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Re: Could this be late onset adrenal hyperplasia?

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you need to find someone who specializes in adrenal biosynthetic problems.

Usually in a medical school. where are you?

In a message dated 1/5/08 6:25:41 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> My aldosterone is in normal range, but yesterday I got new results

> back from my doctor. The new results all sort of paint a different

> picture; Something is wrong with my adrenals but not sure what. And

> it all seems to have started as a kid when I was 12 years old. Here's

> my latest test results - can someone help piece it together:


> Low testosterone

> Extremely elevated DHEA (400% over the top range - both serum and

> urine.. saliva shows it 1 point from the top at 9)

> Elevated IGF-1 (due to DHEA)

> Elevated Pregnanediol

> Elevated Etiocholanolone

> Low cortisone

> Normal cortisol

> Elevated cholesterol (plus LDL is high, HDL is low)


> These results match up with two things that I found on google.

> Adrenal tumor or late onset adrenal hyperplasia.


> So last night I tried to piece it all together:


> Age 12: First episode of PSVT (a type of tachycardia) and first panic

> attack. Had shaking / convulsion with overwhelming fear and anxiety.

> Lasted two days. Pediatrician couldn't figure it out.


> Age 13 to 15: Severe panic attacks, anxiety and weekly PSVTs (heart

> palps).


> Age 16 to 21: Very little lean body mass, could not rid stomach fat.

> Occasional panic attacks, and weekly PSVTs.


> Age 21 to 25: Weight gain, panic attacks, depression. Mildly elevated

> liver enzymes and mildly elevated TSH.


> Age 26: Hypothyroid and only 2 to 4 PSVTs per year. Diagnosed with

> hashimoto's thyroiditis by elevated TPO and AT antibodies and

> multinodular goiter.


> Age 27 - 29: Hypertension (160/90), severe panic attacks, hypothyroid

> (dry skin, weight gain, depression) . NO PSVTs within 3 years (while

> hypothyroid)


> Age 30 - 32: Severe panic attacks and mild depression. Euthyroid with

> T4 replacement. Low free testosterone, low serum testosterone, high

> DHEA, IGF-1, high cholesterol, low-norm potassium and norm sodium.

> Blood pressure normal.


Low K suggests excess aldo or aldo like factor.


> Something worth mentioning.. IF I do have late-onset adrenal

> hyperplasia (17á-hydroxylase deficiency, 21-hydroxylase deficiency or

> 11â-hydroxylase deficiency) then that would explain cortisol being so

> low.. and that explains the inflammation I've had.


> It can also explain the PSVTs, stomach fat, muscle mass deficiency,

> anxiety/panic attacks.. just about everything that has plagued me all

> my life. It was reported that high DHEA can cause heart arrhythmias

> and panic attacks / anxiety:


> Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a treatable cause of

> anxiety.

> Biological Psychiatry, Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages 856-859

> A. s


> Also regarding my heart:

> A Dr. Sahelian reports in a 1998 letter to the ls of Internal

> Medicine, a case report of heart rhythm irregularities with the use

> of DHEA. It was the first time such association was made and

> published. The case report mentioned heart palpitations that occurred

> in Dr. Borken who was taking 25mg of DHEA daily. When he stopped the

> DHEA, the palpitations went away, when he resumed the DHEA, the

> palpitations recurred. [Ann Intern Med. 1998 Oct 1;129(7):588]


> Here is an autopsy report of some guy who had just about everything

> that I have - he had something wrong with his adrenals:

> http://jcem.http://jcem.http://jcem.<wbrhttp://jchttp://j


> BUT if its NOT LOCAH, then maybe it could be this new thing called

> APHD: " Apparent pregnene hydroxylation deficiency (APHD): seeking the

> parentage of an orphan metabolome " . simliar but both 17 AND 20-

> hydroxylation deficiency with no mutations. Its not fully understood

> yet:


> http://www.sciencedhttp://wwwhttp://wwhttp://www.sc & <wbr>_udi=B

> 49D2M0X-

> 3 & _user=10 & __<wbr> & _fmt= & _orig=search & <wbr>_s & view=v & _acct=C0000502_a &

> _version=1 & __<wbr>urlVe_ & _userid=_u & md5=686865d2fmd5=686865d2f<wbmd5=6

> f1


> I'm going to check 17á-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and 11â-

> hydroxylase again at a new lab on Monday. Then I guess its time for a

> new MRI or two. I have no idea what I'm doing, but the doctors I see

> are just sort of " yeah, that's a good idea " and not really much help.

> They just want me to take synthroid, testosterone cream and forget

> about the rest.


