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OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide

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>Message: 3

> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:26:02 -0500 (EST)

> From: Begin <begindavid@...>

>Subject: OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide


>RE: OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide


>Need feedback from anyone familiar with Ozovit by Pascoe

>as a colon and body cleanser.

I think that magnesium peroxide is the main (or only?)

ingredient of Homozon, isn't it?? If so,

that would mean that all the prior comments on Homozon

and Colosan and Colo zone would also

apply to Ozovit, I think.

The main comment I've made and heard is that this

stuff causes " the runs " . A few people have reported

starting at the recommended dose and then cutting

back the amount or

stopping due to inconvienience or distress at the

effects. I have cut back to once a day, and take about

1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon.

(recommended dose is 1 teasp in water,

followed by juice of 1/2 lemon in water, 2 to 3

times a day)

I think this is cleaning out my colon (it sure is

doing something), I'm not sure about cleaning the

rest of the organs. I would also like to know about

that; does it benefit the rest of the organs too?

By the way, it would be really lovely if those of

you using " reply " to reply to prior posts could

please delete ALL of the " trailers " prior to

sending your new comments. [The " trailers " are about the

list and how it does not contain medical advice,

etc. This text is added EACH TIME: so a reply has

2 copies of this text,

and a reply to a reply has 3 copies, and a reply to a

reply to a reply has 4 copies, and so on.]

You may not notice this, but I'll bet if you were

reading the " digest " version, you would.....

In some cases, deleting some of the prior text

would also be appropriate.

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All purgatives help cleanse the pancreas, gall bladder and liver by virtue

of the downward drawing effect of the contents of the small intestine. The

flow of pancreatic juices and bile is increased which 'empty' out this

organs to a degree.

Good to follow up a serious purgation with a mild fast and then simple diet

(basmati rice or even just the water obtained from cooking rice) perhaps

with some warm, to pungent herbs (small quantities of ginger especially

good) to restimulate the digestive enzymes.



Terence 'Benzev' Wulfsohn

139 Edmonds Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001,

South Africa.

tel/fax +27 31 2060243


> I think this is cleaning out my colon (it sure is

> doing something), I'm not sure about cleaning the

> rest of the organs. I would also like to know about

> that; does it benefit the rest of the organs too?


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Moria & others,

Homozon has a proprietary process that binds ozone to the

Magnesium peroxide. It is NOT the same as ANY of its copycat

products. According to Dr. Friebott (admittedly connected to

Blass industries) testing done measuring oxygen being emitted

from fingertips (an easy way to measure accurately the free

oxygen in the bloodstream) nothing oxygenates the bloodstream as

well as Homozon. Since they all cost about the same, why not use


There is much more about this on the oxylist at


jim :)

Moria Merriweather wrote:

> From: Moria Merriweather <moriam@...>


> >Message: 3

> > Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:26:02 -0500 (EST)

> > From: Begin <begindavid@...>

> >Subject: OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide

> >

> >RE: OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide

> >

> >Need feedback from anyone familiar with Ozovit by Pascoe

> >as a colon and body cleanser.


> I think that magnesium peroxide is the main (or only?)

> ingredient of Homozon, isn't it?? If so,

> that would mean that all the prior comments on Homozon

> and Colosan and Colo zone would also

> apply to Ozovit, I think.


> The main comment I've made and heard is that this

> stuff causes " the runs " . A few people have reported

> starting at the recommended dose and then cutting

> back the amount or

> stopping due to inconvienience or distress at the

> effects. I have cut back to once a day, and take about

> 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon.

> (recommended dose is 1 teasp in water,

> followed by juice of 1/2 lemon in water, 2 to 3

> times a day)


> I think this is cleaning out my colon (it sure is

> doing something), I'm not sure about cleaning the

> rest of the organs. I would also like to know about

> that; does it benefit the rest of the organs too?


> By the way, it would be really lovely if those of

> you using " reply " to reply to prior posts could

> please delete ALL of the " trailers " prior to

> sending your new comments. [The " trailers " are about the

> list and how it does not contain medical advice,

> etc. This text is added EACH TIME: so a reply has

> 2 copies of this text,

> and a reply to a reply has 3 copies, and a reply to a

> reply to a reply has 4 copies, and so on.]

> You may not notice this, but I'll bet if you were

> reading the " digest " version, you would.....

> In some cases, deleting some of the prior text

> would also be appropriate.






> ----------------------------------------------------------------

> [

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Moria Merriweather wrote:


> From: Moria Merriweather <moriam@...>


> >Message: 3

> > Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:26:02 -0500 (EST)

> > From: Begin <begindavid@...>

> >Subject: OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide

> >

> >RE: OZOVIT: Magnesium Peroxide

> >

> >Need feedback from anyone familiar with Ozovit by Pascoe

> >as a colon and body cleanser.


> I think that magnesium peroxide is the main (or only?)

> ingredient of Homozon, isn't it?? If so,............

There is no peroxide in Homozon, it is Magnesium & Ozone, O3. Peroxide

is O2 while O3 separates into O1 molecules that are so reactive they

neutralize most of what causes illhealth. The effects of massive oxygen

released from the Ozone causes Homozon success at restoring health, not

the runs. If you want to run, just eat Epsom salts. You can do epsom

salts two or three times and then you are damaged.

Please look at what you are reading, the details of what you are

reading, before making comments. There are many companies trying to

capitalize on the 100 year history of Homozon. Epsom salts as an aide to

constipation is probably one of these confusionist attempts at keeping

people taking pills at extreamly profitable prices for those that don't

want anyone to discover health.

Del Snow

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