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Inhalers? Any good? Anyone?

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What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a fungal

infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help with

inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and don't

stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting worse

not better and I have been out of my work place for over two months

(where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???

The only thing that helped me so far are probiotics (acidophilus &

bifidus) that stopped the IBS/diarrhea in it's tracks and the Nystatin

that cleared up my fungal mouth & throat rash (oral yeast candidis,


Both were recommended by the best! (people on this site)Thank you,

Thank You, Thank You.

The achy bones feeling is not as bad as it was two months ago and I

only get a low grade fever once in a while. No rashes for two months!

I seem to be getting better except for my lungs. They took blood tests

yesterday. I nearly died, " 12 vials " to test for special stuff. All

the staff was amazed at the form I took into the blood bank! LOL They

kept asking me what disease I had. At one point there were 5 staff

members in the room looking at the test form. I told them the truth,

that I had worked in a " SICK BUILDING " and told them if they spot

mold, to RUN not walk!!!!

If anyone has any advice about inhalers, please speak up! I need your



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I would like to add that I did check with my doctor about the

probiotics before taking them and he prescribed the Nystatin for me.

Please DO NOT take anything without checking with your own doctor!

Just because it worked for me does not mean that it is safe for you!

Always check with your doctor, they know your body best!

But I do want to thank everybody for the feedback and suggestions.

I still need to find out whether anyone else had reactions to

inhalers like I did though. I am still shaking hours later after

taking a puff of each. Anyone else have a bad experience with them?



> What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

> I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a


> infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

> path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help


> inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and


> stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting


> not better and I have been out of my work place for over two


> (where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???


> The only thing that helped me so far are probiotics (acidophilus &

> bifidus) that stopped the IBS/diarrhea in it's tracks and the


> that cleared up my fungal mouth & throat rash (oral yeast


> thrush).

> Both were recommended by the best! (people on this site)Thank you,

> Thank You, Thank You.


> The achy bones feeling is not as bad as it was two months ago and


> only get a low grade fever once in a while. No rashes for two


> I seem to be getting better except for my lungs. They took blood


> yesterday. I nearly died, " 12 vials " to test for special stuff.


> the staff was amazed at the form I took into the blood bank! LOL


> kept asking me what disease I had. At one point there were 5 staff

> members in the room looking at the test form. I told them the


> that I had worked in a " SICK BUILDING " and told them if they spot

> mold, to RUN not walk!!!!



> If anyone has any advice about inhalers, please speak up! I need


> input!


> SW


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You could be talking about me, the lung stuff is the last to heal,

IMHO, both 15 years ago, when i first met the mold monster, and now-

try to avoid all things that make breathing worse, where a mask

anytime you feel you might be threatened, avoid ducts, they are all




> What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

> I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a


> infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

> path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help


> inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and


> stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting


> not better and I have been out of my work place for over two


> (where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???


> The only thing that helped me so far are probiotics (acidophilus &

> bifidus) that stopped the IBS/diarrhea in it's tracks and the


> that cleared up my fungal mouth & throat rash (oral yeast


> thrush).

> Both were recommended by the best! (people on this site)Thank you,

> Thank You, Thank You.


> The achy bones feeling is not as bad as it was two months ago and


> only get a low grade fever once in a while. No rashes for two


> I seem to be getting better except for my lungs. They took blood


> yesterday. I nearly died, " 12 vials " to test for special stuff.


> the staff was amazed at the form I took into the blood bank! LOL


> kept asking me what disease I had. At one point there were 5 staff

> members in the room looking at the test form. I told them the


> that I had worked in a " SICK BUILDING " and told them if they spot

> mold, to RUN not walk!!!!



> If anyone has any advice about inhalers, please speak up! I need


> input!


> SW


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> What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

> I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a fungal

> infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

> path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help with

> inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and don't

> stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting worse

> not better and I have been out of my work place for over two months

> (where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???