> Now hopefully its not an adreanal carcinoma. I am a little bothered

> that DHEA is always elevated but DHEA,s is not as elevated. But I

> guess its not carcinoma, because I've had problems for a loooong time

> now. At worst, I hope its nothing more severe than LOCAH. Or maybe my

> thyroid has something to do with it. But we're getting closer to a

> real diagnosis. Its a shame I have to push my doctors along like this.


> Does anyone here have any idea about this?


> Dr. Rhoads already helped me with the saliva tests. Again, DHEA was

> borderline " high " on that. Urine test shows it to be 400% over the

> top, and so does the serum test.





May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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thank you for the reply. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona but I will certainly travel if

you happen know of a good place to go!!

lowerbp2@... wrote:

you need to find someone who specializes in adrenal biosynthetic problems.

Usually in a medical school. where are you?

In a message dated 1/5/08 6:25:41 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> My aldosterone is in normal range, but yesterday I got new results

> back from my doctor. The new results all sort of paint a different

> picture; Something is wrong with my adrenals but not sure what. And

> it all seems to have started as a kid when I was 12 years old. Here's

> my latest test results - can someone help piece it together:


> Low testosterone

> Extremely elevated DHEA (400% over the top range - both serum and

> urine.. saliva shows it 1 point from the top at 9)

> Elevated IGF-1 (due to DHEA)

> Elevated Pregnanediol

> Elevated Etiocholanolone

> Low cortisone

> Normal cortisol

> Elevated cholesterol (plus LDL is high, HDL is low)


> These results match up with two things that I found on google.

> Adrenal tumor or late onset adrenal hyperplasia.


> So last night I tried to piece it all together:


> Age 12: First episode of PSVT (a type of tachycardia) and first panic

> attack. Had shaking / convulsion with overwhelming fear and anxiety.

> Lasted two days. Pediatrician couldn't figure it out.


> Age 13 to 15: Severe panic attacks, anxiety and weekly PSVTs (heart

> palps).


> Age 16 to 21: Very little lean body mass, could not rid stomach fat.

> Occasional panic attacks, and weekly PSVTs.


> Age 21 to 25: Weight gain, panic attacks, depression. Mildly elevated

> liver enzymes and mildly elevated TSH.


> Age 26: Hypothyroid and only 2 to 4 PSVTs per year. Diagnosed with

> hashimoto's thyroiditis by elevated TPO and AT antibodies and

> multinodular goiter.


> Age 27 - 29: Hypertension (160/90), severe panic attacks, hypothyroid

> (dry skin, weight gain, depression) . NO PSVTs within 3 years (while

> hypothyroid)


> Age 30 - 32: Severe panic attacks and mild depression. Euthyroid with

> T4 replacement. Low free testosterone, low serum testosterone, high

> DHEA, IGF-1, high cholesterol, low-norm potassium and norm sodium.

> Blood pressure normal.


Low K suggests excess aldo or aldo like factor.


> Something worth mentioning.. IF I do have late-onset adrenal

> hyperplasia (17á-hydroxylase deficiency, 21-hydroxylase deficiency or

> 11â-hydroxylase deficiency) then that would explain cortisol being so

> low.. and that explains the inflammation I've had.


> It can also explain the PSVTs, stomach fat, muscle mass deficiency,

> anxiety/panic attacks.. just about everything that has plagued me all

> my life. It was reported that high DHEA can cause heart arrhythmias

> and panic attacks / anxiety:


> Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a treatable cause of

> anxiety.

> Biological Psychiatry, Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages 856-859

> A. s


> Also regarding my heart:

> A Dr. Sahelian reports in a 1998 letter to the ls of Internal

> Medicine, a case report of heart rhythm irregularities with the use

> of DHEA. It was the first time such association was made and

> published. The case report mentioned heart palpitations that occurred

> in Dr. Borken who was taking 25mg of DHEA daily. When he stopped the

> DHEA, the palpitations went away, when he resumed the DHEA, the

> palpitations recurred. [Ann Intern Med. 1998 Oct 1;129(7):588]


> Here is an autopsy report of some guy who had just about everything

> that I have - he had something wrong with his adrenals:

> http://jcem.http://jcem.http://jcem.<wbrhttp://jchttp://j


> BUT if its NOT LOCAH, then maybe it could be this new thing called

> APHD: " Apparent pregnene hydroxylation deficiency (APHD): seeking the

> parentage of an orphan metabolome " . simliar but both 17 AND 20-

> hydroxylation deficiency with no mutations. Its not fully understood

> yet:


> http://www.sciencedhttp://wwwhttp://wwhttp://www.sc & <wbr>_udi=B

> 49D2M0X-

> 3 & _user=10 & __<wbr> & _fmt= & _orig=search & <wbr>_s & view=v & _acct=C0000502_a &

> _version=1 & __<wbr>urlVe_ & _userid=_u & md5=686865d2fmd5=686865d2f<wbmd5=6

> f1


> I'm going to check 17á-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and 11â-

> hydroxylase again at a new lab on Monday. Then I guess its time for a

> new MRI or two. I have no idea what I'm doing, but the doctors I see

> are just sort of " yeah, that's a good idea " and not really much help.

