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Re: evaluation, IQ testing and high school transition

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This is what keeps coming to mind as I read what they are doing with

.  I was just on the phone with our attorney and I told him I really

didn't understand why our district was being so adament about not being

included in Regular Ed.  I just can't wrap my head around why the answer is

" NO " without even trying it first.

And here you are, you have years behind you of being included and

she's doing well and now they want to yank that away from her.  Crazy, I tell



IQ numbers, for me, are no big deal.  I am curious about them, if they stay the

same or they change.  I also like to compare what the school says about her

IQ versus what the Down syndrome experts who administer the same testing

say...they've never been equal.  Her numbers have always been higher when

tested by the specialist.


And no, I don't think that anyone has a crystal ball and can see a darn thing. 

I think that is a ridiculous statement to make...but, I did learn something from

my attorney today.  Sometimes the statements they make tie into case law. 

Some of the reasoning that our district has used is that " the work modified is

so modified that it no longer appears to be similar to what the general ed

students are working on " ...this was the language used in the last case that the

5th circuit courts used when deciding whether a child with an intellectual

disability should be allowed into the general ed classroom.  So, my district is

using this because they have case law to support it, even though it's not

true.  They have yet to provide me with any overly modified work.  You may

want to check case law in your area that may have some type of statement like

" being able to assess what she will learn in high school " .  Just a thought.




From: Kerrigan <leslie-kerrigan@...>

< >

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 12:42 PM

Subject: evaluation, IQ testing and high school transition


Here is what should be an easy exchange between myself and the Resource

Teacher/Case Manager. For 3 years I've tried to get this woman to just

(1) answer a simple question with a simple answer (see " when is the

meeting? Still don't know) and (2) fill out a darn piece of paperwork

correctly. It's not like I want to keep correcting her, but she sent a

full eval plan for approval...academic, speech, IQ,

social/emotional/adaptive, health and SCIA (Special Circumstances

Instructional Aide) with no explanation of which tests they are going to

do, and expects me to just sign it (as they know my feeling about IQ

testing .) And, does anyone here buy into the statement below

about " being able to assess what she is going to be able to accomplish

in high school. " ???

Me thinks these next couple months are going to be even more challenging

than I thought.... the program specialist last year at her Tri basically

said she didn't think should be included with an aide, and

that she should be in a self-contained class with some mainstreaming.

We will look at all options (if they let us in to observe, LOL) but it

sounded like the program specialist has her mind made up as to " what is

best " for .... she has not yet chimed in, and she's one pushing

for IQ testing... will be interesting.....

, mom to (16), (14 DS), and Sammy (12), auntie to




Hi ,

I sent home the evaluation plan last week with but haven't

heard back from you or gotten the evaluation form back. Please let me

know if you have any questions.


Hi Sharon,

Sorry, I've been looking through her previous evaluations to try and

figure out what the plan was, and I do have some questions. First of

all, she had her triennial last year, so is all this testing necessary?

We do not need to qualify for her anything, so it seems like a waste of

time and resources. The Notice of Proposed Action indicates this is her

Triennial; should it not say " Annual Review? "

We have decided that we will decline any IQ testing, as we do not see

the benefit to . She does not need a health assessment

either... if the nurse would like updated information, I'm happy to

provide that, but it seems like a full assessment is unnecessary.

Finally, unless required by law, we will decline the SCIA evaluation; as

we discuss 's placement for next year, and I are open to

considering all options available to , but I don't feel that

another SCIA eval is necessary.

Finally, on the Notice of Proposed Action, it says and IEP meeting

notice is attached and I should sign and return; there was no meeting

notice attached. Can you refresh my memory as to exactly when her IEP

is schedule for?



Hi ,

The NOPA says both that it will be her triennial and annual review. I

marked the wrong box on it as it should say evaluation not a review yet.

Other than those technicalities our purpose in wanting to have

the IQ testing is as I stated ,and as Betsy said in one of our last

meetings, that we want the information to help accurately assess what

she is going to be able to accomplish in high school. This will help us

to correctly place her in classes for next year and beyond.

Her annual due date is 4/26/2012.

I will forward your response to (Program Specialist/Administrator) and

(School Psychologist.)


Hi Sharon,

What I understand in general terms that somehow, not the IQ number, but

_some_ parts of _some_ subtests _might_ help develop goals; I don't

recall anything about placement coming from this test. If that is the

case, then we absolutely have no interest in reconsidering, as I do not

believe that IQ is an indicator of success in a particular environment,

nor what she will be able to accomplish in high school... I don't think

there is any evaluation that can make that prediction for or

any other child!