I have been on inhalers for most of my life, so yes, I understand. I found a

post on info

and side effects of terbutaline, which I will post. But in short, anything that

is going to

open up your lungs is like adrenaline, which causes the shaking after say, an

accident, or

something else that naturally causes an adrenaline surge in the body. If it

doesn't do that

in some degree, then it is likely a steroid, which, in my experience is likely

to make

everyting much much worse in the fungal dept. Some of them are better than

others about

the shaking. If you have never been on an inhaler before, it can make you cough

worse for

a few minutes (not hours) as the lungs express their insult over being sprayed.

But it

should get better after a few minutes. Like 15 at the most. If it makes you

worse, STOP

TAKING IT. You can call the doc for a different inhaler, there are many many.

I only use inhalers when absolutely necessary, and NEVER steroid ones. I have

severe side

effects from them.

And PLEASE rethink your idea that the doctors know best what is good for you.

YOU are

the only one that lives in your skin, and they often don't know the side effects

of the meds

they prescribe. I have more luck on that score with the nurses, or the


They have handy little reference books that they are happy to refer to and call

you back.

I have been damaged over and over by docs who thought they knew what they were


and disregarded what I told them about how MY body operates, which is slightly


than others.

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In a message dated 11/4/2005 7:40:43 PM Pacific Standard Time,

kdeanstudios@... writes:

You could be talking about me, the lung stuff is the last to heal,

IMHO, both 15 years ago, when i first met the mold monster, and now-

try to avoid all things that make breathing worse, where a mask

anytime you feel you might be threatened, avoid ducts, they are all




> What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

> I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a


> infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

> path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help


> inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and


> stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting


> not better and I have been out of my work place for over two


> (where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???


> The only thing that helped me so far are probiotics (acidophilus &

> bifidus) that stopped the IBS/diarrhea in it's tracks and the


> that cleared up my fungal mouth & throat rash (oral yeast


> thrush).

> Both were recommended by the best! (people on this site)Thank you,

> Thank You, Thank You.


> The achy bones feeling is not as bad as it was two months ago and


> only get a low grade fever once in a while. No rashes for two


> I seem to be getting better except for my lungs. They took blood


> yesterday. I nearly died, " 12 vials " to test for special stuff.


> the staff was amazed at the form I took into the blood bank! LOL


> kept asking me what disease I had. At one point there were 5 staff

> members in the room looking at the test form. I told them the


> that I had worked in a " SICK BUILDING " and told them if they spot

> mold, to RUN not walk!!!!



> If anyone has any advice about inhalers, please speak up! I need


> input!


> SW


I am certainly no medical professional, but it sounds to me like classic

hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

I had the same symptoms as far as difficulty breathing at times. As I am

not a medical professional, I can't tell you what is right for you. But I can

tell you what worked for me.


I took Sporonox for 3 years. Tried to get off of them after about a year,

but went right back down. After three years, I was able to go off. Am on no

medications now and my health appears to be fine....with a couple of minor


Nizorol nazal spray. I also used this for about three years. I still use

it occasionally if I feel I have been exposed to something, or sometimes I

will use it as a preventative measure before I enter environments that I am not

sure about.

Hydrogen Peroxide. Whenever I feel my throat start to tighten, I take my

toothbrush, dampen it with water, then dunk it in a bottle of HyPer. I rub it

over my gums and teeth. It helps with my breathing almost immediately.

Benydryl. The benefit to this was actually most useful for brain fog. Don't

ask me why, but it would help when I was fuzzy headed.

Lots of fresh, circulating air. I live near the ocean. A two hour visit to

the beach made a tremendous impact when I was at my worst. I slept outside

for two months. I have ceiling fans in every room of my house. I still sleep

with a ceiling fan on full blast every nite. Something about the oxygen I

would guess.

Garlic. I lived on it only this and lots of water for about two weeks

straight. I still love my garlic much more than I did before I got exposed to

airborne mold.

Fresh mulitple veggie juice with lots of spicy peppers. Again, I have no

idea why. I just know it helped my immune system.

