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Re: Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

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The neurologist performed an MRI (negative) EEG, QEEG, VEP and BESP to make

the diagnosis. On the one hand this diagnosis has a lot of weight to the

health insurance companies… when I applied for health insurance they stated

I was uninsurable due to “toxic encephalopathy” however when the long term

disability carrier and work comp carrier look at the same diagnosis they

state that nothing is wrong with me…

So this diagnosis has not helped me to regain my health at all…

Bob Badalucco

[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Boy I sure feel I have toxin encephalopathy, or just plain brain

fog. How did neurologist determine that? When I mention anything

mold here doctors and other people think I'm being funny.

--- In , " babaluk2001 " <babaluk@c...>



> I've been to see dr. robbins (www.allergycenter.com) several times

> over the years to treat me for mold and mycotoxin exposure. He


> able to provide the initial diagnosis by testing for mold and

> mycotoxin antibody exposure however was not able to provide a

> treatment plan. We tried several antifungals and a long course of

> allergy shots. No help at all. I am still searching for a


> physician for treatment.


> He referred me to a neurologst who provided a diagnosis of toxic

> encephalopathy however the neuro also had no treatment plan.



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I love Dr. Robbins he has been very good to me I told him I was going to put the

name of the shot on line so that others if they had used it could tell me how it

worked for them. he's cool with me he's also a poet I live that about him he

also follow shoemaker I think they are friends and I did say I think. we just

had a very bad storm I just got my lights back about 5 min. ago I wasn't feeling

well I had when I sent the email out below. Florida got hit bad and no one of

the radio are telling people nothing about mold I lost my phone lights cell

but that was fine with me for those few days. Lots of damage water roofs cars

you have to see it to believe it no gas but it seem after Bush showed up

today things started to really move HUmmmmmmmm.

I think Doctor Robbins is a good doctor that is if you are able to do what he

tells you in my case I have to go places I can't inter and that's what makes it

hard for him to really help me. Like MRI X Ray and so on he doesn't have this in

his office he has so many books on MCS and he's really into this illness he

keeps me going and I can't do all that he needs me to do because of my special

needs. and what happen to me at Broward General Hospital last year, People will

do any thing to keep us from knowing about this problem,some of you know my

story many don't. I'm Loud and they do thing to shut me up,so it makes a target

they want to sale this homes knowing the big problem lets see if you hear any

thing about Mold coming out of Florida. It's a Nest of Toxins and Mold years of

it many Hurricanes worth of it and not warning people of the dangers of water

damage the list goes on.

I won't get into the NEWLY Built Buildings Oh What tangle




[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

I've been to see dr. robbins (www.allergycenter.com) several times

over the years to treat me for mold and mycotoxin exposure. He was

able to provide the initial diagnosis by testing for mold and

mycotoxin antibody exposure however was not able to provide a

treatment plan. We tried several antifungals and a long course of

allergy shots. No help at all. I am still searching for a suitable

physician for treatment.

He referred me to a neurologst who provided a diagnosis of toxic

encephalopathy however the neuro also had no treatment plan.


> Hello All,



> Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm not

feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com need to

know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people With MCS?



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Here I was simply asking a question about a shot called Glutathione, My Doctor

is and Environmentalist Dr. Robbins a very Good Doctor and Poet. I told him I

was going to ask you all have anyone used Glutathione shot Doctor Robbins is a

big fan of Mold Warrior my copy of the book comes from Dr. Robbins.

www.allergycenter.com sorry babluk2001. but I feel if a doctor doesn't work for

one doesn't mean he can't help others. he does what he can for me and has been

very kind I'm a long story so I will leave that alone if any one have any

information about the shot please let me know my Insurance doesn't take care of

it. and I'm on a fix income and will keep seeing Doctor Robbins. He's a Good man

and Doctor you just have to follow his instructions.



[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Boy I sure feel I have toxin encephalopathy, or just plain brain

fog. How did neurologist determine that? When I mention anything

mold here doctors and other people think I'm being funny.

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> >

> > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm not

> feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com need


> know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people With


> >

> >

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I can only answer a part of your question, but I will try. There are some people

who have been interested in using glutathione to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

for some time now. (I have actually tried undenatured whey myself some time ago

and I cannot tolerate the stuff.)