> They just want me to take synthroid, testosterone cream and forget

> about the rest.


> Now hopefully its not an adreanal carcinoma. I am a little bothered

> that DHEA is always elevated but DHEA,s is not as elevated. But I

> guess its not carcinoma, because I've had problems for a loooong time

> now. At worst, I hope its nothing more severe than LOCAH. Or maybe my

> thyroid has something to do with it. But we're getting closer to a

> real diagnosis. Its a shame I have to push my doctors along like this.


> Does anyone here have any idea about this?


> Dr. Rhoads already helped me with the saliva tests. Again, DHEA was

> borderline " high " on that. Urine test shows it to be 400% over the

> top, and so does the serum test.





May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Hi :

Mayo Clinic has a branch in sdale/Phoenix. Although their adrenal

specialists are mainly in Rochester, Minn, you may want to see a doctor



Wishing you good health,


On Jan 5, 2008 9:34 PM, <dheaistoohigh@...> wrote:

> thank you for the reply. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona but I will certainly

> travel if you happen know of a good place to go!!



> lowerbp2@... <lowerbp2%40aol.com> wrote:

> you need to find someone who specializes in adrenal biosynthetic problems.


> Usually in a medical school. where are you?


> In a message dated 1/5/08 6:25:41 PM,



> >

> > My aldosterone is in normal range, but yesterday I got new results

> > back from my doctor. The new results all sort of paint a different

> > picture; Something is wrong with my adrenals but not sure what. And

> > it all seems to have started as a kid when I was 12 years old. Here's

> > my latest test results - can someone help piece it together:

> >

> > Low testosterone

> > Extremely elevated DHEA (400% over the top range - both serum and

> > urine.. saliva shows it 1 point from the top at 9)

> > Elevated IGF-1 (due to DHEA)

> > Elevated Pregnanediol

> > Elevated Etiocholanolone

> > Low cortisone

> > Normal cortisol

> > Elevated cholesterol (plus LDL is high, HDL is low)

> >

> > These results match up with two things that I found on google.

> > Adrenal tumor or late onset adrenal hyperplasia.

> >

> > So last night I tried to piece it all together:

> >

> > Age 12: First episode of PSVT (a type of tachycardia) and first panic

> > attack. Had shaking / convulsion with overwhelming fear and anxiety.

> > Lasted two days. Pediatrician couldn't figure it out.

> >

> > Age 13 to 15: Severe panic attacks, anxiety and weekly PSVTs (heart

> > palps).

> >

> > Age 16 to 21: Very little lean body mass, could not rid stomach fat.

> > Occasional panic attacks, and weekly PSVTs.

> >

> > Age 21 to 25: Weight gain, panic attacks, depression. Mildly elevated

> > liver enzymes and mildly elevated TSH.

> >

> > Age 26: Hypothyroid and only 2 to 4 PSVTs per year. Diagnosed with

> > hashimoto's thyroiditis by elevated TPO and AT antibodies and

> > multinodular goiter.

> >

> > Age 27 - 29: Hypertension (160/90), severe panic attacks, hypothyroid

> > (dry skin, weight gain, depression) . NO PSVTs within 3 years (while

> > hypothyroid)

> >

> > Age 30 - 32: Severe panic attacks and mild depression. Euthyroid with

> > T4 replacement. Low free testosterone, low serum testosterone, high

> > DHEA, IGF-1, high cholesterol, low-norm potassium and norm sodium.

> > Blood pressure normal.

> >

> Low K suggests excess aldo or aldo like factor.


> >

> > Something worth mentioning.. IF I do have late-onset adrenal

> > hyperplasia (17á-hydroxylase deficiency, 21-hydroxylase deficiency or

> > 11â-hydroxylase deficiency) then that would explain cortisol being so

> > low.. and that explains the inflammation I've had.

> >

> > It can also explain the PSVTs, stomach fat, muscle mass deficiency,

> > anxiety/panic attacks.. just about everything that has plagued me all

> > my life. It was reported that high DHEA can cause heart arrhythmias

> > and panic attacks / anxiety:

> >

> > Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a treatable cause of

> > anxiety.