Occasionally over the past year and a half, - maybe three times, I have

gotten a cough that would not go away even after three or four weeks. Could


it was not fungal. A treatment with antibiotics cleared it up.

You just have to listen closely to what your own body is telling you. If you

crave something that is known to be healthy, chances are - you need it!.

Inhalers didn't really seem to help me that much, although I did use them on


Hope that helps.


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Thanks for the advice! When the doc prescribes anything for me I always

check it out on the net and also ask people on this board .

The only people who seem to know what is best is here on the forum, " sick

buildings " . I had a chest x-ray on sept 29th and it showed clear lungs but

I had to visit my workplace on sept 30th to get my disability check and

developed a sinus infection the next morning.

My lungs got worse after that visit. I was only in the building for 1 & 1/2

hours (only in the lobby). During that 1 & 1/2 hours THREE people left work

on medical leave, two with breathing problems, coincidence? I stopped

taking the inhalers the other day until I can speak to my doc about it. My

lungs seem to be filled up and my chest and ribs are sore from coughing. Wet

cough and tickle in the back of my throat. Also the sinus infection has not

gone away completely. I should have stock in tissues, LOL. I only have these

coughing fits after I take the inhalers, although I still have a cough the

rest of the time. It gets worse after taking the inhalers twice as day. And

yes, it goes on for hours along with the shaking. I don't feel right. There

were things that I did take after talking to my doctor that people on this

board recommended. Like the probiotics and Nystatin, Those two were

fantastic at helping with IBS and oral yeast infection. What I don't

understand is if my doc knew that I had a fungal infection, why did he

prescribe something that I shouldn't take (the inhalers). I am getting the

feeling that he doesn't believe or understand what a " sick building " is! I

will be asking the doc for a referral to a lung specialist on my next visit.

The second time I visited the workplace (2 weeks later) I was only there

for 15 mins and TWO more left on sick leave, they had trouble breathing also

another coincidence? Again, Thanks for the advice! SW

-- [] Re: Inhalers? Any good? Anyone?

--- In , " trouble_445 " <trouble_445@y...>



> What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

> I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a fungal

> infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

> path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help with

> inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and don't

> stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting worse

> not better and I have been out of my work place for over two months

> (where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???

I have been on inhalers for most of my life, so yes, I understand. I found a

post on info

and side effects of terbutaline, which I will post. But in short, anything

that is going to

open up your lungs is like adrenaline, which causes the shaking after say,

an accident, or

something else that naturally causes an adrenaline surge in the body. If it

doesn't do that

in some degree, then it is likely a steroid, which, in my experience is

likely to make

everyting much much worse in the fungal dept. Some of them are better than

others about

the shaking. If you have never been on an inhaler before, it can make you

cough worse for

a few minutes (not hours) as the lungs express their insult over being

sprayed. But it

should get better after a few minutes. Like 15 at the most. If it makes you

worse, STOP

TAKING IT. You can call the doc for a different inhaler, there are many many

I only use inhalers when absolutely necessary, and NEVER steroid ones. I

have severe side

effects from them.

And PLEASE rethink your idea that the doctors know best what is good for you

YOU are

the only one that lives in your skin, and they often don't know the side

effects of the meds

they prescribe. I have more luck on that score with the nurses, or the


They have handy little reference books that they are happy to refer to and

call you back.

I have been damaged over and over by docs who thought they knew what they

were doing,

and disregarded what I told them about how MY body operates, which is

slightly different

than others.

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Dear ,

I have not been able to follow this whole conversation. I had problems with

my computer this last week, but hopefully it's fixed now.

It may have already been mentioned but I would like to make a comment.

We were also exposed to mold. My daughter (10)developed a horrible cough,

and would get the shakes too. I assume from coughing so much. We had

several lung x-rays done. All showed her lungs were fine.Then last year she

was re-exposed in a classroom. It got sooo bad she would puke from the

gagging due to the uncontrollable cough. I took her to children's hospital

and insisted that her lungs were not fine. They did a series of tests.