I had the opportunity to ask Shoemaker about this. It seemed to me that low

glutathione is only a downstream effect of low MSH. Shoemaker confirmed this. I

also asked if giving glutathione was not removing the solution several degrees

from the real problem. (Like saying you have low thyroid, so use a blanket.)

Shoemaker agreed to this proposition as well. The problem, however, is the FDA.

They will not approve MSH for general human use. Nothing is expected to happen

with that until 2009 - and even then, the people I heard it from are only

interested in injectible MSH as a sunless tanning agent. There may be more

information on that subject available somewhere, but I don't have it. I know

there are some people working on it.

As I see it now, MSH does a whole lot more than control glutathione. It acts as

a catalyst and controller for the whole range of hormones in the body. It might

be necessary to compensate in various ways for its loss while looking for a real

solution, but I don't feel this is anything but a finger in a very wobbly dike.

There isn't a physician or a pharmaceuticals company on the planet that can

follow me around all day every day, and reasonably or safely do for me what my

body will do for itself in terms of cyclical adjustments and all the delicate

balance of hormones against one another, given half a chance. ACTH is only one

thing. What about ADH, cortisol, estrogen, thyroid, etc.? The rest of it is all

very interesting, and I'm glad they're able to help me out - but it ain't the

holy grail. Not by a long shot. For that, I need MSH. (And since I apparently

can't make my own, I need to get it someplace else - just as soon as the FDA

stops doing me all these big favors and protecting

me from myself. Carl Grimes just made some wonderful points about protectionism

vs. personal responsibility.)

I do not really try to rectify the Environmental doctors' model with

Shoemaker's. All I ever hear on that front is more about allergies and

immunotherapy. It's two entirely different problems with two entirely different

approaches. Since I'm not allergic and my problem isn't one of immunity, I leave

that stuff to the people who do have those kinds of problems and can speak from

some experience with it.

urbanpinetrees3 <urbanpinetrees3@...> wrote:


I recently read about the Biotoxin Pathway in " Mold Warrior " . I was

wondering how the terminology that Shoemakers uses fits in with the

terminology used by Environmental Doctors. At first blush, it

sounds like being low in Glutathione would be similar to being low

in MSH. Has anyone tried to reconcile the language used in these

two approaches to describing the debilitating effects of mold on the

body. Is the effect of low MSH similar to the effect of low GSH in

that one becomes less able to detoxify chemicals as well as



> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > >

> > > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm


> > feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com


> to

> > know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people


> MCS?

> > >

> > >

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Thank You for the Answer I'm very ILL from Toxin one Doctor told me he couldn't

believe what he see I'm and enemy Of HUD Housing where My Illness began. they

have perpetrated fraud on my credit cut off my meds for 1 month I was Evicted by

Mold by the end of each year from 2000 seeking to get out of Boca Raton HUD

Housing. I was very healthy and now I can hardly do and email or think strait

The Hurricane many no lights I got mine back 4 days ago I sent this email out

ASAP. and so on, many are disable like myself or elders Children this is what I

tried to do but couldn't I was able to do three days because all I had to do was

drive up and get my car full with what ever I could if I had no help I wouldn't

have been able to do a thing I tried hard to help. I need to get help soon I'm

also dealing with Chronic pain. and I'm a target because I protest on corners

for years went to the Commissioners To Mr. Bush. to wake people up on the

subject of Mold and Toxins all the way from Miami to DC with my sign Wingate &

Baby Wingate Fort Lauderdale TOXIC Sites


Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:05 PM

OH Yes I had no lights windows shaking no phone Cell wasn't working until

yesterday I just got lights about 3 min.ago my mail is still down loading first

thing I did was run for my computer . Gas thank God I keep my tank full each

time it get on half I run to get someone to put gas for me I can't go into

stories gas stations most buildings the list goes on. Bush showed up and

then all of a sudden lights gas it seem every thing starting going right. except

no one is warning people that was floored about mold, Broward got the eye trees

on top of cars homes lights out over half the state. If the people only know the

truth we had a curfew 7 Pm to 5 AM now it's 9 PM to 5 I would say much like

Katrina except for the Floored Homes half full of water. but many homes need

roof work done, Light polls broken in half in many places Concert polls at that.

thank God it hit doing the day people couldn't get water or Ice until 2 days

later I'm A ,OK thank God. thank you so much

it wasn't bad for me I was prepared and I think God it was cool I just started

to worry because it's getting hot I never use AC mine has a toxin in it so I

have 3 fans around my bed at all times and some time that isn't good enough. but

just as it started getting hot I just prayed and it seem Min. later the lights

come on and I pray they stay on .

