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Aspergillus Website update

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest updates on the Aspergillus website,


The headline this time is the imminent '2nd Advances Against Aspergillosis'

conference to be held in Athens in February 2006 (www.AAA2006.org). At the last

conference a total of 14 scholarships were given out to students from around the

world to attend, and a similar number are available this time. Go to the

conference website (www.AAA2006.org) and click on Scholarships and register, but

remember the deadline is the 15th October 2005. The preliminary program is up on

the website and general registration is now open.


The Broad Institute is pleased to announce the public release of the unannotated

genome sequence of Aspergillus terreus strain NIH 2624. The 11.0 x assembly

consists of 267 contigs that cover 29.2 Mb; the contigs have been linked to form

26 scaffolds. Aspergillus terreus was one of the original fifteen target

organisms of the Fungal Genome Initiative

(http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/fgi/). The assembly is available for BLAST

searching on the Broad website and can be downloaded from that site

(http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/fungi/aspergillus_terreus/). It has, in

addition, been submitted to the whole genome shotgun section of GenBank (select

‘nr’ or ‘wgs’ from the database dropdown list on the BLAST search page).

The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) is pleased to announce the public

release of the unannotated genome sequences of the type strains of A. clavatus

(NRRL 1) and of Neosartorya fischeri (NRRL 181). The 11.4 x assembly of A.

clavatus consists of 322 contigs that cover 27.9 Mb; the contigs have been

linked to form 240 scaffolds. The 11.2 x assembly of N. fischeri consists of

1380 contigs that cover 33.2 Mb; the contigs have been linked to form 1174

scaffolds. The assemblies are available for BLAST searching on the NCBI website

(whole genome shotgun section of GenBank)(A. clavatus

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=genomeprj & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Ov\

erview & list_uids=15665); N. fischeri

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=genomeprj & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Ov\

erview & list_uids=15673).

These projects have been funded by the National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Disease as part of a larger Aspergillus comparative genomics effort

involving the Microbial Sequencing Centers at the Broad and at TIGR. The larger

project was created through a white paper submitted by Bruce Birren (Broad),

Bill Nierman (TIGR) and Denning (The University of Manchester).

Mycotoxins & Drugs

We are in the process of putting up new images for the mycotoxin and drug

chemical structures. You can download viewing software free of charge and then

open the linked images. The viewing software allows 3 dimensional and rotational

inspection of the molecule, which is optimised for free energy.


A series of new images for species have been added to the image library. New

species include A. costaricaensis, A. neobridgeri and A. roseoglobulus.

Case histories

044 Severe asthma, ABPA leading to bronchiectasis and CCPA (with images), 045

Diabetic patient with asthma who developed aspergilloma and CNPA (with images),

and 046 Disseminating invasive aspergillosis patient with CML and GVHD (images

to come).


Nearly 100 new pdf's have been added so there are now very few of the older

articles which do not lead to the full article rather than just an abstract. The

full article for the most recent additions will be added as soon as they are


Site updates pages

There are frequent additions of articles and other material to the website, and

these are listed in the site updates pages at

http://www.aspergillus.man.ac.uk/homepagenew/siteupdate.htm. There are 2 pages,

one which list announcements, images etc in chronological order and the other

of which lists new articles and a variety of other additions to specific

sections, listed by section. The second page does not list all sections as yet,

so if you do not see a section you are interested in, please refer to the first


The Aspergillus Website is wholly funded by the Fungal Research Trust (FRT), a

registered UK charity. To get more information on this charity go to their

website at http://www.fungalresearchtrust.org . They are well worth your


Thank you for your support

The Aspergillus website team

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