> > Biological Psychiatry, Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages 856-859

> > A. s

> >

> > Also regarding my heart:

> > A Dr. Sahelian reports in a 1998 letter to the ls of Internal

> > Medicine, a case report of heart rhythm irregularities with the use

> > of DHEA. It was the first time such association was made and

> > published. The case report mentioned heart palpitations that occurred

> > in Dr. Borken who was taking 25mg of DHEA daily. When he stopped the

> > DHEA, the palpitations went away, when he resumed the DHEA, the

> > palpitations recurred. [Ann Intern Med. 1998 Oct 1;129(7):588]

> >

> > Here is an autopsy report of some guy who had just about everything

> > that I have - he had something wrong with his adrenals:

> > http://jcem.http://jcem.http://jcem.<wbrhttp://jchttp://j

> >

> > BUT if its NOT LOCAH, then maybe it could be this new thing called

> > APHD: " Apparent pregnene hydroxylation deficiency (APHD): seeking the

> > parentage of an orphan metabolome " . simliar but both 17 AND 20-

> > hydroxylation deficiency with no mutations. Its not fully understood

> > yet:

> >

> > http://www.sciencedhttp://wwwhttp://wwhttp://www.sc & <wbr>_udi=B

> > 49D2M0X-

> > 3 & _user=10 & __<wbr> & _fmt= & _orig=search & <wbr>_s & view=v & _acct=C0000502_a &

> > _version=1 & __<wbr>urlVe_ & _userid=_u & md5=686865d2fmd5=686865d2f<wbmd5=6

> > f1

> >

> > I'm going to check 17á-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and 11â-

> > hydroxylase again at a new lab on Monday. Then I guess its time for a

> > new MRI or two. I have no idea what I'm doing, but the doctors I see

> > are just sort of " yeah, that's a good idea " and not really much help.

> > They just want me to take synthroid, testosterone cream and forget

> > about the rest.

> >

> > Now hopefully its not an adreanal carcinoma. I am a little bothered

> > that DHEA is always elevated but DHEA,s is not as elevated. But I

> > guess its not carcinoma, because I've had problems for a loooong time

> > now. At worst, I hope its nothing more severe than LOCAH. Or maybe my

> > thyroid has something to do with it. But we're getting closer to a

> > real diagnosis. Its a shame I have to push my doctors along like this.

> >

> > Does anyone here have any idea about this?

> >

> > Dr. Rhoads already helped me with the saliva tests. Again, DHEA was

> > borderline " high " on that. Urine test shows it to be 400% over the

> > top, and so does the serum test.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> May your pressure be low!


> Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> (sharedcareinc.com)

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee


> Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


> **************

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489



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Mayo's sounds like a good place to start. Also check with the local medical

school there pediatrics usually.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Mayo in sdale, AZ turned me down. They focus on diabetes apparently.

If I traveled to Minnesota, do you know which department I should get a hold

of, or does anyone here recommend a certain doctor there:


lowerbp2@... wrote:

Mayo's sounds like a good place to start. Also check with the local


school there pediatrics usually.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Did they send you packing without a referral to a specific doctor? I

haven't met a clinical endo practicing for gainful employment yet who

didn't focus on diabetes, but to toss you out w/o a referral is against

the AZ license.




> Mayo in sdale, AZ turned me down. They focus on diabetes apparently.

> If I traveled to Minnesota, do you know which department I should get

> a hold of, or does anyone here recommend a certain doctor there:

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/doctors-departments/departments-minnesota.html

> <http://www.mayoclinic.org/doctors-departments/departments-minnesota.html>


> lowerbp2@... <mailto:lowerbp2%40aol.com> wrote:

> Mayo's sounds like a good place to start. Also check with the local

> medical

> school there pediatrics usually.


> May your pressure be low!


> Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> (sharedcareinc.com)

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee


> Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


> **************

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

> <http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489>



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Actually I was never a patient at the sdale Mayo Clinic. I requested to be

a patient, and they have this system setup where they take your information,

give it to the doctors for review there, and three days later you get an answer

back (if they will accept you as a new patient or not). They declined to accept

my case.

I found the following doctors at the Mayo clinic in MN.. not sure which are

the best, but based on their profiles I ranked them like this:







Does anyone here have any experience with any of these doctors?

Thank you.

Dave <riothamus2@...> wrote:

Did they send you packing without a referral to a specific doctor? I

haven't met a clinical endo practicing for gainful employment yet who

didn't focus on diabetes, but to toss you out w/o a referral is against

the AZ license.




> Mayo in sdale, AZ turned me down. They focus on diabetes apparently.

