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Re: Re[2]: Re: Mold Testing

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Pat gave you some excellent advice. My firm diagnosis to exposure to toxic mold

was not detected or confirmed until I had the antibody titer blood tests done

for Stachybotrys and Aspergillos, as well as a CAT Scan of my Lungs which showed

Actelectasis of the lungs, Interstitial Lung Disease, and a tear of the Aorta at

the root of the Aorta.

The best tests which stand up in legal situations and are considered to be the

most accurate and reliable are CAT Scans and MRI's.

Yanni in California

Re[2]: [] Re: Mold Testing

Sue, I went through the same thing. Thought the SOB was my heart. Doc

sent me for echocardiogram where I found out my heart was fine.

However, the problem was interstitial lung disease - discovered

through CT scan.


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


sac> Hi Flip, Some of your symptoms are very similar to my story. I was

taken to

sac> hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I had shortness of


sac> racing heart, my heart felt like it was skipping beats, numbness and


sac> They performed tests in the ER but they were negative for a heart


sac> Drs. were really stumped SO they decided I needed a Heart Cath!!!! The

sac> procedure was done the next day and it proved that my heart was in


sac> condition. Returned to my Family Dr. who decided it must be stress & was

given an

sac> antidepressant!! To make a long story short I didn't have ANY heart

problems BUT

sac> I do have a toxic illness from exposure to the mold in my school!

sac> I am a patient of Dr. Shoemaker and I also recommend that you take the


sac> test at _www.chronicneurotoxins.com_ (http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com)


sac> It's only $8.95 and highly accurate!! You will get instant results and

is used

sac> as a first screening for toxins in your system. If you have any


sac> taking it just let me know I'll be happy to walk you through it.

sac> Sue

sac> But I have since noticed that these

sac> symptom's might be common with other family members. After four days

sac> in the hospital it was discovered I had Heart flutter, my heart was

sac> out of rythym?. I was treated, with my heart now in rythym and

sac> wearing a heart monitor but not all the symptoms are gone. I am

sac> wondering if this might have more to do with (possible) mold.

sac> Just trying to cover all the bases. Sorry to be so long winded but as

sac> I mentioned, I am short of breath, lol. Kidding, only kidding, smile.

sac> Thanks;

sac> Flip;


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What is Actelectasis of the lungs and Interstitial of the lungs.

I was diagnosed with Granulomatous of the lungs and body. ( Fungi growing in the

body and the body produces hard shells over the fungi and it calcifies.(sp?).

Would it be related to yours or just another name for the same thing?



" Dr. Yanni Zack " <drzack@...> wrote:


Pat gave you some excellent advice. My firm diagnosis to exposure to toxic mold

was not detected or confirmed until I had the antibody titer blood tests done

for Stachybotrys and Aspergillos, as well as a CAT Scan of my Lungs which showed

Actelectasis of the lungs, Interstitial Lung Disease, and a tear of the Aorta at

the root of the Aorta.

The best tests which stand up in legal situations and are considered to be the

most accurate and reliable are CAT Scans and MRI's.

Yanni in California

Re[2]: [] Re: Mold Testing

Sue, I went through the same thing. Thought the SOB was my heart. Doc

sent me for echocardiogram where I found out my heart was fine.

However, the problem was interstitial lung disease - discovered

through CT scan.


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


sac> Hi Flip, Some of your symptoms are very similar to my story. I was

taken to

sac> hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I had shortness of


sac> racing heart, my heart felt like it was skipping beats, numbness and


sac> They performed tests in the ER but they were negative for a heart


sac> Drs. were really stumped SO they decided I needed a Heart Cath!!!! The

sac> procedure was done the next day and it proved that my heart was in


sac> condition. Returned to my Family Dr. who decided it must be stress & was

given an

sac> antidepressant!! To make a long story short I didn't have ANY heart

problems BUT

sac> I do have a toxic illness from exposure to the mold in my school!

sac> I am a patient of Dr. Shoemaker and I also recommend that you take the


sac> test at _www.chronicneurotoxins.com_ (http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com)


sac> It's only $8.95 and highly accurate!! You will get instant results and

is used

sac> as a first screening for toxins in your system. If you have any


sac> taking it just let me know I'll be happy to walk you through it.

sac> Sue

sac> But I have since noticed that these

sac> symptom's might be common with other family members. After four days

sac> in the hospital it was discovered I had Heart flutter, my heart was

sac> out of rythym?. I was treated, with my heart now in rythym and

sac> wearing a heart monitor but not all the symptoms are gone. I am

sac> wondering if this might have more to do with (possible) mold.

sac> Just trying to cover all the bases. Sorry to be so long winded but as

sac> I mentioned, I am short of breath, lol. Kidding, only kidding, smile.

sac> Thanks;

sac> Flip;


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Actlectasis of the Lungs means that the 1) the Lungs have collapsed, and 2) that

the small alveoli at the bottom of the Lungs- i.e. the " Lung Filters " have been

destroyed. This makes it difficult to breathe, requires oxygen, and also makes

me susceptible to infections/pneumonia.

Interstitial Lung Disease is where the tissue between the air sacs of the lungs

is affected by Scarring or Fibrosis (I have scarring of the Lungs Bilaterally-

Both Lungs)- and both lung air sacs become brittle or stiff.

Interstitial Lung Disease is also called Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis.

No cure- the only way to correct the damage to the Lungs is to have a full

double lung transplant operation.

Here is a good source for information about the Lungs and Lung Diseases:

www.lungusa.org American Lung Association Website.


Re[2]: [] Re: Mold Testing

Sue, I went through the same thing. Thought the SOB was my heart. Doc

sent me for echocardiogram where I found out my heart was fine.

However, the problem was interstitial lung disease - discovered

through CT scan.


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


sac> Hi Flip, Some of your symptoms are very similar to my story. I was

taken to

sac> hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I had shortness of


sac> racing heart, my heart felt like it was skipping beats, numbness and


sac> They performed tests in the ER but they were negative for a heart


sac> Drs. were really stumped SO they decided I needed a Heart Cath!!!!


sac> procedure was done the next day and it proved that my heart was in


sac> condition. Returned to my Family Dr. who decided it must be stress &

was given an

sac> antidepressant!! To make a long story short I didn't have ANY heart

problems BUT

sac> I do have a toxic illness from exposure to the mold in my school!

sac> I am a patient of Dr. Shoemaker and I also recommend that you take

the VCS

sac> test at _www.chronicneurotoxins.com_

(http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com) .

sac> It's only $8.95 and highly accurate!! You will get instant results and

is used

sac> as a first screening for toxins in your system. If you have any


sac> taking it just let me know I'll be happy to walk you through it.

sac> Sue

sac> But I have since noticed that these

sac> symptom's might be common with other family members. After four days

sac> in the hospital it was discovered I had Heart flutter, my heart was

sac> out of rythym?. I was treated, with my heart now in rythym and

sac> wearing a heart monitor but not all the symptoms are gone. I am

sac> wondering if this might have more to do with (possible) mold.

sac> Just trying to cover all the bases. Sorry to be so long winded but as

sac> I mentioned, I am short of breath, lol. Kidding, only kidding, smile.

sac> Thanks;

sac> Flip;


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