, based on my studies & my body's response, that taking a good digestive

enzyme is more important than what you eat, as long as you are cooking your


If you eat all raw veggies, then that is obviously superior, but vegetarians are

still fooling themselves - IMO - if they cook most of their food & eat it


exogenous enzymes.

jim :)

> hi Jim...i also have hert problem...i dont take any meds for it on ly a mild

> tranquilizer for when my rapid heart beat goes on too long and scares me...im

> only 34 y/o and lately my resting heart rate is over 90...and this goes on

> for hours at a time on a daily basis...


jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its limits.

-- anony

amicus certus in re incerta

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JanieJonez@... wrote:

> my

> doctor told me to mssge my carotid artery when i get the tchycardia but it

> doesnt help....they gave me atenolol which did nothing but lower my blood

> pressure--so i ditched it...ive hd every test possible and they cant find

> anything but a minute case of mitral valve and a very shallow murmur....some

> doctors blame the anemia.........i just keep praying for some

> relief,............Jeana L.

" The Lord helps those that help themselves. " And, IMO, the help will arrive the

day you buy a juicer. Don't waste your money on a centrifucal type like an Acme,

as they oxidize too many good things & are only a few dollars cheaper than a

masticating type like a Champion. The best, short of a $1200 unit is probably

one of the green juicers. Get the magnets too. The best prices I have

encountered are here, and I wish I had found them before I bought my Champion,

which I love, because I would have bought the Green Life for $389.

jim :)


jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its limits.

-- anony

amicus certus in re incerta

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i doubt it. Go to their site & see.

jim :)

Es9525@... wrote:

> From: Es9525@...


> In a message dated 8/25/99 8:51:47 AM Central Daylight Time,

> jlambert@... writes:


> << which I love, because I would have bought the Green Life for $389.


> jim :) >>


> Does this include shipping?? What a buy!!

> Edith


> ---------------------------

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I read recently, maybe here, that the heart rate going up is a good

indicator of an allergic reaction. Try to see if you eat certain

foods, if your heart rate then goes up. I assume you stay away from

aspartame. Deb


Debbie Mc


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In a message dated 08/25/1999 9:51:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jlambert@... writes:

<< The best prices I have encountered are here, >>

which is where?

I am contemplating buying a juicer. Where are the best prices?


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Other things will also raise your heart rate. When I was taking 4 tsp of homozon

twice a day my heart rate went up to 115-120 & my doctor was alarmed. I

eventually stopped it long enough for my HR to go down to show the MD, then

started back on it again.

jim :)

Debbie Mc wrote:

> From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...>


> I read recently, maybe here, that the heart rate going up is a good

> indicator of an allergic reaction. Try to see if you eat certain

> foods, if your heart rate then goes up. I assume you stay away from

> aspartame. Deb

> --


> Debbie Mc


> mailto:lullwatr@...


> ---------------------------

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Hi Jim,

Interesting information about Homozon and heart rate. Did you continue to

use the Homozon? What were you taking it for? Do you have heart problems,

did the HR eventually settle down with the Homozon?

I just sent a tin of the Homozon to my Mom for working with cancer she was

just diagnosed with s stage 4 melanoma, skin cancer. She had

quadruple by-pass surgery two years ago. Your comments are appreciated.


> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>

> oxyplusonelist

> Subject: Re: Fwd: requesting info on diet

> Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 9:05 AM


> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>


> Other things will also raise your heart rate. When I was taking 4 tsp of

homozon twice a day my heart rate went up to 115-120 & my doctor was

alarmed. I eventually stopped it long enough for my HR to go down to show

the MD, then started back on it again.


> jim :)


> Debbie Mc wrote:


> > From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...>

> >

> > I read recently, maybe here, that the heart rate going up is a good

> > indicator of an allergic reaction. Try to see if you eat certain

> > foods, if your heart rate then goes up. I assume you stay away from

> > aspartame. Deb

> > --

> >

> > Debbie Mc

> >

> > mailto:lullwatr@...

> >

> > ---------------------------

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Where are you getting your enzymes from, supplements or the juice? Juice in

the morning isn't sufficient for all day's supply of enzymes, right? I

thought it was important to get the correct enzymes with each food, which

only comes with the raw food.

Best Regards, Ratliff

SE Tenn.


Re: Fwd: requesting info on diet

From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>

But within days of buying my juicer & drinking a morning cocktail of 1 lb


carrots, 4 stalks celery & 1-2 apples, my average BP is now 130/78 with an

average HR of 80 or so.

If you eat all raw veggies, then that is obviously superior, but vegetarians


still fooling themselves - IMO - if they cook most of their food & eat it


exogenous enzymes.

jim :)

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> From: LASHLIN@...

> I am contemplating buying a juicer. Where are the best prices?

> Lash


Hi Lash,

Check out the Living & Raw Foods marketplace:


They have great prices on juicers ($379 for the GreenLife) and lots of info

to help you make a decision. There is a really good comparison chart of

different juicers also that is very helpful.

Also, here is the forum on the Living & Raw Foods bulletin boards that is

dedicated to the subject of juicing and juicers! Ask any question and there

are many who are more than happy to share their experience and knowledege of



I have a GreenLife juicer and I am very happy with it. I juice mostly

green items (kale, cucumber, spinach, celery) and it makes a great tasting


You can also make soaked seeds/nuts pate with it, fresh applesauce, and

frozen fruit " ice creams " using the blank plate that comes with the juicer.

Good luck!


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I've been getting mine from a Naturopathic enzyme outfit in Houston. They only

sell to licensed practitioners, so my chiro buddy buys them wholesale for me.

I go to the trouble to buy the brand I do because they have the right kind from

the right sources, and a little of everything.

jim :)

Ratliff wrote:

> From: " Ratliff " <bobratliff@...>


> Where are you getting your enzymes from, supplements or the juice? Juice in

> the morning isn't sufficient for all day's supply of enzymes, right? I

> thought it was important to get the correct enzymes with each food, which

> only comes with the raw food.


jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its limits.

-- anony

amicus certus in re incerta

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Are you totally new to the web? The post where I said that had a link to the web

site where they are for sale. When you see highlighted letters, usually blue, in

an email that is a link either to email or a web site. Just click on it. If you

have AOL or WebTV, that may not work, so you'll have to type out the URL I

posted. Hee:


jim :)

> << The best prices I have encountered are here, >>

> which is where?

> I am contemplating buying a juicer. Where are the best prices?

> Lash


jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its limits.

-- anony

amicus certus in re incerta

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That loks like another good site for juicers. Now we have two good ones.

Lash, be sure whichever you buy, if they have a model with stainless parts,

definitely get that one. They are only a few dollars more, but rust is a real


jim :)

Shayla Roop wrote:

> From: " Shayla Roop " <shaylaroop@...>


> Check out the Living & Raw Foods marketplace:

> http://www.living-foods.com/marketplace/

> They have great prices on juicers ($379 for the GreenLife) and lots of info

> to help you make a decision. There is a really good comparison chart of

> different juicers also that is very helpful.


jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its limits.

-- anony

amicus certus in re incerta

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