> If I traveled to Minnesota, do you know which department I should get

> a hold of, or does anyone here recommend a certain doctor there:

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/doctors-departments/departments-minnesota.html

> <http://www.mayoclinic.org/doctors-departments/departments-minnesota.html>


> lowerbp2@... <mailto:lowerbp2%40aol.com> wrote:

> Mayo's sounds like a good place to start. Also check with the local

> medical

> school there pediatrics usually.


> May your pressure be low!


> Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> (sharedcareinc.com)

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee


> Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


> **************

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

> <http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489>



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You need to see Dr. Young. He is the only doctor who has done

extensive research on this condition. When you call for an appointment, the

appointment desk will tell you that they will not make appointments with

individual doctors that you request. You need to come up with some kind of

story about hyperaldosteronism and how this in the only doctor that can see

to treat you. unless Dr. Grim has a way of making an appointment with this


Best of Luck,


On Jan 6, 2008 9:51 PM, <dheaistoohigh@...> wrote:

> Actually I was never a patient at the sdale Mayo Clinic. I

> requested to be a patient, and they have this system setup where they take

> your information, give it to the doctors for review there, and three days

> later you get an answer back (if they will accept you as a new patient or

> not). They declined to accept my case.


> I found the following doctors at the Mayo clinic in MN.. not sure which

> are the best, but based on their profiles I ranked them like this:


> http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/11052996.html

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/10125558.html

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/10144455.html

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/10030301.html

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/11532467.html

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/bio/10024956.html


> Does anyone here have any experience with any of these doctors?


> Thank you.



> Dave <riothamus2@... <riothamus2%40gmail.com>> wrote:

> Did they send you packing without a referral to a specific doctor? I

> haven't met a clinical endo practicing for gainful employment yet who

> didn't focus on diabetes, but to toss you out w/o a referral is against

> the AZ license.


> Dave


> wrote:

> >

> > Mayo in sdale, AZ turned me down. They focus on diabetes

> apparently.

> > If I traveled to Minnesota, do you know which department I should get

> > a hold of, or does anyone here recommend a certain doctor there:

> > http://www.mayoclinic.org/doctors-departments/departments-minnesota.html

> > <

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/doctors-departments/departments-minnesota.html>

> >

> > lowerbp2@... <lowerbp2%40aol.com> <mailto:lowerbp2%40aol.com> wrote:

> > Mayo's sounds like a good place to start. Also check with the local

> > medical

> > school there pediatrics usually.

> >

> > May your pressure be low!

> >

> > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > (sharedcareinc.com)

> > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> >

> > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> >

> > **************

> > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> >

> > http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

> > <http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489>

> >

> >

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Give their names. I likely know some of them. While Dr. Young is

outstanding there are other Drs around the Country I refer to. In Boston, NYC,

Virginia, Duke, and other places.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Only know Dr. Young.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them and

we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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In a message dated 1/7/08 2:43:51 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic in AZ,

> who turned my case down:


> 32 year-old male

> 5’ 11â€

> 148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)


> Concerns:

> 1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range) tested by

> blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

> 2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

> 3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

> 4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

> 5. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

> 6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol


> History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular

> tachycardia)


> " Please accept my case " .


> And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes here

> anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping that either

> he, or someone there will accept it.


> Thanks


> lowerbp2@... wrote:

> maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them and

> we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.


> May your pressure be low!


> Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> (sharedcareinc. (sh

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee


> Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


> ************ *

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


> http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo



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This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic in AZ, who

turned my case down:

32 year-old male

5’ 11”

148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)


1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range) tested by

blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

5. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol

History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular


" Please accept my case " .

And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes here

anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping that either he,

or someone there will accept it.


lowerbp2@... wrote:

maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them


we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Share on other sites

In a message dated 1/7/08 8:20:28 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> I don't have hypertension. According to Mayo in sdale, they usually

> won't refer to anyone else... if they decline you, its like " go away - sorry


> can't help " . I'm not looking forward to that.


> lowerbp2@... wrote:


> In a message dated 1/7/08 2:43:51 PM, dheaistoohigh@dheaistoo writes:


> >

> > This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic in AZ,

> > who turned my case down:

> >

> > 32 year-old male

> > 5D+$ " o 11D+$¢®

> > 148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)

> >

> > Concerns:

> > 1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range) tested by

> > blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

> > 2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

> > 3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

> > 4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

> > 5. HashimotoD+$ " os thyroiditis.

> > 6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol

> >

> > History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular

> > tachycardia)

> >

> > " Please accept my case " .

