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The Top-10 MYCO-Toxic Foods.

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Does anyone know if heat kills mycotoxins? (say, if one were boiling grains like

millet, quinoa, rice - would the mycotoxins be killed in the cooking process?)


The Top-10 MYCO-Toxic Foods.


This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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I like Mercola, I thought the list was interesting but anyone who suggests AIDS

is caused by mycotoxins, as is muscular dystrophy, diabetes, or, in short, just

about every diseae under the sun, just immediately flies into my quack category

that is inhabited by various fringe MD's who believe whatever their emphasis is

causes half the diseases known to man, or who think their particular treatment

cures cancer, AIDS, blindness, etc. Too bad I read to the end of that page!

Masland <lmas@...> wrote:Does anyone know if heat kills mycotoxins?

(say, if one were boiling grains like millet, quinoa, rice - would the

mycotoxins be killed in the cooking process?) Les

The Top-10 MYCO-Toxic Foods.


This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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I like Mercola, I thought the list was interesting but anyone who suggests

AIDS is caused by mycotoxins, as is muscular dystrophy, diabetes, or, in short,

just about every diseae under the sun, just immediately flies into my quack

category that is inhabited by various fringe MD's who believe whatever their

emphasis is causes half the diseases known to man, or who think their particular

treatment cures cancer, AIDS, blindness, etc. Too bad I read to the end of that


And don't forget MS, linked to a long article about MS being caused by it

too...... sigh....


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Masland <lmas@e...> wrote:Does anyone know if heat kills

mycotoxins? (say, if one were boiling grains like millet, quinoa, rice -

would the mycotoxins be killed in the cooking process?) Les

I recently read that mycotoxins were subjected to 500 degrees and still

alive. Someone told me that mycotoxins are not alive but I think they

are. Anyone know for sure?

I tried ozone which will kill mold and spores but not mycotoxins. I am

thinking though that if mycotoxins are part of the spore, filters can

be used in the air return duct, new vacuum cleaners use HEPA filters

plus of course HEPA air purifying to remove mold spores. Are mycotoxins

part of the mold spore?


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Bob wrote:

> I recently read that mycotoxins were subjected to 500 degrees and still

> alive. Someone told me that mycotoxins are not alive but I think they

> are. Anyone know for sure?

Mycotoxins are chemicals, not biological entities. They are poisonous

chemicals created by fungi (incl mushrooms, molds and yeasts) in our


> I tried ozone which will kill mold and spores but not mycotoxins.

You can't " kill " a mycotoxin, because it's not alive! You can kill the

mold and spores which manufacture the mycotoxins, but Mercola's article

was about mycotoxin contamination in foods. Even if you kill off the

mold and spores in the food (through heat or whatever), any mycotoxins

that were already generated still remain in the food.

Many of us have allergies or sensitivities to the mold and the spores,

but that's independent of the problems caused by actually eating foods

contaminated with the mycotoxins.

> I am

> thinking though that if mycotoxins are part of the spore, filters can

> be used in the air return duct, new vacuum cleaners use HEPA filters

> plus of course HEPA air purifying to remove mold spores. Are mycotoxins

> part of the mold spore?

Possibly, but that's not the issue here.

And yes, Mercola is definitely on the " fringe " of medical opinion. I

always take his advice with several pounds of salt. It's useful in that

it can raise red flags about things that should be tested properly in

regular scientific experiments, and for establishing the maximum

paranoia perimeter. :@)


el (andreafrankel at sbcglobal dot net)

" wake now! Discover that YOU are the song that the morning brings... "

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I know grains are bad for some people; I actually dont too well with them but I

do recall reading that the human population just took off with the agricultural

revolution. I guess those ignorant farmers just didnt know better. And soy -

the main protein source for half the worlds population - how they managed to

reproduce so effectively while eating that toxic fungus ridden substance is

beyond belief - I guess they just lucky.

Marcia <mgrahn@...> wrote:


I like Mercola, I thought the list was interesting but anyone who suggests

AIDS is caused by mycotoxins, as is muscular dystrophy, diabetes, or, in short,

just about every diseae under the sun, just immediately flies into my quack

category that is inhabited by various fringe MD's who believe whatever their

emphasis is causes half the diseases known to man, or who think their particular

treatment cures cancer, AIDS, blindness, etc. Too bad I read to the end of that


And don't forget MS, linked to a long article about MS being caused by it

too...... sigh....


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> Bob wrote:


> > I recently read that mycotoxins were subjected to 500 degrees and

still alive. Someone told me that mycotoxins are not alive but I think

they are. Anyone know for sure?


Trichothecene mycotoxins are heat stable up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit,

and of course, chemicals are not alive.


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I agree Mercola seem too extreme. However it may interest you to know that

Shoemaker thinks tht could be true too. He has mold patients whose MRI's were

identical to MS patients. He had patients who had been told they had MS who

improved with biotoxin treatment for mold: actos and CSM (although their MRI's

stayed bad interestingly). And there are studies going on trying Actos to treat

MS. He found a lot of other interesting links. Remember that most people think

MS isn't one illness either, just like CFS probably isn't, so maybe it is just a

subset of people with MS who have mold illness.


----- Original Message -----

And don't forget MS, linked to a long article about MS being caused by it

too...... sigh....


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I've read a lot of cases where MS patients recovered after mercury/metal removal

too. I dont' think their disease is a 'one cure fits all' either. Must make it

hard for them too :-(


Re: The Top-10 MYCO-Toxic Foods.

I agree Mercola seem too extreme. However it may interest you to know that

Shoemaker thinks tht could be true too. He has mold patients whose MRI's were

identical to MS patients. He had patients who had been told they had MS who

improved with biotoxin treatment for mold: actos and CSM (although their MRI's

stayed bad interestingly). And there are studies going on trying Actos to treat

MS. He found a lot of other interesting links. Remember that most people think

MS isn't one illness either, just like CFS probably isn't, so maybe it is just a

subset of people with MS who have mold illness.


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Thank you Blake.

How do you create undisclosed-recipients group. Is it bCC?


The Top-10 MYCO-Toxic Foods.

> http://www.mercola.com/2003/nov/5/toxic_foods.htm





> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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