Concluded it was asthma. Gave her inhalers. 2 different ones. They assured

me there were no side effects. Well, I like you did much research and came

here to get feedback. Then decided to start her on them. Everytime she

would take them, she would quit breathing all together. It was very scary.

I called the doctor and he said that does not happen. I told him what I had

found out about the inhalers and he hung up on me. We went to another

specialist and he said she only had 38% lung capacity, the inhalers would

save her life. I told him what happened when she was on them. He looked at

me like I was crazy.

Well, she has been off of them for almost a year. With the help of many

here I have learned what triggers her asthma and keep her away from those

things. She has not had an attack since January. Breathes perfectly now.

Can run like a normal child, play like one too. Not everyone is as lucky as

we are, but it has worked wonders for us. Just keeping her in a mold free

environment, keeping dust to a minimum, encapsulating her pillows and

bedding, using good filters, and so forth.

You will get tons of help and knowledge here. I thank them everyday, for

all of their help.

Good luck to you.

[] Re: Inhalers? Any good? Anyone?




>> What a bad day! Doctor put me on inhalers,

>> I asked him if I should be on them as I am SURE that I have a fungal

>> infection in my lungs. The inhalers are Terbutaline to open up the

>> path ways in my lungs and Budesonide which is supposed to help with

>> inflammation in my lungs. Boy, I start shaking and coughing and don't

>> stop for hours. What is going on????? My breathing is getting worse

>> not better and I have been out of my work place for over two months

>> (where I got sick!!)Anyone got any advice???



> I have been on inhalers for most of my life, so yes, I understand. I found

> a

> post on info

> and side effects of terbutaline, which I will post. But in short, anything

> that is going to

> open up your lungs is like adrenaline, which causes the shaking after say,

> an accident, or

> something else that naturally causes an adrenaline surge in the body. If

> it

> doesn't do that

> in some degree, then it is likely a steroid, which, in my experience is

> likely to make

> everyting much much worse in the fungal dept. Some of them are better than

> others about

> the shaking. If you have never been on an inhaler before, it can make you

> cough worse for

> a few minutes (not hours) as the lungs express their insult over being

> sprayed. But it

> should get better after a few minutes. Like 15 at the most. If it makes

> you

> worse, STOP

> TAKING IT. You can call the doc for a different inhaler, there are many

> many



> I only use inhalers when absolutely necessary, and NEVER steroid ones. I

> have severe side

> effects from them.


> And PLEASE rethink your idea that the doctors know best what is good for

> you

> YOU are

> the only one that lives in your skin, and they often don't know the side

> effects of the meds

> they prescribe. I have more luck on that score with the nurses, or the

> nurse-practitioners.

> They have handy little reference books that they are happy to refer to and

> call you back.


> I have been damaged over and over by docs who thought they knew what they

> were doing,

> and disregarded what I told them about how MY body operates, which is

> slightly different

> than others.












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I didn't have much luck with the inhalers. One problem for me was

inhalers can cause yeast infections on the tongue. It says it on most

of the inhalers to rinse your mouth after inhaling cuz it can cause

thrush which is yeast. But I got it anyway with all the antibiotics

and inhalers, plus I am allergic to the yeast.

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For the past year, I have been using a mini-nebulizer

with Albuterol to open up my passage ways, and I also

have an Albuterol inhaler to carry with me, in case

I'm out, and can't get to my mini-neb.

Using the Albuterol helps my breathing, but at times,

it makes my heart race, and also makes me very shaky

for hours afterwards, which I find to be very scary.

But, if I want to breathe, I have to put up with the

side effects.

Before giving me the Albuterol, the doctor gave me an

Advair disc, but I was afraid to use that, because it

has Seravent in it.

I know all too well about the achy bones/joints, and

being exhausted all the time.

Hope this is of some help to you.

Barb E.

--- trouble_445 <trouble_445@...> wrote:

If anyone has any advice about inhalers, please

> speak up! I need your

> input!


> SW


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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