> >

> > And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes here

> > anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping that

> either

> > he, or someone there will accept it.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > lowerbp2@... wrote:

> > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them and

> > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> >

> > May your pressure be low!

> >

> > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> >

> > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> >

> > ************ *

> > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> >

> > http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo

> >

> >

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I don't have hypertension. According to Mayo in sdale, they usually won't

refer to anyone else... if they decline you, its like " go away - sorry we can't

help " . I'm not looking forward to that.

lowerbp2@... wrote:

In a message dated 1/7/08 2:43:51 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic in AZ,

> who turned my case down:


> 32 year-old male

> 5’ 11â€

> 148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)


> Concerns:

> 1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range) tested by

> blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

> 2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

> 3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

> 4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

> 5. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

> 6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol


> History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular

> tachycardia)


> " Please accept my case " .


> And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes here

> anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping that either

> he, or someone there will accept it.


> Thanks


> lowerbp2@... wrote:

> maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them and

> we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.


> May your pressure be low!


> Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> (sharedcareinc. (sh

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee


> Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


> ************ *

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


> http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo



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, have you ever measured your BP 4 x day - before breakfast,

lunch, dinner and bedtime, and recorded it in a log for say, two weeks?

My PA doc has his pts do this, and surprises galore. The office

measurements vary quite alot.

See the Grim's consumer guide to BP measurement in FILES.




> I don't have hypertension. According to Mayo in sdale, they

> usually won't refer to anyone else... if they decline you, its like

> " go away - sorry we can't help " . I'm not looking forward to that.


> lowerbp2@... <mailto:lowerbp2%40aol.com> wrote:


> In a message dated 1/7/08 2:43:51 PM, dheaistoohigh@...

> <mailto:dheaistoohigh%40> writes:


> >

> > This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic

> in AZ,

> > who turned my case down:

> >

> > 32 year-old male

> > 5âEUR^ 11âEUR?

> > 148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)

> >

> > Concerns:

> > 1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range)

> tested by

> > blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

> > 2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

> > 3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

> > 4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

> > 5. HashimotoâEUR^s thyroiditis.

> > 6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol

> >

> > History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular

> > tachycardia)

> >

> > " Please accept my case " .

> >

> > And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes

> here

> > anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping

> that either

> > he, or someone there will accept it.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > lowerbp2@... <mailto:lowerbp2%40aol.low> wrote:

> > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent

> them and

> > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> >

> > May your pressure be low!

> >

> > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> >

> > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> >

> > ************ *

> > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> >

> > http://body.http://body.

> <http://body.http://body.><wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo

> >

> >

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The endocrine dept. of the mayo clinic in MN called back today and they refuse

to see me. They told me to go to their " general medicine " department. They said

that my " DHEA " isn't an endocrine problem. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? They told me

that DHEA has nothing to do with the adrenal gland. Here I am with DHEA at 4744

(ref range 5-1476) and its only made by the adrenal glands.. but no, " that has

nothing to do with endocrinology " !

And then Nichole said " Dr. Young stated that your symptoms likely have nothing

to do with endocrinology " . They are just totally ignoring the DHEA level and

going by symptoms alone. My goodness. I know I'm not deathly sick YET but this

is pointing to something very wrong. This is the prevention vs disease thing.

Low testosterone

Extremely elevated DHEA

Elevated IGF-1

Elevated Etiocholanolone

Elevated Pregnanediol

Low cortisone

Elevated cholesterol


Nope. Don't see any endocrine disorders there. Do you?

I can't find any doctors who specialize in adrenal biosynthetic disorders. I

even called a pediatrician (Dr. New in NY) but she could not see me.

Can anyone recommend a good, honest doctor who would look into this? I will


lowerbp2@... wrote:

In a message dated 1/7/08 8:20:28 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> I don't have hypertension. According to Mayo in sdale, they usually

> won't refer to anyone else... if they decline you, its like " go away - sorry


> can't help " . I'm not looking forward to that.


> lowerbp2@... wrote:


> In a message dated 1/7/08 2:43:51 PM, dheaistoohigh@dheaistoo writes:


> >

> > This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic in AZ,

> > who turned my case down:

> >

> > 32 year-old male

> > 5D+$ " o 11D+$¢®

> > 148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)

> >

> > Concerns:

> > 1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range) tested by

> > blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

> > 2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

> > 3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

> > 4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

> > 5. HashimotoD+$ " os thyroiditis.

> > 6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol

> >

> > History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular

> > tachycardia)

> >

> > " Please accept my case " .

> >

> > And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes here

> > anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping that

> either

> > he, or someone there will accept it.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > lowerbp2@... wrote:

> > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them and

> > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> >

> > May your pressure be low!

