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Re[2]: Re: Mold Testing

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Sue, I went through the same thing. Thought the SOB was my heart. Doc

sent me for echocardiogram where I found out my heart was fine.

However, the problem was interstitial lung disease - discovered

through CT scan.


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


sac> Hi Flip, Some of your symptoms are very similar to my story. I was taken


sac> hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I had shortness of breath,

sac> racing heart, my heart felt like it was skipping beats, numbness and


sac> They performed tests in the ER but they were negative for a heart attack!

sac> Drs. were really stumped SO they decided I needed a Heart Cath!!!! The

sac> procedure was done the next day and it proved that my heart was in


sac> condition. Returned to my Family Dr. who decided it must be stress & was

given an

sac> antidepressant!! To make a long story short I didn't have ANY heart

problems BUT

sac> I do have a toxic illness from exposure to the mold in my school!

sac> I am a patient of Dr. Shoemaker and I also recommend that you take the


sac> test at _www.chronicneurotoxins.com_ (http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com) .

sac> It's only $8.95 and highly accurate!! You will get instant results and is


sac> as a first screening for toxins in your system. If you have any problems

sac> taking it just let me know I'll be happy to walk you through it.

sac> Sue

sac> But I have since noticed that these

sac> symptom's might be common with other family members. After four days

sac> in the hospital it was discovered I had Heart flutter, my heart was

sac> out of rythym?. I was treated, with my heart now in rythym and

sac> wearing a heart monitor but not all the symptoms are gone. I am

sac> wondering if this might have more to do with (possible) mold.

sac> Just trying to cover all the bases. Sorry to be so long winded but as

sac> I mentioned, I am short of breath, lol. Kidding, only kidding, smile.

sac> Thanks;

sac> Flip;


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