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Union: Public safety building unfit for Shores police officers

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Union: Public safety building unfit for Shores police officers


to mold

By Colleen Wixon

staff writer

November 1, 2005

Vero Beach,FL


INDIAN RIVER SHORES — Public Safety officers need a mobile unit to

keep them out of the town's Public Safety building while it is being

investigated for mold, union officials said Monday.

High levels of mold spores have been found in the upstairs barracks,

where officers sleep, and in the kitchen. Town officials have said

having shorter shifts will eliminate the need for officers to sleep

upstairs and be in the kitchen preparing food until the problem can

be resolved.

The 22 officers, who are triple-trained in law enforcement,

emergency medical response and fire rescue, have been switched from

24-hour shifts to eight-hour shifts after concerns about mold

exposure were raised.

But changing the shifts is not the solution, said Pat McGuire,

executive director of the Coastal Florida Police Benevolent


" The answer is not to limit the exposure, the answer is to eliminate

the exposure, " McGuire said.

McGuire said a mobile unit — which is similar to a portable

classroom — should be placed in the town until the mold is

remediated. This will get the officers out of the Public Safety

building completely.

At least three officers have sought medical treatment for

respiratory problems believed to be caused from mold in the

building. Seven to eight additional officers have called the union

about concerns, McGuire said.

Flagler Beach temporarily used a mobile unit for its officers until

mold issues in its building were resolved, McGuire said.

While the mobile unit was not an ideal working situation, " it was

clean air, " he said.

Town Manager Bradshaw said the town is looking into getting a

mobile unit, but that might be difficult because of the recent

hurricanes. Municipalities may need those units in South Florida.

" The intent of the town is to limit (officers') time in the

building, " Bradshaw said.

Town officials Monday discussed using the Community Center as a

temporary location for officers, Bradshaw said. However, that also

may be difficult because various groups use the center, he said.

Portable air purifiers may be installed in various places in the

Public Safety building, he said.

The town is now getting bids from air-conditioning contractors to

replace the current system, which is more than 25 years old,

Bradshaw said. A second air-quality company also is checking the

building for mold spores. Bradshaw said the town will have to get

bids for mold remediation if it is recommended.

One company, Registry Services of Vero Beach, already has

recommended mold remediation.

- colleen.wixon@...

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