> >

> > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> >

> > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> >

> > ************ *

> > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> >

> > http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo

> >

> >

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In a message dated 1/9/08 5:51:05 PM, jarrigo@... writes:



> > > > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you

> sent them and

> > > > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> > > >

> > > > May your pressure be low!

> > > >

> > > > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > > > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > > > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > > > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med.

> Col. WI

> > > > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> > > >

> > > > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > > > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > > > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> > > >

> > > > ************ *

> > > > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> > > >

> > > >

> http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo

> > > >

> > > >

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> > > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you

sent them and

> > > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> > >

> > > May your pressure be low!

> > >

> > > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med.

Col. WI

> > > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> > >

> > > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> > >

> > > ************ *

> > > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > >

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> who checked it

I checked via directlabs.com. I checked DHEAs myself and when I found it was

out of range (20 over the top range) I then checked DHEA... and found that was

4000% out of range. Its my understanding that it is only made in the zona

reticulus of the adrenals... and based on my witch-doctor google checking, it

could mean adrenal carcinoma, tumor, late-onset adrenal hyperplasia, or even

something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I guess not much is known about

DHEA??? I don't know if its safe for me to just forgoet about it or if I should

persue it. My family doc said that if I feel good, I should just forget it. But

I'm just concerend that its 4000% over the top. I have other problems and I'm

trying to piece it all together.

lowerbp2@... wrote:

In a message dated 1/9/08 5:51:05 PM, jarrigo@... writes:



> > > > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you

> sent them and

> > > > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> > > >

> > > > May your pressure be low!

> > > >

> > > > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > > > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > > > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > > > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med.

> Col. WI

> > > > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> > > >

> > > > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > > > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > > > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> > > >

> > > > ************ *

> > > > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> > > >

> > > >

> http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo

> > > >

> > > >

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In a message dated 1/10/08 1:45:56 AM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> > who checked it


> I checked via directlabs.com. I checked DHEAs myself and when I found it was

> out of range (20 over the top range) I then checked DHEA... and found that

> was 4000% out of range. Its my understanding that it is only made in the zona

> reticulus of the adrenals... and based on my witch-doctor google checking, it

> could mean adrenal carcinoma, tumor, late-onset adrenal hyperplasia, or even

> something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I guess not much is known

> about DHEA??? I don't know if its safe for me to just forgoet about it or if I

> should persue it. My family doc said that if I feel good, I should just forget

> it. But I'm just concerend that its 4000% over the top. I have other

> problems and I'm trying to piece it all together.






this is probably not a reliable lab. Are the licensed to do interstate


Try another lab. It is good to send the same sample at in different bottles

to see if they get the same answer.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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It was a serum test and the lab is " Laboratory Corporation of America "

www.labcorp.com - a $3.6 billion company (most of that revenue came from my

blood ;-)

An assistant of Dr New's office in NY told me the other day that LabCorp is

not as trusted as Quest. So I'm trying Quest tomorrow. Its just that LabCorp's

serum test, Rhein's urine test, and Diagnos-Tech's saliva test all show DHEA

being high. Now if Quest shows it being that high.. then I guess I have

something to worry about. Or not.

lowerbp2@... wrote:

In a message dated 1/10/08 1:45:56 AM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> > who checked it


> I checked via directlabs.com. I checked DHEAs myself and when I found it was

> out of range (20 over the top range) I then checked DHEA... and found that

> was 4000% out of range. Its my understanding that it is only made in the zona

> reticulus of the adrenals... and based on my witch-doctor google checking, it

> could mean adrenal carcinoma, tumor, late-onset adrenal hyperplasia, or even

> something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I guess not much is known

> about DHEA??? I don't know if its safe for me to just forgoet about it or if I

> should persue it. My family doc said that if I feel good, I should just forget

> it. But I'm just concerend that its 4000% over the top. I have other

> problems and I'm trying to piece it all together.






this is probably not a reliable lab. Are the licensed to do interstate


Try another lab. It is good to send the same sample at in different bottles

to see if they get the same answer.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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I know Dr. New and her lab is excellent.

On Jan 10, 2008, at 12:23 PM, wrote:


> An assistant of Dr New's office in NY told me the other day that

> LabCorp is not as trusted as Quest. So I'm trying Quest tomorrow.

> Its just that LabCorp's serum test, Rhein's urine test, and Diagnos-

> Tech's saliva test all show DHEA being high. Now if Quest shows it

> being that high.. then I guess I have something to worry about. Or

> not.



