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Re: Re: New Member...Monroe, GA

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I am an " Athenian " who now lives in Atlanta. My son

just graduated from his DOC Band after being in it for

2 and 1/2 months. (We caught it early and had him

banded shortly after he turned 4 months old).

He, too , went to Cranial TEchnologies in Atlanta.

The only difficult thing about the whole process is A.

Dealing with the Insurance Companies....we were

denied....and 2. The Casting Process.

It helps to have someone go with you.

Even though the infants won't remember it, it brought

tears to my eyes to see his face covered up.

Logically, I know he won't be at all traumatized by

this...kids are so resilient, but it's hard on the


After that, it's pretty easy. The only other hard part

is dealing with some of the stares...especially since

you are from a smaller town. However, I always took it

as an opportunity to educate people.

We even took pictures of him in his helmet at the

Picture People at Northpoint Mall.

He was out in front where EVERYONE could see

him...people were lined up and several people stopped

and either knew about it or had friends that had

babies who were going to need a helmet. We were able

to reassure them that it really wasn't that big of a


Jonathon never even knew that he had on a helmet.

The only other problem we had was with an odor.

And we were lucky because his helmet was put on in

February. As you know, the Georgia Summers can be

brutal so this may become a problem.

Someone on this forum suggested L'Oreal Watermelon

shampoo for kids which helped a lot.

The kids don't know that the helmet isn't supposed to

be there so he never minded wearing it....and I got so

used to it that it took me a while to get used to it

when he graduated and didn't have to wear it any


Anyway, good luck and let me know if I can be of any

other help to you since I work right across the street

from Cranial Technology in Atlanta (I work at

Northside Hospital across the street).

in Atlanta

--- rmanias <rmanias@...> wrote:

> Bonnie -

> You are so lucky to have a ped who is on top of

> this! So many are

> unaware of what is going on!

> You shouldn't need any help after they get their

> bands. My son

> doesn't even know that it is on. It has saved him

> from many bumps

> and bruises!

> Good luck with the casting!


> Dane's mom (DOC Band 2/14)


> > I joined your wonderful group yesterday. What a

> wealth of

> > information from start to finish. I'd like to

> introduce myself to

> > the group. My name is Bonnie and I live in

> Monroe, Georgia, about

> 45

> > minutes east of Atlanta. We will be going to the

> Atlanta CT, once

> > the insurance issues are resolved or before hand.

> I'm married and

> > have three children. My little girl, Lilly is 2.5

> years old. My

> > twin boys are 7 months, and Winn. The

> boys have been

> > diagnosed with Plagiocephaly. I honestly never

> even heard of it

> > until they were diagnosed. Thanks to your support

> group, I know I

> am

> > not alone in this. The boys had their x-rays

> about 1 month ago

> and

> > we have seen the neurologist who recommended the

> DOC Band from

> CT.

> > Thanks for the casting description information, I

> now can explain

> it

> > to the grandparents. I've planned fun time for

> Lilly while we go

> to

> > CT. They said to plan on 2.5 hours on the first

> and second visit

> and

> > then we will go once a week for 4 months. I'm

> just wondering, do

> you

> > think I'll need help after we get the helmets? My

> mom, who lives

> in

> > NJ, said she would come down. I'm obviously a

> little bit

> nervous.

> > Again, nice to meet you all.

> > Bonnie




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Thank you so very much for taking the time to email me. All the information is much appreciated. Congratulations! How fortunate that it was caught early. I will let you know if I need anything. My mom called this a.m. and she is coming down on Monday for the casting. Yippy! Well, Lilly wants to do my makeup. My little artist. Guess we won't be leaving the neighborhood today. Thanks again.


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Yikes is right! Thank goodness Lilly is a sweet girl. She loves to help out. Although her helping can definitely hinder the time process. LOL. We got our casting appt. for Monday, 5/13 at 3 pm. My mom is coming down for the appt. Yippy! Yes, we were officially denied. I am definitely beginning the appeals process. Glad to know that I am not the only one who never heard of Plagiocephaly before diagnoses. Well, I'm being paged. Thanks for the info.


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Bonnie so glad your Mom will be there it is good to have a support-Hubby had

to take over for me as I cried int he corner like a big wussy mommy-couldn't

help it but when it was over all better for the both of us. Good luck on

Monday and be sure to let us know hoiw it goes.


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