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my mold story edited

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I am writing to tell how my family has been destroyed by toxic

mold. I will be as brief as I can-- as I know you are busy. I

originally became ill when I was living in a home with mold growing

in the walls. This was a rental property that I lived in with no

problems for about 8 years. It was a very nice house, but the

landlord didn't properly maintain the property. For years the

driveway was cracking from tree roots and eventually cracks formed

around the foundation which resulted in mold growing in the basement

walls. This was in 1998, and I had never heard of this problem,

but soon tried to educate myself when the Health Department showed

me the mold. I really didn't know who to call, but I assumed the

Heath Department would help me or lead me in the right direction. I

was wrong.

I have been treated like a criminal since the day I reported this

mold. The landlord did nothing except remove wallpaper and paint for

several weeks. During this time I had a serious allergic reaction

called severe uticaria. I spent months being treated for the

allergic reaction and a serious sinus infection.

While waiting for sinus surgery the landlord told us we had to be out

in six weeks. We were on a month- to -month lease waiting for the

landlord to clean the mold. That did not happen. Instead I had to

have sinus surgery, and didn't even get enough time to recuperate

before we had to move. That meant going through our belongings which

was very dangerous because the type of molds in this home were very


After an exhausting move we moved into an apartment. This move was

during a drought and unfortunately about three months later when it

rained my carpet was wet and mold was growing on the walls of this

apartment. Apparently the underground gutter system was not properly


Needless to say it has been a nightmare. I now live with reactive

airways disease where everyday cosmetics and cleaning products cause

me severe migraines, vomiting. I have neurological problems. I

have chronic yeast infections which the doctors do not seem to know

how to treat. At one point I was barely 95 lbs. It is difficult to

eat, sleep, breath, walk, and very isolating.

My husband has had seizures and a blood clot soon after we moved out

of one of these moldy homes. He also lives with breathing problems.

Unfortunately my husband was also working at a casino in our state

that the roof leaked for the 5 years he worked there, and they had a

severe pigeon problem inside the building near where the roof

leaked. When I say a pigeon problem I mean a major problem where

workers went in with special suits to clean the knee deep pigeon


Of course I have contacted just about everyone in my state for all

these years to no avail.

Unfortunately the when you try to get help there isn't any help.

There are barely any lawyers for tenants in my state. The insurance

does not cover mold damage. The courts do not protect the victims of

this horrible illness.

My life has been destroyed. I did not get to participate in my

daughter's graduation, proms, and I can't go to any family weddings,

or gatherings without getting ill. I had to say good-bye to my

father over the phone when he was dying because I was in Florida

trying to recuperate with my mother.

I have left out so much of the trauma that my family has faced in

order to be brief. I have tried to act in a dignified manner during

this entire nightmare. I do not understand why court houses, police

stations, governor mansions seem to be taken care of but the regular

person is left to fend for himself. This is criminal. Even

Bush had mold in the governor's mansion in Texas in the 90's. The

New York Guidelines state that mold should be cleaned with 24-48


I cannot believe that there is literature all over the place

regarding mold and its dangers, and our government is looking the

other way. They keep saying there is no scientific evidence

regarding mold being dangerous. The people that are giving this

information are not even qualified to be experts.

Now the people of New Orleans are not getting the proper information

in order to protect their lives. I find it interesting the

governor there had the governor's mansion remediated this summer and

her family was able to live in a safe place while the taxpayers paid

the expenses which, I don't have that number right now but it was

over $100,000.00. I have never heard her mention mold to her people.

It would be a shame to see an entire population with all these floods

in the country that the people are being denied proper information to

protect their families. Asthma is at an all time high. Someone

needs to do something before it is too late.

I appreciate you interest in this horrible situation. Legislation

was introduced some time ago by Congressman Conyers HB1268. It is

now HB1269. So many wait for help. I hope it is not too late before

help arrives. I do not have health insurance. We had the best

insurance, but when my husband started having health problems he

lost his job and the insurance.

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