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Re: Re: Does anybody ever had this happen

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I had the same experience many times. I would stand in my classroom and my

head would spin & I would feel off balance. I had temp changes a lot and at

times my teeth would just chatter. I had horrible itchy crawly skin without a

rash but many in my school did. My symptoms were different every day but no

day was symptom free!


Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home

even though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started

shaking all over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me.


when I got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My

symptoms vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest

feels ok. I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't

found a new job yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...

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in today's world New Buildings are worse than the old Something in the Air-

Condition don't take my word investigate if you see black substance around the

air vents you see that you are in trouble.

As I say Don't take my word there are Churches I can not inter the list goes on.


[] Re: Does anybody ever had this happen

Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home

even though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started shaking

all over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me. Then when

I got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My symptoms

vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest feels ok.

I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't found a new job

yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...


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Our building was built in the 50's I think. All I can see is dirt/dust on the

air vents, but they are covered with the vent so I can't see in them very good.

Our returns are disgustingly caked in dust/dirt.

elvira52 <Elvira52@...> wrote:in today's world New Buildings are worse

than the old Something in the Air- Condition don't take my word investigate if

you see black substance around the air vents you see that you are in trouble.

As I say Don't take my word there are Churches I can not inter the list goes on.


[] Re: Does anybody ever had this happen

Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home

even though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started shaking

all over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me. Then when

I got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My symptoms

vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest feels ok.

I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't found a new job

yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...


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Sue, That sounds exactly like me. My teeth chatter I feel nervous. Sometimes

my skin just itches with no rash, but today I had a small red rash on one hand.

I can't believe the CDC says there isn't any proof that mold causes these

problems for sure...Are you still in the bad environment and are you on any


ssr3351@... wrote:I had the same experience many times. I would stand in my

classroom and my

head would spin & I would feel off balance. I had temp changes a lot and at

times my teeth would just chatter. I had horrible itchy crawly skin without a

rash but many in my school did. My symptoms were different every day but no

day was symptom free!


Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home

even though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started

shaking all over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me.


when I got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My

symptoms vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest

feels ok. I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't

found a new job yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...

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Pray the old system is still in place each time a door opens this Toxin goes

into the air outside some places the Parking lot is a danger.


[] Re: Does anybody ever had this happen

Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home

even though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started shaking

all over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me. Then when

I got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My symptoms

vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest feels ok.

I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't found a new job

yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...


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about Government agencies most of them Money talks even if it's hurting them and

their own kids they call it BULL walks Knowing the real dangers!?. Pain also

talk but not as good as Bull.....


Re: [] Re: Does anybody ever had this happen

Sue, That sounds exactly like me. My teeth chatter I feel nervous. Sometimes

my skin just itches with no rash, but today I had a small red rash on one hand.

I can't believe the CDC says there isn't any proof that mold causes these

problems for sure...Are you still in the bad environment and are you on any


ssr3351@... wrote:I had the same experience many times. I would stand in

my classroom and my

head would spin & I would feel off balance. I had temp changes a lot and at

times my teeth would just chatter. I had horrible itchy crawly skin without


rash but many in my school did. My symptoms were different every day but no

day was symptom free!


Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home

even though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started

shaking all over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me.


when I got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My

symptoms vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest

feels ok. I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't

found a new job yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...

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I'm out of the school and have been a patienht of Dr. DShoemaker's for

almost 2 yrs. I take CSM twice a day, another for circulation, one for a high


level, and Procrit every 5th day. I am feeling sooooooooooooo much better

than I was this time 2 yrs. ago. I was so sicki I can only say I felt like I was

dying!!!!! Order Dr. Shoemaker's book it will exploain everything you need

to know about a toxic illness. You'll see your name on almost every



Sue, That sounds exactly like me. My teeth chatter I feel nervous.

Sometimes my skin just itches with no rash, but today I had a small red rash on


hand. I can't believe the CDC says there isn't any proof that mold causes

these problems for sure...Are you still in the bad environment and are you on

any medication?

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Dear Laurie,

The symptoms you describe where happening to me on a daily basis and ended in

two emergency visits and pneumonia like symptoms. I was put on a z-pack. When

you talk about driving when sick with mold illness that what was really

beginning to scare me. I was so spaced out while behind the wheel. One day while

waiting behind another car for traffic to move my foot slipped on to the gas

peddle and I hit the guy behind me. (have never done that before or since) I

just drove on in my stupor and he pulled in behind me at the grocery store. He

said " did you know you hit me? " I said yes but was to sick to really care and

thank goodness he did'nt bother to pursue it. There are many dangers when you

are mold sick. Like you see on this site over and over you need to get out of

the environment and a lot of the dizziness, fatigue cold like symptoms will go

away eventually.

I went to the U.S. Congress site yesterday as sugested on this site and clicked

on " whose watching the hen house " Hurricane Katrina article and wrote to my

congress and senators because this is costing the states and government money.

They paid for 37 visits to the doctors and 2 emergency room visits while I was

living with mold under my carpet.

Get out of your place when ever possible. I wish I new about this site then and

someone had told me....it would of saved me from over a year of illness,

frustration, and depression.

Good Luck....Skye

laurie young <weimarschnauzerluver@...> wrote:

Friday when I was leaving work I got really dizzy felt drunk. I drove home even

though I probably shouldn't have. I then on the way home started shaking all

over like I had chills, but I wasn't cold. It really scared me. Then when I

got home I got nauseated. I layed down for a while then felt ok. My symptoms

vary from day to day. Today I just had the itching and rash. Chest feels ok.

I really wish I could get out of this environment, but I haven't found a new job

yet and I can't afford to quit. SOOOO frustrating...


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