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Hi :

This is indeed so strange. I went there last year and to get an appointment

all I did was to fill out the form that is included in their on-line

appointment information and faxed it over. They did not ask any details

about my condition to give me an appointment. I did have my doctor write a

couple of lines on the same form. My only problem then was that I was not

aware of Dr. Young and they scheduled me with another endo. The endo called

me two weeks before my appt and asked some questions that he said he needed

to share with Dr. Young.

Hang in there and try to not get too stressed out.


On Jan 9, 2008 11:00 AM, <dheaistoohigh@...> wrote:

> The endocrine dept. of the mayo clinic in MN called back today and they

> refuse to see me. They told me to go to their " general medicine " department.

> They said that my " DHEA " isn't an endocrine problem. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

> They told me that DHEA has nothing to do with the adrenal gland. Here I am

> with DHEA at 4744 (ref range 5-1476) and its only made by the adrenal

> glands.. but no, " that has nothing to do with endocrinology " !


> And then Nichole said " Dr. Young stated that your symptoms likely have

> nothing to do with endocrinology " . They are just totally ignoring the DHEA

> level and going by symptoms alone. My goodness. I know I'm not deathly sick

> YET but this is pointing to something very wrong. This is the prevention vs

> disease thing.



> Low testosterone

> Extremely elevated DHEA

> Elevated IGF-1

> Elevated Etiocholanolone

> Elevated Pregnanediol

> Low cortisone

> Elevated cholesterol

> Hypothyroid


> Nope. Don't see any endocrine disorders there. Do you?


> I can't find any doctors who specialize in adrenal biosynthetic disorders.

> I even called a pediatrician (Dr. New in NY) but she could not see me.


> Can anyone recommend a good, honest doctor who would look into this? I

> will travel.




> lowerbp2@... <lowerbp2%40aol.com> wrote:


> In a message dated 1/7/08 8:20:28 PM,



> >

> > I don't have hypertension. According to Mayo in sdale, they usually


> > won't refer to anyone else... if they decline you, its like " go away -

> sorry we

> > can't help " . I'm not looking forward to that.

> >

> > lowerbp2@... <lowerbp2%40aol.low> wrote:

> >

> > In a message dated 1/7/08 2:43:51 PM, dheaistoohigh@dheaistoo writes:

> >

> > >

> > > This is the info that I gave to the receptionist at the mayo clinic in

> AZ,

> > > who turned my case down:

> > >

> > > 32 year-old male

> > > 5D+$ " o 11D+$¢®

> > > 148 lb (I lost 30 lb of body mass in 2007 due to my illness)

> > >

> > > Concerns:

> > > 1. Extremely elevated DHEA (4000% over the top reference range) tested

> by

> > > blood, urine and even saliva. Normal to high-normal DHEA,s.

> > > 2. Elevated IGF-1, elevated Pregnanediol, high-normal Etiocholanolone.

> > > 3. Low cortisone (urine steroid test).

> > > 4. Apparent secondary hypogonadism.

> > > 5. HashimotoD+$ " os thyroiditis.

> > > 6. High LDL, low HDL cholesterol

> > >

> > > History of acute anxiety attacks and PSVT (proximal supraventricular

> > > tachycardia)

> > >

> > > " Please accept my case " .

> > >

> > > And... they didn't accept my case. Well, they specialize in diabetes

> here

> > > anyway. I have a call in to Dr. Young at Mayo in MN.. I'm hoping that

> > either

> > > he, or someone there will accept it.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > lowerbp2@... <lowerbp2%40aol.low> wrote:

> > > maybe you need to repharse you information. Send us what you sent them

> and

> > > we will see if we can tweak it up so they will see you.

> > >

> > > May your pressure be low!

> > >

> > > Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> > > Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> > > (sharedcareinc. (sh

> > > Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

> > > Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

> > >

> > > Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> > > and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> > > Hard Times and Heart Disease today.

> > >

> > > ************ *

> > > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

> > >

> > > http://body.http://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://body.<wbrhttp://bo

> > >

> > >

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In a message dated 1/11/08 12:10:19 PM, dheaistoohigh@... writes:


> The LabCorp blood results came back and now DHEA is only 1% above normal

> range,not 4000%. DHEA,s is exactly in the middle of normal range. Every other

> test is like this. Last question for you guys because I can't find the answer

> anywhere else.. IF this were an adrenal tumor or carcinoma... would it be

> possible for those results to fluctuate that wildly? If not, then I'm just


> to forget about this until something becomes apparent (and hopefully that

> never happens). ACTH is never out of normal range.


> Thank you.




No they should alwasy be high with a tumor. Sounds like a lab error to me.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.


Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col. WI

Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

and the Physiology and History of Survival During

Hard Times and Heart Disease today.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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