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Re: FW: Digest Number 2662

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Gil -

I would never presume to argue HVAC maintenance with you. But your recipe for

people makes no sense. If you wait until 20-25% of the people are ill, you

waited wayyyy too long. And the part about re-exposing people is not only wrong,

but dangerous. For one thing, those who have gone sufficiently toxic will NOT

get well simply by leaving the area, as many here can attest. That particular

piece of advice has been abused (I have personally seen this happen) to

re-expose vulnerable people to a sick building to their detriment. " Oh! You

didn't get well when you were out of here, therefore the mold in the building

couldn't possibly be the problem! " What NIOSH knows about mycotoxicocis, you

can put on the head of pin and still have plenty of room for a few angels to

dance. I wouldn't pass their advice to someone I truly hated.

From another coalmine canary,




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