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was Middle School Inclusion-now our placement woes

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had a really great IEP in Virginia - it's been weak here in WV and I

will not allow that any longer. will be going to High School - we

have a brand new one opening up this fall. The superintendant of schools

sent a letter to all students who will be going there this fall back in

December. (or we as his parents) got the letter. The school

system here decided that all the students with autism will attend the new

school and all the kids in the MOMSI (whatever the hell that means, I

really don't want to know, but it must mean the kids with MR) will be dumped

in the old high school- further away from our home. So today was 's

IEP. I had asked before if the representative from the new high school

would be there and got the vague response that so and so from the other high

school would be there. I knew it would be best not to call the powers to be

on this ahead of time and just walk into the IEP and cancel it without the

representative from the new high school being there. Tim even asked me this

morning if he needed to come - I told him yes, but this meeting won't last

long. I was right - they made the placement decision based on his

disability before the IEP meeting. So..we are going to obtain legal counsel

and the school will have the right people there the next time. (and yes, it

is illegal to discuss placement before goals and objectives..I've had

administrators try their darnest and I've had to work hard to remind

them..several times at one meeting, that was illegal).

I know the system and how it works. I do get emotional when it becomes

personal (meaning with ). The director of special ed sent the social

worker (whose bio doesn't impress me) - she was one of those " I'm in charge

and I know it all " types. She said right off the bat she apologized for

being a few minutes late because one of her staff had to be in court this

morning and she had to consult with them first (she obviously tried to

assert herself being of someone who is important-trying to impress

us...not!). She patronized us many times during our short time there. She

had no idea how I was laughing inside - she was clueless about what I do for

a living and she only reinforcing the bad impression I got from the get go.

Anyway, we came up with some tentative dates for the next meeting - but I

have to run this by the attorney we will hire to see if they are available.

I left my schedule in the car..but remembered some dates coming up where I

will not be able to be there. When going over one particular date, I said

that was a court day for me. You should have seen the look on her face -

she asked if I were an attorney and I informed her that I was a social

worker. Priceless! She then started talking about a secret handshake among

us social workers - really weird comment that just reinforced once again the

bad impression I had.

needs to get back to where he was a few years ago. I'm tired of

hearing about how his behaviors upset the other (MOMSI) kids- I question why

those kids are even in the resource room all day when it's obvious they

could be included more. is the only kid with DS there.

does not do well in a large group - he does best with no more than 6 kids in

his classroom. Comments were made about " do you want to be the only

child in his classroom " - actually he would love the 1:1 and he would do

much better academically.

Here we go.....let's see how this ride turns out.



Middle School Inclusion: ARD - HELP please

> Hi friends:


> My niece will be going into Middle school next year, up to this point all

> through elementary she has been fully included with an aide...........and

> we

> wanted it to remain this way in middle school, as she has been successful

> being

> included.


> Well not good news...........we had our PRE-ARD to go over the goals for

> middle school - thinking we were just going to go over the goals.


> and right when we walked in they already wanted to talk about

> placement........which they are NOT suppose to do this........


> The placement they have in mind is basically for her to spend ALL DAY in

> the

> resource room and can be included only for PE, Drama and

> Choir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO academics!

> They also mentioned since she is Taks M that she will need more help

> modifying her work, and she would be better off in the resource room so

> she won't get

> overwhelmed.


> We told them that we are not talking about placement until the actual

> ARD........


> We do NOT like this plan at all!!!! has been fully included for

> 5

> years with an aide and has been successful..........so how can they even

> suggest this?


> Please help

> What have others done to get inclusion in academics for their child in

> Middle

> school?


> What do we go in and say in the next ARD?


> Please help any advice would be greatly appreciated.


> Thank you,


> Stefanie (Aunt to age 12 ds)

> Texas





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In a message dated 5/7/2008 12:37:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

cindysue@... writes:

Here we go.....let's see how this ride turns out.

We are all going through the same thing. Long story short. School did an

FBA?BIP behind my back in December when my mom was in the hospital and almost

dies ( she was in hospital for two months). Micha started to have some

behaviors as a reult of her leaving home by ambulance and police were here.


was in hospital 6 days when they began the FBA. Long story short I caught

them and sent a letter stating that this was done behind my back etc. etc. with

no consent given. They called all nicey nice and said they didn't know they

needed consent blah blah blah. said I wanted copies of team meeting records.

Found that they said at one team meeting that I chose not to attend and

bring own behavioral plan. And not to give mom copies or allow to view


When I pointed this out they said they would find out why it was in there.

Next meeting records were changed (anyone think any differently). Told me

they wouldn't change records and that I was being accusatory. Wanted to spit

nails but held it together. called super of school asked for cumulative

records...picked up records yesterday and they are basically nothing. Didn't


me all his paperwork under the FOIA. Have a meeting with super on Wed. and

of course it will be she said/he said. But I am going up the channels before

a due process hearing so as to be a " cooperative " parent ( oh the crud we

have to wade through). They were trying to put into place a BIP and then say

it didn't work before we have his CSE meeting (IEP) to say that the placement

is not working. They do NOT want him in general ed at all. In team meeting

notes they had actually written down does mom want social or academic? A

threat you think!!!!???? He got into trouble for pushing a boy in the bathroom

which is not common behavior for him. In some of the notes on behavior it

said they found him in bathroom with pants down and playing with soap and also

that he was locked in stall with boys. His behavior has been escalating and

over the last couple of weeks he keeps trying to look under my nightgown at

night. Last night we were lying in bed and he tries to lift my nightgown and

I said " Micah why are uyou doing that it is not nice " I have told him this

before. HE said " what's that? " I said " My leg " and he said " No hiney poo

poo. " So i said " No it is my leg " and he said " Hiney " I said " does someone

look at your hiney? " He said " YEs " I said " WHo does this? " He said " boys " I

said " what boys? " He said " bathroom " . I am devastated. I have told him to

tell anyone who tries to see his hiney " no, no, no, bad boy " and to tell his

aide. I know if I call the school they are going to dismiss it and me as we

are in a very adversarial position after I caught them lying (sic).and told

them so. So what do I do now? They are going to tell me he doesn't have the

verbal ability to tell me what happened. Oh how I wish I could just scoop

him up and run far...far..away. So we too will see how this ride turns out.


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Loree I read your post and thought to myself what a terrible position to be in

with your child. I haven't been where you are yet with Amelia so I wouldn't

have a clue as to offering advice. I do however offer my compassion and

sympathy and yes I can well imagine wanting to scoop your child up and run away.

Kids do have strong reactions to puberty and our kids may not understand the

boundaries, coupled with the difficulty they have expressing themselves-it's

hard going. I am sorry you are going through this.

Ann (mother to Amelia 8 w/ds & Jake6)


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