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IEP Meeting

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Another successful year developing Sara's IEP !!! I also need to say also how

proud I am of Sara. She's been attending her IEP meetings since our move to this

county, usually she's pretty quiet and not an active member unless you count her

totally distracting her father (she likes to make fun of him ... even in public)

This year before the meeting she kept telling me she wanted to take Chorus as a

class in her 11th grade year (to late for this year) I told her bring it up at

the meeting .......... well she did !!! she soooo thinks she's going to be a

pop-star here in Nashville and practices singing and dancing daily. Well this is

going to be done and we are looking at another creative art class too like drama

....which she said she'll be good at ........ not sure if she totally grasps we

mean Drama as in acting and not Drama as in teenage behavior lol

Again this year she is included in all but Reading and Math, there we are

continuing her decoding skills and sight-reading. The school suggested a few

life skills but she already knows the stuff they mentioned and everything else

I'll teach her. I suggested learning good food choices (the pyramid) and

monitoring a healthy lifestyle using her math goals, calculation, charting,

researching, reading labels etc... this is a new area we will move into Sara

can already identify most junk foods lol but now she can monitor herself with

this plan and practice good choices.

Maybe we can make this a family activity lol

Kathy mom to Sara 16 ......... I'm home sick with a bug ...... Tater too

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Our son, Maverick, has always been included.. same district, different schools.

Logan came into our family 2 years ago and honestly, his behaviors were so bad

that we felt the self contained classroom was the way to go for the start. He

has come SO FAR in that 2 years that we felt full inclusion was a better option

for him. The school also felt that way but they felt that he should be at the

school that had the sped classroom and we now feel that he is ready for his home


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Oops, sorry, , because I get this in digest form, I sent my last reply

about placement before I got this message. Congratulations!!!



At the beginning of our 2nd quarter.. (mid Oct) Logan will have been

successfully transitioned into his HOME SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Doing the happy dance. Whooo hoooo! Yeah baby! Oh yeah... WE DID IT!

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