God bless You

urbanpinetrees3 Thank You again I don't send that much it hard to sat online

long Pain Neck injury and 4 back injuries the Neck and two injuries a Miami

Beach Policeman did it because I was holding a sign long story.

I was wondering will this shot help me it only last about a week he said and it

$75.00 I will do what I have to but need to know what would others do in my




[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist


I recently read about the Biotoxin Pathway in " Mold Warrior " . I was

wondering how the terminology that Shoemakers uses fits in with the

terminology used by Environmental Doctors. At first blush, it

sounds like being low in Glutathione would be similar to being low

in MSH. Has anyone tried to reconcile the language used in these

two approaches to describing the debilitating effects of mold on the

body. Is the effect of low MSH similar to the effect of low GSH in

that one becomes less able to detoxify chemicals as well as



> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > >

> > > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm


> > feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com


> to

> > know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people


> MCS?

> > >

> > >

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I do glutathione shots every other day & it does help a little. If you are low I

think that is part of our problem. We cannot detox the mold & other things. Loni

elvira52 <Elvira52@...> wrote:Hello,

Here I was simply asking a question about a shot called Glutathione, My Doctor

is and Environmentalist Dr. Robbins a very Good Doctor and Poet. I told him I

was going to ask you all have anyone used Glutathione shot Doctor Robbins is a

big fan of Mold Warrior my copy of the book comes from Dr. Robbins.

www.allergycenter.com sorry babluk2001. but I feel if a doctor doesn't work for

one doesn't mean he can't help others. he does what he can for me and has been

very kind I'm a long story so I will leave that alone if any one have any

information about the shot please let me know my Insurance doesn't take care of

it. and I'm on a fix income and will keep seeing Doctor Robbins. He's a Good man

and Doctor you just have to follow his instructions.



[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Boy I sure feel I have toxin encephalopathy, or just plain brain

fog. How did neurologist determine that? When I mention anything

mold here doctors and other people think I'm being funny.

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> >

> > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm not

> feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com need


> know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people With


> >

> >

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Thank You I will see my Doctor and let him know but his is a once a week thing I

would be good for some Doctor that want to really help people if he can get me

well. Then you all will know what to do no more guessing nothings going to work

if we don't take care of the problem and if I was to Buy in the state of Florida

Buyer beware the environment here is worse then L.A was in the eighties. I have

to take a lot of Acidophilus this one has Pectin mix if I don't take it my feet

burn like they are on Fire.

The Last time I was Spread it took 2 Bottles of Liquid Acidophilus and half a

bottle of the Pills some one knows what this is making us so sick. and I will

keep telling you all To have the Air-Condition tested something in that milk ant


Again I thank You Loni


[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Boy I sure feel I have toxin encephalopathy, or just plain brain

fog. How did neurologist determine that? When I mention anything

mold here doctors and other people think I'm being funny.

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> >

> > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm not

> feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com need


> know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people With


> >

> >

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Oh Thank You Sue,

You just did, with your kind words, you gave me happy tears and more hope and I

think we all are inspirations to each other and it will blossom. I truly

believe in where there's a will there's a way.

My God bless You all as well, I couldn't do a thing with out you all.



Re: [] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Elvira, you are an inspiration to us all! God Bless You for all you do!!

I wish I lived closer so I could come help you out a little.


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I love the way you answered this just wish I could have a little more

understanding of things I try to read and write I also have Chronic Pain and I'm

a Target for someone they spray me with something. I'm trying to get my proof of

what I tell you in September they spread me so bad I couldn't see I had to see

and eye Doctor at first he wanted to say it was ACULAR. I haven't used that

since I went to see him now over a month he had 7 other Doctors look at my eye

he can't figure it out told me to see another Specialist and come back to him in

10 months Hummmmmmmmm.

I have called the Police about this many times I live Under HUD Housing because

of my disability the police they can't do a thing not equip I shall fine a way

to place car camera out side my window and I don't go to any meetings any

longer because of this. I know some may fine this hard to believe but one way or

another I will get the truth or die trying Peace be still.