What I've never got in a quantifiable, clear, not-fuzzy way was how

information from the IQ test could help or the team. If

someone can share more than " it will help us to develop goals " than I am

happy to reconsider, but we went through this 4 years ago at her

trienial prior to her middle school transition, and I've never seen

anyone (teacher, specialist, therapist, administrator) refer to anything

from this report, not the year it was done, nor in any subsequent

years. I realize this data is now " old " but perhaps someone could look

back at the last report and tell me what they might have gleaned from

the " subtest data " or whatever else might be used besides the overall IQ

score. Otherwise, as you know, I believe that the overall score will

not be indicative of 's potential, and that it will be " used

against her " in making placement and other decisions.

Thank you for letting me know the due date, but I thought that you had

already scheduled your IEP meetings for the year; do you have a date for

's meeting that I can put onto the calendar?



No reply from anyone at school...... wonder when I'll hear back :-)

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Is she purposefully being vague or is she just scattered? Either way it's

frustrating. Stand your ground with regards to the IQ testing. We've never let

our son be tested either and our reasoning is similar to yours. It's just a

number on a piece of paper; it's not indicative of success. No one has ever

been willing to put in writing how they use the information.

Are you cc'ing the principal or any other admin? Would it help for them to see

the exchange?

Good luck!



> Here is what should be an easy exchange between myself and the Resource

> Teacher/Case Manager. For 3 years I've tried to get this woman to just

> (1) answer a simple question with a simple answer (see " when is the

> meeting? Still don't know) and (2) fill out a darn piece of paperwork

> correctly. It's not like I want to keep correcting her, but she sent a

> full eval plan for approval...academic, speech, IQ,

> social/emotional/adaptive, health and SCIA (Special Circumstances

> Instructional Aide) with no explanation of which tests they are going to

> do, and expects me to just sign it (as they know my feeling about IQ

> testing .) And, does anyone here buy into the statement below

> about " being able to assess what she is going to be able to accomplish

> in high school. " ???


> Me thinks these next couple months are going to be even more challenging

> than I thought.... the program specialist last year at her Tri basically

> said she didn't think should be included with an aide, and

> that she should be in a self-contained class with some mainstreaming.

> We will look at all options (if they let us in to observe, LOL) but it

> sounded like the program specialist has her mind made up as to " what is

> best " for .... she has not yet chimed in, and she's one pushing

> for IQ testing... will be interesting.....


> , mom to (16), (14 DS), and Sammy (12), auntie to

> (18)






> Hi ,


> I sent home the evaluation plan last week with but haven't

> heard back from you or gotten the evaluation form back. Please let me

> know if you have any questions.


> ===========================================

> Hi Sharon,


> Sorry, I've been looking through her previous evaluations to try and

> figure out what the plan was, and I do have some questions. First of

> all, she had her triennial last year, so is all this testing necessary?

> We do not need to qualify for her anything, so it seems like a waste of

> time and resources. The Notice of Proposed Action indicates this is her

> Triennial; should it not say " Annual Review? "


> We have decided that we will decline any IQ testing, as we do not see

> the benefit to . She does not need a health assessment

> either... if the nurse would like updated information, I'm happy to

> provide that, but it seems like a full assessment is unnecessary.

> Finally, unless required by law, we will decline the SCIA evaluation; as

> we discuss 's placement for next year, and I are open to

> considering all options available to , but I don't feel that

> another SCIA eval is necessary.


> Finally, on the Notice of Proposed Action, it says and IEP meeting

> notice is attached and I should sign and return; there was no meeting

> notice attached. Can you refresh my memory as to exactly when her IEP

> is schedule for?


> Thanks,


> ==============================================


> Hi ,


> The NOPA says both that it will be her triennial and annual review. I

> marked the wrong box on it as it should say evaluation not a review yet.


> Other than those technicalities our purpose in wanting to have

> the IQ testing is as I stated ,and as Betsy said in one of our last

> meetings, that we want the information to help accurately assess what

> she is going to be able to accomplish in high school. This will help us

> to correctly place her in classes for next year and beyond.


> Her annual due date is 4/26/2012.


> I will forward your response to (Program Specialist/Administrator) and

> (School Psychologist.)

> =================================================


> Hi Sharon,


> What I understand in general terms that somehow, not the IQ number, but

> _some_ parts of _some_ subtests _might_ help develop goals; I don't

> recall anything about placement coming from this test. If that is the

> case, then we absolutely have no interest in reconsidering, as I do not

> believe that IQ is an indicator of success in a particular environment,

> nor what she will be able to accomplish in high school... I don't think

> there is any evaluation that can make that prediction for or

> any other child!


> What I've never got in a quantifiable, clear, not-fuzzy way was how

> information from the IQ test could help or the team. If

> someone can share more than " it will help us to develop goals " than I am

> happy to reconsider, but we went through this 4 years ago at her

> trienial prior to her middle school transition, and I've never seen

> anyone (teacher, specialist, therapist, administrator) refer to anything

> from this report, not the year it was done, nor in any subsequent

> years. I realize this data is now " old " but perhaps someone could look

> back at the last report and tell me what they might have gleaned from

> the " subtest data " or whatever else might be used besides the overall IQ

> score. Otherwise, as you know, I believe that the overall score will

> not be indicative of 's potential, and that it will be " used

> against her " in making placement and other decisions.


