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Could this be late onset adrenal hyperplasia?

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My aldosterone is in normal range, but yesterday I got new results

back from my doctor. The new results all sort of paint a different

picture; Something is wrong with my adrenals but not sure what. And

it all seems to have started as a kid when I was 12 years old. Here's

my latest test results - can someone help piece it together:

Low testosterone

Extremely elevated DHEA (400% over the top range - both serum and

urine.. saliva shows it 1 point from the top at 9)

Elevated IGF-1 (due to DHEA)

Elevated Pregnanediol

Elevated Etiocholanolone

Low cortisone

Normal cortisol

Elevated cholesterol (plus LDL is high, HDL is low)

These results match up with two things that I found on google.

Adrenal tumor or late onset adrenal hyperplasia.

So last night I tried to piece it all together:

Age 12: First episode of PSVT (a type of tachycardia) and first panic

attack. Had shaking / convulsion with overwhelming fear and anxiety.

Lasted two days. Pediatrician couldn't figure it out.

Age 13 to 15: Severe panic attacks, anxiety and weekly PSVTs (heart


Age 16 to 21: Very little lean body mass, could not rid stomach fat.

Occasional panic attacks, and weekly PSVTs.

Age 21 to 25: Weight gain, panic attacks, depression. Mildly elevated

liver enzymes and mildly elevated TSH.

Age 26: Hypothyroid and only 2 to 4 PSVTs per year. Diagnosed with

hashimoto's thyroiditis by elevated TPO and AT antibodies and

multinodular goiter.

Age 27 - 29: Hypertension (160/90), severe panic attacks, hypothyroid

(dry skin, weight gain, depression) . NO PSVTs within 3 years (while


Age 30 - 32: Severe panic attacks and mild depression. Euthyroid with

T4 replacement. Low free testosterone, low serum testosterone, high

DHEA, IGF-1, high cholesterol, low-norm potassium and norm sodium.

Blood pressure normal.

Something worth mentioning.. IF I do have late-onset adrenal

hyperplasia (17á-hydroxylase deficiency, 21-hydroxylase deficiency or

11â-hydroxylase deficiency) then that would explain cortisol being so

low.. and that explains the inflammation I've had.

It can also explain the PSVTs, stomach fat, muscle mass deficiency,

anxiety/panic attacks.. just about everything that has plagued me all

my life. It was reported that high DHEA can cause heart arrhythmias

and panic attacks / anxiety:

Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a treatable cause of


Biological Psychiatry, Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages 856-859

A. s

Also regarding my heart:

A Dr. Sahelian reports in a 1998 letter to the ls of Internal

Medicine, a case report of heart rhythm irregularities with the use

of DHEA. It was the first time such association was made and

published. The case report mentioned heart palpitations that occurred

in Dr. Borken who was taking 25mg of DHEA daily. When he stopped the

DHEA, the palpitations went away, when he resumed the DHEA, the

palpitations recurred. [Ann Intern Med. 1998 Oct 1;129(7):588]

Here is an autopsy report of some guy who had just about everything

that I have - he had something wrong with his adrenals:


BUT if its NOT LOCAH, then maybe it could be this new thing called

APHD: " Apparent pregnene hydroxylation deficiency (APHD): seeking the

parentage of an orphan metabolome " . simliar but both 17 AND 20-

hydroxylation deficiency with no mutations. Its not fully understood


http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TC9-


3 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 &

_version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=686865d2f12001012182acf8694930


I'm going to check 17á-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and 11â-

hydroxylase again at a new lab on Monday. Then I guess its time for a

new MRI or two. I have no idea what I'm doing, but the doctors I see

are just sort of " yeah, that's a good idea " and not really much help.

They just want me to take synthroid, testosterone cream and forget

about the rest.

Now hopefully its not an adreanal carcinoma. I am a little bothered

that DHEA is always elevated but DHEA,s is not as elevated. But I

guess its not carcinoma, because I've had problems for a loooong time

now. At worst, I hope its nothing more severe than LOCAH. Or maybe my

thyroid has something to do with it. But we're getting closer to a

real diagnosis. Its a shame I have to push my doctors along like this.

Does anyone here have any idea about this?

Dr. Rhoads already helped me with the saliva tests. Again, DHEA was

borderline " high " on that. Urine test shows it to be 400% over the

top, and so does the serum test.

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