Thank You again


Re: [] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

I can only answer a part of your question, but I will try. There are some

people who have been interested in using glutathione to treat Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome for some time now. (I have actually tried undenatured whey myself some

time ago and I cannot tolerate the stuff.)

I had the opportunity to ask Shoemaker about this. It seemed to me that low

glutathione is only a downstream effect of low MSH. Shoemaker confirmed this. I

also asked if giving glutathione was not removing the solution several degrees

from the real problem. (Like saying you have low thyroid, so use a blanket.)

Shoemaker agreed to this proposition as well. The problem, however, is the FDA.

They will not approve MSH for general human use. Nothing is expected to happen

with that until 2009 - and even then, the people I heard it from are only

interested in injectible MSH as a sunless tanning agent. There may be more

information on that subject available somewhere, but I don't have it. I know

there are some people working on it.

As I see it now, MSH does a whole lot more than control glutathione. It acts

as a catalyst and controller for the whole range of hormones in the body. It

might be necessary to compensate in various ways for its loss while looking for

a real solution, but I don't feel this is anything but a finger in a very wobbly

dike. There isn't a physician or a pharmaceuticals company on the planet that

can follow me around all day every day, and reasonably or safely do for me what

my body will do for itself in terms of cyclical adjustments and all the delicate

balance of hormones against one another, given half a chance. ACTH is only one

thing. What about ADH, cortisol, estrogen, thyroid, etc.? The rest of it is all

very interesting, and I'm glad they're able to help me out - but it ain't the

holy grail. Not by a long shot. For that, I need MSH. (And since I apparently

can't make my own, I need to get it someplace else - just as soon as the FDA

stops doing me all these big favors and protecting

me from myself. Carl Grimes just made some wonderful points about

protectionism vs. personal responsibility.)

I do not really try to rectify the Environmental doctors' model with

Shoemaker's. All I ever hear on that front is more about allergies and

immunotherapy. It's two entirely different problems with two entirely different

approaches. Since I'm not allergic and my problem isn't one of immunity, I leave

that stuff to the people who do have those kinds of problems and can speak from

some experience with it.

urbanpinetrees3 <urbanpinetrees3@...> wrote:


I recently read about the Biotoxin Pathway in " Mold Warrior " . I was

wondering how the terminology that Shoemakers uses fits in with the

terminology used by Environmental Doctors. At first blush, it

sounds like being low in Glutathione would be similar to being low

in MSH. Has anyone tried to reconcile the language used in these

two approaches to describing the debilitating effects of mold on the

body. Is the effect of low MSH similar to the effect of low GSH in

that one becomes less able to detoxify chemicals as well as



> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > >

> > > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm


> > feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com


> to

> > know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people


> MCS?

> > >

> > >

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I inject it myself, not the doctor. Loni

elvira52 <Elvira52@...> wrote:Loni,

Thank You I will see my Doctor and let him know but his is a once a week thing I

would be good for some Doctor that want to really help people if he can get me

well. Then you all will know what to do no more guessing nothings going to work

if we don't take care of the problem and if I was to Buy in the state of Florida

Buyer beware the environment here is worse then L.A was in the eighties. I have

to take a lot of Acidophilus this one has Pectin mix if I don't take it my feet

burn like they are on Fire.

The Last time I was Spread it took 2 Bottles of Liquid Acidophilus and half a

bottle of the Pills some one knows what this is making us so sick. and I will

keep telling you all To have the Air-Condition tested something in that milk ant


Again I thank You Loni


[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Boy I sure feel I have toxin encephalopathy, or just plain brain

fog. How did neurologist determine that? When I mention anything

mold here doctors and other people think I'm being funny.

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> >

> > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm not

> feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com need


> know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people With


> >

> >

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Thank You Lori

[] Re: Glutathione Environmentalist

Boy I sure feel I have toxin encephalopathy, or just plain brain

fog. How did neurologist determine that? When I mention anything

mold here doctors and other people think I'm being funny.

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> >

> > Any one hear of this (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine [GSH] I'm not

> feeling well for more information see www.Allergycenter.com need


> know what other Think about this Shot if any thing for people With


> >

> >

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