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Re: Toxic Mold on Fox and the Boston Globe

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and hopefully in Mr.

Rodger's case, directly into jail.) I must add and others.



Toxic Mold


Thank you for calling. Here are a few websites with Government reports and

news stories. At the end is our story. I am faxing you some documents that I

mention in our story. We need help. Please!

Ken Moulton















http://adserver.trb.com/html.ng/site=latimes & adtype=popwindow & channel=popups & a








I am attaching a photo of a small portion of the Stachybotrys Toxic Mold f

rom our home. By the way, did you read what had on her web site? Did you

take the opportunity to view my forum postings on Massachusetts Corruption on

the Boston Herald? So far, over 12 thousand hits on my posting.

Ken Moulton

Subj: Re: Toxic Mold Date: 10/15/2005 5:19:31 P.M. Central Daylight Time

From: _KENHMOULTON_ (mailto:KENHMOULTON) _b_daley@..._

(mailto:b_daley@...) CC: _lisa@..._


A final thought. I find it amazing that the Globe is doing a story on the

Toxic Mold and destruction, in the Gulf Coast area, that was caused by


I don't understand why the Globe has ignored the same destruction in

Massachusetts from Toxic Mold? My Family, and many others, were effected.

I guess the difference is that to report on the Massachusetts issue you have

to explain that it was caused by the open and wanton corruption of

government officials and employees at the local, county and state level. It is

so much

easier to blame Nature instead of the corruption of men.

Ken Moulton

Subj: Fwd: Toxic Mold on Housecall Date: 10/16/2005 11:02:37 A.M.

Central Daylight Time From: _KENHMOULTON_ (mailto:KENHMOULTON) To:

_housecall@..._ (mailto:housecall@...)

Fox News advertises as being the " Fair and Balanced " station. I challenge

Fox to live up to your advertising on this issue. Your presentation could


been scripted by lawyers for insurance companies, that is how bias it was. I

am willing to speak on the issue, using medical and government facts and

reports, on the issue of Toxic Mold, remediation and how it is caused and how


prevent it. I will also speak about the Legislation I have submitted across

the nation on the issue.

Ken Moulton


Forwarded Message:

Subj: Toxic Mold on Housecall Date: 10/16/2005 10:47:41 A.M. Central

Daylight Time From: _KENHMOULTON_ (mailto:KENHMOULTON) To:

_housecall@..._ (mailto:housecall@...)

I listened to Dr. Rosenfeld and his discussion on Toxic Mold this morning.

He used the same talking points that are used by the Insurance companies in

their court cases fighting those ill from Toxic Mold. I know because my Family

lost our health, home and possessions to Toxic Mold. In money we lost over 750

thousand dollars.

He confused your listeners by mixing mold and Toxic Mold. This is like

comparing apples and oranges. It seems he did no research on the issue other


read media and insurance company reports.

Let us start with the worst Toxic Mold of all Stachybotrys atra. The US Army

Doctors at FT Dietrich land call it a biological weapon and said the

Russians used it in the 1980's in Afghanistan. It took too long to work and

didn't effect everybody the same. When it dries it becomes airborne like it's

cousin Anthrax. This is what is in New Orleans.

Several children in Cleveland died from prolonged exposure to high levels of

" Stachy " in the 1990's. The CDC rejected the findings as being a real study

because not enough cases were examined. Did more kids have to die to make the

tests reliable?

The CDC paid the NIH to do a Toxic Mold study a few years ago. I sent much

information, offered my Family's medical records and our home to be used in


study. We, and thousands of other Toxic Mold sufferers were ignored. I knew

the " study " was a whitewash from the beginning when they named Dr. Harriet

Burge of Harvard to be the Chair. She is a known defense expert witness for

insurance companies in Toxic Mold cases across the country and in Canada. Dr.

Burge stepped down, mysteriously, after I filed a complaint with Dr.


of the CDC. Read what I sent.

October 10, 2002

Dr. Louise Gerberding

Director, Public Health Service

Department of Health & Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Atlanta, GA 30333

Dear Dr. Gerberding;

I received, today, your attached response to my inquires of President Bush co

ncerning the severe health issues of my family, and many other Americans,

created by Toxic Mold, specifically Stachybotrys atra. I am saddened to hear

that the CDC " does not currently have any ongoing studies of residences or

individuals that involve mold " .

After reading many Doctors and Medical reports from across the Nation that

have discussed the possibility that Stachybotrys atra may have been

responsible in the death of Children, I thought that the CDC would have begun

a study

some years ago. You mention the CDC is " currently developing an agenda for

research, service, and education related to molds " . While the bureaucracy

expands, Americans continue to suffer.

You further mention that the CDC " is funding the Institute of Medicine (IOM)

to evaluate the relationship between damp or moldy indoor environments and

the manifestation of adverse health effects " . Is this the study that is being

chaired by Dr. Harriet Burge of Harvard University?

It is my understanding that Dr. Burge has been a witness in court cases in

which she has testified that Toxic Mold is no big deal. I understand that she

made these types of statements as a defense witness. Are you aware of these

possible issues? If these statements are correct would she not have to recuse

herself from these studies due to a potential for a conflict of interest?

If this is the study, I contacted them several months ago at the site they

said to send correspondence to. I told them of our health conditions from the

Toxic Mold in our home. I asked that I be allowed to speak when they have

open hearings. I offered our Government our home and our family to use as test

subjects of the causes and effects of toxic Mold.

Does it surprise you that this group never bothered to respond to me? How

much of our tax dollars are being paid to fund this study? As an American, do


not have the right to present my comments before this forum? As an extension

of our Government, they are being paid with tax money, do they not owe me a


Has the CDC discussed the issues of Toxic Mold with Military Doctor's at Ft.

Dietrich land? It is my understanding that they have already done

clinical research and have determined that Stachybotrys atra is a major


threat to people. Would not the CDC defer to the study of our Nation's


Their only interest is to protect American citizens. The do not play politics

with the lives of Americans.

I find hope in your statement that " we do know that exposure to high levels

of mold may cause some illnesses in susceptible people " . Your next statement,

“because molds can be harmful to some people, it is important to maintain

buildings, prevent water damage and mold growth, and clean up moldy

materials "

is correct.

If we clean up the Stachybotrys atra but fail to stop the issues, materials

or people that have caused it, we are fighting a health battle that cannot be

won. Would you not agree?

Yours Truly,

Ken Moulton

38 Hawser Bend

<ã颵á‡èŠ»ê¨€ë´€à¯Žå™“۷?譗Ѿ੷譟廎沔>Centerville, MA


For your next news story, I am attaching a photo of a small piece of the

Stachybotrys that was in our home. The experts said the levels were ten times

higher than what the CDC allowed. We hired the same Texas firm that did the

Toxic Mold work for then Governor Bush in the Texas Governors Mansion in


Texas taxpayers paid about 500 thousand dollars to do the Governors Mansion.

I am also enclosing my Toxic Mold Legislation that nobody in Washington

seems interested in because it does not bail out the Insurance companies like


proposed legislation by Congressman Conyers. I sent my bill to DC long

before Conyers had his written and submitted.

If you want to report on Toxic Mold use somebody that has knowledge of it

such as Dr. Eckardt Johanning of NY. He is our Doctor and the CDC had him


their Toxic Mold remediation for schools. If you want more info, contact me.

Ken Moulton

Here is the web connection for the post I have on the Boston Herald Forum -



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