> Thank you for letting me know the due date, but I thought that you had

> already scheduled your IEP meetings for the year; do you have a date for

> 's meeting that I can put onto the calendar?


> Thanks,



> ============================


> No reply from anyone at school...... wonder when I'll hear back :-)




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They are not going to be able to use that argument for kindy because

they don't KNOW how well she will or will not do. Also in IDEA (I am

not sure off the top of my head where) it says that an IQ test cannot

be used as the sole criteria for placement.

I also don't see how that argument can be used if your child is in a

special ed program, like Micah is half the day in the 15:1;1, when the

ppurpose of being in gen ed half the time is for social skills.

And just like is going through now that micah is transitioning

to middle school they want to take him out of the placement he is in

also even though it is working and he is learning. So we too, will be

contacting our lawyer to go to CSE with us.


evaluation, IQ testing and high school transition


Here is what should be an easy exchange between myself and the Resource

Teacher/Case Manager. For 3 years I've tried to get this woman to just

(1) answer a simple question with a simple answer (see " when is the

meeting? Still don't know) and (2) fill out a darn piece of paperwork

correctly. It's not like I want to keep correcting her, but she sent a

full eval plan for approval...academic, speech, IQ,

social/emotional/adaptive, health and SCIA (Special Circumstances

Instructional Aide) with no explanation of which tests they are going


do, and expects me to just sign it (as they know my feeling about IQ

testing .) And, does anyone here buy into the statement below

about " being able to assess what she is going to be able to accomplish

in high school. " ???

Me thinks these next couple months are going to be even more


than I thought.... the program specialist last year at her Tri


said she didn't think should be included with an aide, and

that she should be in a self-contained class with some mainstreaming.

We will look at all options (if they let us in to observe, LOL) but it

sounded like the program specialist has her mind made up as to " what is

best " for .... she has not yet chimed in, and she's one


for IQ testing... will be interesting.....

, mom to (16), (14 DS), and Sammy (12), auntie to




Hi ,

I sent home the evaluation plan last week with but haven't

heard back from you or gotten the evaluation form back. Please let me

know if you have any questions.


Hi Sharon,

Sorry, I've been looking through her previous evaluations to try and

figure out what the plan was, and I do have some questions. First of

all, she had her triennial last year, so is all this testing necessary?

We do not need to qualify for her anything, so it seems like a waste of

time and resources. The Notice of Proposed Action indicates this is


Triennial; should it not say " Annual Review? "

We have decided that we will decline any IQ testing, as we do not see

the benefit to . She does not need a health assessment

either... if the nurse would like updated information, I'm happy to

provide that, but it seems like a full assessment is unnecessary.

Finally, unless required by law, we will decline the SCIA evaluation;


we discuss 's placement for next year, and I are open to

considering all options available to , but I don't feel that

another SCIA eval is necessary.

Finally, on the Notice of Proposed Action, it says and IEP meeting

notice is attached and I should sign and return; there was no meeting

notice attached. Can you refresh my memory as to exactly when her IEP

is schedule for?



Hi ,

The NOPA says both that it will be her triennial and annual review. I

marked the wrong box on it as it should say evaluation not a review yet.

Other than those technicalities our purpose in wanting to


the IQ testing is as I stated ,and as Betsy said in one of our last

meetings, that we want the information to help accurately assess what

she is going to be able to accomplish in high school. This will help


to correctly place her in classes for next year and beyond.

Her annual due date is 4/26/2012.

I will forward your response to (Program Specialist/Administrator) and

(School Psychologist.)


Hi Sharon,

What I understand in general terms that somehow, not the IQ number, but

_some_ parts of _some_ subtests _might_ help develop goals; I don't

recall anything about placement coming from this test. If that is the

case, then we absolutely have no interest in reconsidering, as I do not

believe that IQ is an indicator of success in a particular environment,

nor what she will be able to accomplish in high school... I don't think

there is any evaluation that can make that prediction for or

any other child!

What I've never got in a quantifiable, clear, not-fuzzy way was how

information from the IQ test could help or the team. If

someone can share more than " it will help us to develop goals " than I


happy to reconsider, but we went through this 4 years ago at her

trienial prior to her middle school transition, and I've never seen

anyone (teacher, specialist, therapist, administrator) refer to


from this report, not the year it was done, nor in any subsequent

years. I realize this data is now " old " but perhaps someone could look

back at the last report and tell me what they might have gleaned from

the " subtest data " or whatever else might be used besides the overall


score. Otherwise, as you know, I believe that the overall score will

not be indicative of 's potential, and that it will be " used

against her " in making placement and other decisions.

Thank you for letting me know the due date, but I thought that you had

already scheduled your IEP meetings for the year; do you have a date


's meeting that I can put onto the calendar?



No reply from anyone at school...... wonder when I'll hear back :-)

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