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Re: Indoor Air Purifier

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I'm curious what air purifier you are referring to. Is it a HEPA? Or

is it some other new type of air purification system? If it's ozone,

don't bother.



> Are you using a home air purifier? I just purchased one from a


> of mine. I have had it for 3 months. I like it so far and have found

> that my allergy symptoms have improved. I was wondering what some of

> you may be using?


> Thanks,


> Tyg


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Hey KC,

Its not HEPA or Ozone. Its an Airsource 3000. My friend is a

distributor for the company. He let me demo it for a week. I was

impressed. I could tell a difference in just a few days. I was jut

curious what other people were using as I had never heard of this

particular purifier before. You could email him for a demo and a

video through his website if you want more information.

His website explains how it works. Im not a big techie, sorry.


Thanks for responding,


--- In , " tigerpaw2c " <tigerpaw2c@y...>



> Tyg,


> I'm curious what air purifier you are referring to. Is it a HEPA?


> is it some other new type of air purification system? If it's


> don't bother.


> KC


> --- In , " witygger " <dynarx@a...>


> >

> > Are you using a home air purifier? I just purchased one from a

> friend

> > of mine. I have had it for 3 months. I like it so far and have


> > that my allergy symptoms have improved. I was wondering what

some of

> > you may be using?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Tyg

> >


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You might want to question your friend a little more about this air

purifier. A purifier that does not have filters, but yet claims to

remove many forms of air pollution, how could this be? Have you

asked yourself this question? Either it would have to be an ionizer

or an ozone purifier. Now the term they use here Photohydroionization

I do believe is just another fancy word for ozone. Just recently

someone tried selling me one too and swore up and down that it did

not produce ozone. Look at the defination I provided you below.

People such as my family and many others that have to depend on

these machines to survive day to day normally do extensive research.

This is a Shaklee product for about $600-700. If it does not have a

hepa filter, it's almost a dead give away. It also states on the

Shaklee website do not use this product in an occupied area, that's

their warning. And if you go to the owners manuel/pdf file it tells

you that it produces low ozone. I suggest you return the product,

because this could be dangerous to your health.


The AirSource 3000 helps reduce all three of the major forms of air

pollution: particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and cigarette

smoke; microbes such as mold and bacteria; and gases and odors



Photohydroionization (also called PHI) is an Advanced Oxidation

Technology developed and owned by RGF Environmental

PHI is a combination of safe, low levels of ozone (well below

federal government recommendations), ultraviolet light and metal

ions that produce safe and friendly oxidizers that neutralize odors

and destroy airborne bacteria and mold.

> > >

> > > Are you using a home air purifier? I just purchased one from a

> > friend

> > > of mine. I have had it for 3 months. I like it so far and have

> found

> > > that my allergy symptoms have improved. I was wondering what

> some of

> > > you may be using?

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > > Tyg

> > >

> >


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